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Genetic and Environmental Continuity in Personality Development: A Meta-AnalysisBRILEY, Daniel A; TUCKER-DROB, Elliot M.Psychological bulletin. 2014, Vol 140, Num 5, pp 1303-1331, issn 0033-2909, 29 p.Article

Matching method to problem: A developmental science perspectiveBERGMAN, Lars R; VARGHA, András.The European journal of developmental psychology (Print). 2013, Vol 10, Num 1, pp 9-28, issn 1740-5629, 20 p.Conference Paper

Annual Research Review: The neurobiology and physiology of resilience and adaptation across the life courseKARATOREOS, Ilia N; MCEWEN, Bruce S.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines (Print). 2013, Vol 54, Num 4, pp 337-347, issn 0021-9630, 11 p.Article

Annual Research Review: What is resilience within the social ecology of human development?UNGAR, Michael; GHAZINOUR, Mehdi; RICHTER, Jörg et al.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines (Print). 2013, Vol 54, Num 4, pp 348-366, issn 0021-9630, 19 p.Article

Differences in Binding and Monitoring Mechanisms Contribute to Lifespan Age Differences in False MemoryFANDAKOVA, Yana; YEE LEE SHING; LINDENBERGER, Ulman et al.Developmental psychology. 2013, Vol 49, Num 10, pp 1822-1832, issn 0012-1649, 11 p.Article

What we fear most: A developmental advantage for threat-relevant stimuliLOBUE, Vanessa; RAKISON, David H.Developmental review (Print). 2013, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 285-303, issn 0273-2297, 19 p.Article

Children's and adults' memory for emotional pictures: Examining age-related patterns using the Developmental Affective Photo SystemCORDON, Ingrid M; MELINDER, Annika M. D; GOODMAN, Gail S et al.Journal of experimental child psychology (Print). 2013, Vol 114, Num 2, pp 339-356, issn 0022-0965, 18 p.Article

Trajectories of Attentional Development: An Exploration With the Master Activation Map ModelMICHAEL, George A; LETE, Bernard; DUCROT, Stephanie et al.Developmental psychology. 2013, Vol 49, Num 4, pp 615-631, issn 0012-1649, 17 p.Article

JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU 300TH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION SUPPLEMENTKOOPS, Willem.The European journal of developmental psychology (Print). 2012, issn 1740-5629, 58 p., SUPSerial Issue

Soutien aux projets de recherche fondamentale en faveur du développement de l'éveil, du bien-être et du développement des jeunes enfants (0 à 12 ans) : Le développement du jeune enfants. Les apports de la recherche à la prise en charge des enfants aujourd'hui et demain par les professionnels = Supporting projects of basic research in favour of development stimulation, well being and development of young children (0-12 years of age)LEGRAND, V.ANAE. Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant. 2011, Num 112-13, pp 247-252, issn 0999-792X, 6 p.Article

L'amnésie infantile: les perspectives tirées de la psychologie développementale = Infantile amnesia: perspective drawn from developmental psychologyPERRET, Patrick.Devenir (Genève. 1989). 2011, Vol 23, Num 4, pp 379-395, issn 1015-8154, 17 p.Article

SÉPARATION À L'ENTRÉE À L'ÉCOLE MATERNELLE: LES REPRÉSENTATIONS DES MÈRES = Separation on the first entry to nursery school: the representations of mothersDUVERNEUIL, Erika.Psychologie & éducation (Dourdan). 2010, Num 4, pp 61-76, issn 1148-9502, 16 p.Article

MATHEMATICAL DEVELOPMENT IN SPINA BIFIDAENGLISH, Lianne H; BARNES, Marcia A; TAYLOR, Heather B et al.Developmental disabilities research reviews. 2009, Vol 15, Num 1, pp 28-34, issn 1940-5510, 7 p.Article

Within-person variability in state anxiety across adulthood : Magnitude and associations with between-person characteristicsGERSTORF, Denis; SIEDLECKI, Karen L; TUCKER-DROB, Elliot M et al.International journal of behavioral development (Print). 2009, Vol 33, Num 1, pp 55-64, issn 0165-0254, 10 p.Article

The human lexinome : Genes of language and readingGIBSON, Christopher J; GRUEN, Jeffrey R.Journal of communication disorders. 2008, Vol 41, Num 5, pp 409-420, issn 0021-9924, 12 p.Conference Paper

Les perspectives constructivistes et constructionnistes de l'identité (1re partie) Constructivisme et constructionnisme : fondements théoriques : Identités et orientations (1re partie) = Constructivist and constructionist perspectives of identity (1st part). Constructivism and constructionism : theoretical basesDUMORA, Bernadette; BOY, Thierry.L' Orientation scolaire et professionnelle. 2008, Vol 37, Num 3, pp 347-363, issn 0249-6739, 17 p.Article

The Developmental Psychometrics of Big Five Self-Reports : Acquiescence, Factor Structure, Coherence, and Differentiation From Ages 10 to 20SOTO, Christopher J; JOHN, Oliver P; GOSLING, Samuel D et al.Journal of personality and social psychology. 2008, Vol 94, Num 4, pp 718-737, issn 0022-3514, 20 p.Article

Genetic and experiential influences on behavior: Twins reunited at seventy-eight yearsSEGAL, Nancy L; CORTEZ, Franchesca A; ZETTEL-WATSON, Laura et al.Personality and individual differences. 2015, Vol 73, pp 110-117, issn 0191-8869, 8 p.Article

The Relationship Between Social Support and Subjective Well-Being Across AgeSIEDLECKI, Karen L; SALTHOUSE, Timothy A; OISHI, Shigehiro et al.Social indicators research. 2014, Vol 117, Num 2, pp 561-576, issn 0303-8300, 16 p.Article

Resilience in child development - Interconnected pathways to wellbeingPANTER-BRICK, Catherine; LECKMAN, James F.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines (Print). 2013, Vol 54, Num 4, issn 0021-9630, 169 p.Serial Issue

Annual Research Review: Resilience ― clinical implicationsRUTTER, Michael.Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines (Print). 2013, Vol 54, Num 4, pp 474-487, issn 0021-9630, 14 p.Article

Time well spent: The duration of foster care and early adult labor market, educational, and health outcomesFALLESEN, Peter.Journal of adolescence. 2013, Vol 36, Num 6, pp 1003-1011, issn 0140-1971, 9 p.Article

Developmental Regulation Across the Life Span: Toward a New SynthesisHAASE, Claudia M; HECKHAUSEN, Jutta; WROSCH, Carsten et al.Developmental psychology. 2013, Vol 49, Num 5, pp 964-972, issn 0012-1649, 9 p.Article

Predicate Structures, Gesture, and Simultaneity in the Representation of Action in British Sign Language: Evidence From Deaf Children and AdultsCORMIER, Kearsy; SMITH, Sandra; SEVCIKOVA, Zed et al.Journal of deaf studies and deaf education. 2013, Vol 18, Num 3, pp 370-390, issn 1081-4159, 21 p.Article

Fishy fishes: the typicality of object stimuli used to assess children's language in the Reynell Development Language Scales-IIISYRNYK, Corinne; MEINT, Kerstin.International journal of language & communication disorders (Print). 2012, Vol 47, Num 4, pp 437-450, issn 1368-2822, 14 p.Article

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