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Do Fans and Officials Think Alike When Assessing the Home-Field Advantage? Support for Actor-Observer Asymmetry in the National Football LeagueGOLDSCHMIED, Nadav; HOCHULI, Rachel.Basic and applied social psychology. 2014, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 155-163, issn 0197-3533, 9 p.Article

The Too-Much-Talent Effect: Team Interdependence Determines When More Talent Is Too Much or Not EnoughSWAAB, Roderick I; SCHAERER, Michael; ANICICH, Eric M et al.Psychological science. 2014, Vol 25, Num 8, pp 1581-1591, issn 0956-7976, 11 p.Article

Time preference before and after a risky activity - A field experimentSHAVIT, Tal; ROSENBOIM, Mosi; SHANI, Yaniv et al.Journal of economic psychology. 2014, Vol 43, pp 30-36, issn 0167-4870, 7 p.Article

Vulnerable discipline: Experiences of male competitive bodybuildersBJØRNESTAD, Jone; KANDAL, Øyvind; ANDERSSEN, Norman et al.Journal of health psychology. 2014, Vol 19, Num 9, pp 1174-1184, issn 1359-1053, 11 p.Article

LE MASOCHISME DANS LE TENNIS DE HAUT NIVEAU : SPORT ET SUBJECTIVATIONS = MASOCHISM IN HIGH-LEVEL TENNISMAURISSEN, Sophie.Adolescence (Paris). 2014, Num 88, issn 0751-7696, 331-343, 426, 430, 434 [16 p.]Article

Peripheral vision and perceptual asymmetries in young and older martial arts athletes and nonathletesMUINOS, Mónica; BALLESTEROS, Soledad.Attention, perception & psychophysics. 2014, Vol 76, Num 8, pp 2465-2476, issn 1943-3921, 12 p.Article

The Role of Personality in Sport and Physical ActivityALLEN, Mark S; LABORDE, Sylvain.Current directions in psychological science (Print). 2014, Vol 23, Num 6, pp 460-465, issn 0963-7214, 6 p.Article

Influence of Branding on Preference-Based Decision MakingPHILIASTIDES, Marios G; RATCLIFF, Roger.Psychological science. 2013, Vol 24, Num 7, pp 1208-1215, issn 0956-7976, 8 p.Article

Novice motor performance: Better not to verbalizeCHAUVEL, Guillaume; MAQUESTIAUX, François; RUTHRUFF, Eric et al.Psychonomic bulletin & review. 2013, Vol 20, Num 1, pp 177-183, issn 1069-9384, 7 p.Article

Perceived Hotness Affects Behavior of Basketball Players and CoachesATTALI, Yigal.Psychological science. 2013, Vol 24, Num 7, pp 1151-1156, issn 0956-7976, 6 p.Article

Preventing Motor Skill Failure Through Hemisphere-Specific Priming: Cases From Choking Under PressureBECKMANN, Jürgen; GRÖPEL, Peter; EHRLENSPIEL, Felix et al.Journal of experimental psychology. General. 2013, Vol 142, Num 3, pp 679-691, issn 0096-3445, 13 p.Article

Receivers in American football use a constant optical projection plane angle to pursue and catch thrown footballsSHAFFER, Dennis M; DOLGOV, Igor; MAYNOR, Andrew et al.Perception (London. Print). 2013, Vol 42, Num 8, pp 813-827, issn 0301-0066, 15 p.Article

Conscience corporelle et apprentissage. Approche phénoménologique de l'expérience du performeur = Corporeal awareness and training. A phenomenological approach to the experience of the performerMOCAN, Raluca.STAPS. Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives. 2012, Num 98, pp 39-48, issn 0247-106X, 10 p.Conference Paper

Accountability, monitoring and surveillance: Body regulation in elite sportCOSH, Suzanne; CRABB, Shona; LECOUTEUR, Amanda et al.Journal of health psychology. 2012, Vol 17, Num 4, pp 610-622, issn 1359-1053, 13 p.Article

An examination of hardiness throughout the sport injury processWADEY, Ross; EVANS, Lynne; HANTON, Sheldon et al.British journal of health psychology. 2012, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 103-128, issn 1359-107X, 26 p.Article

Classical pattern recall tests and the prospective nature of expert performanceGORMAN, Adam D; ABERNETHY, Bruce; FARROW, Damian et al.The Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006. Print). 2012, Vol 65, Num 6, pp 1151-1160, issn 1747-0218, 10 p.Article

Evidence of Choking Under Pressure on the PGA TourWELLS, Brett M; SKOWRONSKI, John J.Basic and applied social psychology. 2012, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 175-182, issn 0197-3533, 8 p.Article

Interpersonal dynamics and relative positioning to scoring target of performers in 1 vs. 1 sub-phases of team sportsESTEVES, Pedro T; ARAUJO, Duarte; DAVIDS, Keith et al.Journal of sports sciences (Print). 2012, Vol 30, Num 12, pp 1285-1293, issn 0264-0414, 9 p.Article

Re-imagining motor imagery: Building bridges between cognitive neuroscience and sport psychologyMORAN, Aidan; GUILLOT, Aymeric; MACINTYRE, Tadhg et al.British journal of psychology (1953). 2012, Vol 103, pp 224-247, issn 0007-1269, 24 p., 2Article

Social Cognitive Influences on Physical Activity Behavior in Middle-Aged and Older AdultsWHITE, Siobhan M; WOJCICKI, Thomas R; MCAULEY, Edward et al.The Journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences. 2012, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 18-26, issn 1079-5014, 9 p.Article

Sports participation and happiness: Evidence from US microdataHAIFANG HUANG; HUMPHREYS, Brad R.Journal of economic psychology. 2012, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 776-793, issn 0167-4870, 18 p.Article

Validation of the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale in a Portuguese SampleRAIMUNDO PERES MOUTAO, Joao Miguel; FILIPE CID SERRA, Luis; MARINHO ALVES, Jose Augusto et al.The Spanish journal of psychology. 2012, Vol 15, Num 1, pp 399-409, issn 1138-7416, 11 p.Article

Statistical modelling of gaze behaviour as categorical time series: what you should watch to save soccer penaltiesBUTTON, C; DICKS, M; HAINES, R et al.Cognitive processing (Print). 2011, Vol 12, Num 3, pp 235-244, issn 1612-4782, 10 p.Conference Paper

Quiet-eye training for soccer penalty kicksWOOD, Greg; WILSON, Mark R.Cognitive processing (Print). 2011, Vol 12, Num 3, pp 257-266, issn 1612-4782, 10 p.Conference Paper

Current Issues in Pediatric Sports ConcussionSCHATZ, Philip; MOSER, Rosemarie Scolaro.Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section D, The clinical neuropsychologist. 2011, Vol 25, Num 6, pp 1042-1057, issn 1385-4046, 16 p.Article

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