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Children trust people who lie to benefit othersGENYUE FU; HEYMAN, Gail D; GUOWEI CHEN et al.Journal of experimental child psychology (Print). 2015, Vol 129, pp 127-139, issn 0022-0965, 13 p.Article

Development of fraction concepts and procedures in U.S. and Chinese childrenBAILEY, Drew H; XINLIN ZHOU; YIYUN ZHANG et al.Journal of experimental child psychology (Print). 2015, Vol 129, pp 68-83, issn 0022-0965, 16 p.Article

Reexamining the language account of cross-national differences in base-10 number representationsVASILYEVA, Marina; LASKI, Elida V; ERMAKOVA, Anna et al.Journal of experimental child psychology (Print). 2015, Vol 129, pp 12-25, issn 0022-0965, 14 p.Article

Ectopie testiculaire et cryptorchidie ; de quoi parle-t-on ? Indications opératoires = Cryptorchidism: Guidelines for surgical managementSAPIN, E.Archives de pédiatrie (Paris). 2014, Vol 21, Num 1, pp 113-117, issn 0929-693X, 5 p.Conference Paper

Fonctions exécutives et théorie de l'esprit chez le jeune enfant: une relation réciproque ? = Executive functions and theory of mind understanding in young children: A reciprocal relation?POULIN-DUBOIS, D; YOTT, J.Psychologie française. 2014, Vol 59, Num 1, pp 59-69, issn 0033-2984, 11 p.Article

Régurgitations: quid de la caroube ?ROY, Pascale.Médecine & enfance. 2014, Vol 34, Num 3, pp 80-81, issn 0291-0233, 2 p., CAH2Conference Paper

Annoncer une maladie génétique à l'enfant: Désir de savoir, besoin de comprendre = Informing a child about genetic disorders: the need to know and understandGARGIULO, Marcela; HERSON, Ariane; ANGEARD, Nathalie et al.MTP. Médecine thérapeutique pédiatrie. 2014, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 8-14, issn 1286-5494, 7 p.Article

Cross-linguistic transfer in reading in multilingual contexts - recent research trendsZARETSKY, Elena; SCHWARTZ, Mila.Written language and literacy. 2014, Vol 17, Num 1, issn 1387-6732, 171 p.Serial Issue

Emotional reactivity and its impact on neural circuitry for attention-emotion interaction in childhood and adolescencePERLMAN, Susan B; HEIN, Tyler C; STEPP, Stephanie D et al.Developmental cognitive neuroscience (Amsterdam. Print). 2014, Vol 8, pp 100-109, issn 1878-9293, 10 p.Article

Spanish-speaking children's use of verbal inflection in comprehensionMILLER, Karen; SCHMITT, Cristina.Lingua (Haarlem. Print). 2014, Vol 144, pp 40-57, issn 0024-3841, 18 p.Article

Vaccinations de l'enfant voyageur = Vaccinations for traveler childrenGUERIN, Nicole.MTP. Médecine thérapeutique pédiatrie. 2014, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 63-69, issn 1286-5494, 7 p.Article

L'adolescent voyageur = Adolescent travelerSORGE, Frédéric.MTP. Médecine thérapeutique pédiatrie. 2014, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 83-88, issn 1286-5494, 6 p.Article

Le développement des compétences référentielles: gestes, mots et expressions de 9 mois à 5 ansMATTHEWS, Danielle.Tranel. 2014, Num 60, pp 7-20, issn 1010-1705, 14 p.Conference Paper

The development of prospective memory in chilhoodMAHY, Caitlin E. V; KLIEGEL, Matthias; MARCOVITCH, Stuart et al.Journal of experimental child psychology (Print). 2014, Vol 127, issn 0022-0965, 150 p.Serial Issue

Développement des fonctions exécutives de l'enfant prématuré = Executive functions in preterm-born childrenTOLSA, C. Borradori; BARISNIKOV, K; LEJEUNE, F et al.Archives de pédiatrie (Paris). 2014, Vol 21, Num 9, pp 1035-1040, issn 0929-693X, 6 p.Conference Paper

The development of orthographic processing skills in children in early French immersion programsCOMMISSAIRE, Eva; PASQUARELLA, Adrian; XI CHEN et al.Written language and literacy. 2014, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 16-39, issn 1387-6732, 24 p.Article

Elementary school students' strategic learning: does task-type matter?MALMBERG, Jonna; JÄRVELÄ, Sanna; KIRSCHNER, Paul A et al.Metacognition and learning. 2014, Vol 9, Num 2, pp 113-136, issn 1556-1623, 24 p.Article

Examining the link between adolescent brain development and risk taking from a social―developmental perspective (reprinted)WILLOUGHBY, Teena; GOOD, Marie; ADACHI, Paul J. C et al.Brain and cognition (Print). 2014, Vol 89, pp 70-78, issn 0278-2626, 9 p.Article

Reward feedback processing in children and adolescents: Medial frontal theta oscillationsCROWLEY, Michael J; VAN NOORDT, Stefon J. R; JIA WU et al.Brain and cognition (Print). 2014, Vol 89, pp 79-89, issn 0278-2626, 11 p.Article

Passé, présent, futur : quel modèle de développement ?LEHALLE, Henri.Enfance. 2014, Num 3, issn 0013-7545, 202 p.Serial Issue

Myasthénie auto-immune de l'enfant: nouvelles approches thérapeutiques ? = Auto-immune myasthenia in childhood: possible new therapeutic approaches?BARNERIAS, Christine; DESGUERRE, Isabelle.MTP. Médecine thérapeutique pédiatrie. 2014, Vol 17, Num 3, pp 197-201, issn 1286-5494, 5 p.Article

Evaluating models of phonotactic constraints on the basis of sC cluster acquisition dataMARECKA, Marta; DZIUBALSKA-KOŁACZYK, Katarzyna.Language sciences (Oxford). 2014, Vol 46, pp 37-47, issn 0388-0001, 11 p., aArticle

Facteurs de pathogénicité de Streptococcus pyogenes = Streptococcus pyogenes pathogenic factorsBIDET, Ph; BONACORSI, S.Archives de pédiatrie (Paris). 2014, Vol 21, issn 0929-693X, S54-S61, SUP2Conference Paper

Épidémiologie des infections à streptocoque du groupe A dans les pays en développement = Epidemiology of Streptococcus pyogenes infections in developing countriesMINODIER, Ph; LAPORTE, R; MIRAMONT, S et al.Archives de pédiatrie (Paris). 2014, Vol 21, issn 0929-693X, S69-S72, SUP2Conference Paper


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