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Progrès en psychiatrie biologique et en imagerie cérébrale = Progresses in biological psychiatry and neuroimagingBARBEROT, V.La Lettre du psychiatre (Puteaux). 2014, Vol 10, Num 2, pp 8-10, issn 1774-0789, 3 p., SUP1Article

Les apports de la méthode d'observation du bébé dans sa famille selon Esther Bick = THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF ESTHER BICK'S OBSERVATION OF THE INFANTDERONZIER, Déborah.Cliniques méditerranéennes. 2014, Num 90, pp 153-168, issn 0762-7491, 16 p.Article

Methodological Considerations in Conducting Ethnocultrally Sensitive Research on Intimate Partner Abuse and its Multidimensional ConsequencesMECHANIC, Mindy B; POLE, Nnamdi.Sex roles. 2013, Vol 69, Num 3-4, pp 205-225, issn 0360-0025, 21 p.Article

Exploring and addressing the unmet healthcare needs of Indian adolescentsGNANAVEL, Sundar; DOGRA, Nisha; SVIRYDZENKA, Nadzeya et al.British journal of psychiatry (Print). 2013, Vol 203, Num DEC, issn 0007-1250, p. 468Article

The development of family quality of life concepts and measuresSAMUEL, P. S; RILLOTTA, F; BROWN, I et al.JIDR. Journal of intellectual disability research (Print). 2012, Vol 56, pp 1-16, issn 0964-2633, 16 p., 1Article

Molecular Tools and Approaches for Optogenetics : OPTOGENETICS AND THE TRANSLATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE OF PSYCHIATRYYUAN MEI; FENG ZHANG.Biological psychiatry (1969). 2012, Vol 71, Num 12, pp 1033-1038, issn 0006-3223, 6 p.Article

Mesurer les durées d'hospitalisation: note méthodologique = Measuring duration of hospital stay: a methodological noteCHAPIREAU, François.Information psychiatrique. 2012, Vol 88, Num 5, pp 381-384, issn 0020-0204, 4 p.Article

Measuring reliable change of emotional and behavioural problems in childrenIACHINA, Maria; BILENBERG, Niels.Psychiatry research (Print). 2012, Vol 200, Num 2-3, pp 867-871, issn 0165-1781, 5 p.Article

Nine lessons and recommendations from the conduct of focus group research in chronic pain samplesMCPARLAND, Joanna L; FLOWERS, Paul.British journal of health psychology. 2012, Vol 17, Num 3, pp 492-504, issn 1359-107X, 13 p.Article

Some Limitations on the External Validity of Psychotherapy Efficacy Studies and Suggestions for Future ResearchSHEAN, Glenn D.American journal of psychotherapy. 2012, Vol 66, Num 3, pp 227-242, issn 0002-9564, 16 p.Article

Assessing the benefit:risk ratio of a drug-randomized and naturalistic evidenceCURTIN, François; SCHULZ, Pierre.Dialogues in clinical neuroscience. 2011, Vol 13, Num 2, pp 183-190, issn 1294-8322, 8 p.Article

A Comparison of Reliability Measures for Continuous and Discontinuous Recording Methods: Inflated Agreement Scores With Partial Interval Recording and MomentaryTime Sampling for Duration EventsRAPS, John T; CARROLL, Regina A; STANGELAND, Lindsay et al.Behavior modification. 2011, Vol 35, Num 4, pp 389-402, issn 0145-4455, 14 p.Article

Choosing Among Techniques for Quantifying Single-Case Intervention EffectivenessMANOLOV, Rumen; SOLANAS, Antonio; SIERRA, Vicenta et al.Behavior therapy. 2011, Vol 42, Num 3, pp 533-545, issn 0005-7894, 13 p.Article

Comparing the Diagnosis of PTSD When Assessing Worst Versus Multiple Traumatic Events in a Chronically Mentally Ill SampleSIMPSON, Tracy L; COMTOIS, Katherine Anne; MOORE, Sally A et al.Journal of traumatic stress. 2011, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 361-364, issn 0894-9867, 4 p.Article

Evaluation of a Records-Review Surveillance System Used to Determine the Prevalence of Autism Spectrum DisordersNONKIN AVCHEN, Rachel; WIGGINS, Lisa D; DEVINE, Owen et al.Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2011, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 227-236, issn 0162-3257, 10 p.Article

Experience sampling research in individuals with mental illness: reflections and guidancePALMIER-CLAUS, J. E; MYIN-GERMEYS, I; BARKUS, E et al.Acta psychiatrica scandinavica. 2011, Vol 123, Num 1, pp 12-20, issn 0001-690X, 9 p.Article

Method behind the madness: An examination of stalking measurementsFOX, Kathleen A; NOBLES, Matt R; FISHER, Bonnie S et al.Aggression & violent behavior. 2011, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 74-84, issn 1359-1789, 11 p.Article

Transparency of outcome reporting and trial registration of randomized controlled trials in top psychosomatic and behavioral health journals: A systematic reviewMILETTE, Katherine; ROSEMAN, Michelle; THOMBS, Brett D et al.Journal of psychosomatic research. 2011, Vol 70, Num 3, pp 205-217, issn 0022-3999, 13 p.Article

Measurement of Ethnic Background in Cross-national School Surveys: Agreement Between Students' and Parents' ResponsesNORDAHL, Helene; KRØLNER, Rikke; PALL, Gabriella et al.Journal of adolescent health. 2011, Vol 49, Num 3, pp 272-277, issn 1054-139X, 6 p.Article

When and why people are comparatively optimistic about future health risks: The role of direct and indirect comparison measuresROSE, Jason P; SULS, Jerry; WINDSCHITL, Paul D et al.Psychology, health & medicine. 2011, Vol 16, Num 4, pp 475-483, issn 1354-8506, 9 p.Article

Exploración de la red cerebral: una revisión de la conectividad funcional en la RMf en estado de reposo = Exploring the brain network: A review on resting-state fMRI functional connectivityVAN DEN HEUVEL, Martijn P; HULSHOFF POL, Hilleke E.Psiquiatria biológica (Belo Horizonte). 2011, Vol 18, Num 1, pp 28-41, issn 0104-7787, 14 p.Article

Performance Improvement in Behavioral Health Care: Collateral Effects of Planned Treatment Integrity Observations as an Applied Example of Schedule-Induced RespondingREED, Derek D; FIENUP, Daniel M; LUISELLI, James K et al.Behavior modification. 2010, Vol 34, Num 5, pp 367-385, issn 0145-4455, 19 p.Article

Comment penser l'évaluation des psychothérapies dans le contexte général de l'évaluation des thérapeutiques = How to conceive the evaluation of psychotherapies in the general context of therapies'evaluationFALISSARD, Bruno.Psychiatrie française. 2010, Vol 40, Num 4, pp 26-33, issn 0755-9755, 8 p.Article

Latent class/profile analysis in maltreatment research: A commentary on Nooner et al., Pears et al., and looking beyond : Promising methodlogical strategiesROESCH, Scott C; VILLODAS, Miguel; VILLODAS, Feion et al.Child abuse & neglect. 2010, Vol 34, Num 3, pp 155-160, issn 0145-2134, 6 p.Article

Antidepressant study design affects patient expectancy: a pilot studyRUTHERFORD, B; SNEED, J; DEVANAND, D et al.Psychological medicine (Print). 2010, Vol 40, Num 5, pp 781-788, issn 0033-2917, 8 p.Article

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