Results 1 to 25 of 12750
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An integrative analysis of ethanol tolerance and withdrawal in zebrafish (Danio rerio)TRAN, Steven; CHATTERJEE, Diptendu; GERLAI, Robert et al.Behavioural brain research. 2015, Vol 276, pp 161-170, issn 0166-4328, 10 p.Article
When saying no leads to compliance: The door-in-the-face technique for changing attitudes and behaviors towards smoking at workPANSU, P; LIMA, L; FOINTIAT, V et al.European review of applied psychology. 2014, Vol 64, Num 1, pp 19-27, issn 1162-9088, 9 p.Article
Staying 'in the zone' but not passing the 'point of no return': embodiment, gender and drinking in mid-lifeLYONS, Antonia C; EMSLIE, Carol; HUNT, Kate et al.Sociology of health & illness (Print). 2014, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 264-277, issn 0141-9889, 14 p.Article
Adolescents' Use of Alcohol, Tobacco and Illicit Drugs in Relation to Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Modifications by Gender and EthnicityPFINDER, Manuela; LIEBIG, Stefan; FELDMANN, Reinhold et al.Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford). 2014, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 143-153, issn 0735-0414, 11 p.Article
Neuroimmune Activation and Myelin Changes in Adolescent Rats Exposed to High-Dose Alcohol and Associated Cognitive Dysfunction: A Review with Reference to Human Adolescent DrinkingPASCUAL, María; PLA, Antoni; MINARRO, José et al.Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford). 2014, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 187-192, issn 0735-0414, 6 p.Article
Actualités sur la dépendance à l'alcool [d'après le 14e congrès de la Société européenne pour la recherche biomédicale sur l'alcool (ESBRA), Varsovie, 8-11 septembre 2013]TOUZEAU, Didier.Le Courrier des addictions. 2014, Vol 16, Num 1, issn 1294-2561, 12 p., SUPSerial Issue
Asthme et tabac: association dangereuse = Asthma and smoking: a dangerous mixCHARPENTIER-CHAIX, C; ABOU HAMDAN, K; WIRTZ, G et al.Le Courrier des addictions. 2014, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 16-19, issn 1294-2561, 4 p.Article
Tabagisme passif: un véritable facteur de risque cardiovasculaire = Passive smoking: a real cardiovascular riskfactorTHOMAS, D.Le Courrier des addictions. 2014, Vol 16, Num 1, pp 27-29, issn 1294-2561, 3 p.Article
Impact of SenseCam on memory, identity and mood in Korsakoff's syndrome: A single case experimental design studySVANBERG, Jenny; EVANS, Jonathan J.Neuropsychological rehabilitation. 2014, Vol 24, Num 3-4, pp 400-418, issn 0960-2011, 19 p.Article
Shared and unique predictors of antisocial and substance use behavior among a nationally representative sample of South African youthWALLER, Rebecca; GARDNER, Frances; CLUVER, Lucie et al.Aggression & violent behavior. 2014, Vol 19, Num 6, pp 629-636, issn 1359-1789, 8 p.Article
Troubles affectifs et comorbidités addictives en dehors de l'alcool = Co-occuring mood and substance use disordersADIDA, M; KALADJIAN, A; FAKRA, E et al.L' Encéphale (Paris). 2014, Vol 40, Num DEC, issn 0013-7006, S8-S13, SUP1Conference Paper
Comment définir la population des personnes âgées ? = How to define the elderly population?Alcoologie et addictologie. 2014, Vol 36, Num 3, pp 232-238, issn 1620-4522, 7 p.Article
Complications liées au mésusage d'alcool chez le sujet âgé = Alcohol misuse-related complications in the elderlyAlcoologie et addictologie. 2014, Vol 36, Num 3, pp 239-246, issn 1620-4522, 8 p.Article
Personnes âgées et consommation d'alcool = Elderly people and alcohol useAlcoologie et addictologie. 2014, Vol 36, Num 1, pp 61-72, issn 1620-4522, 12 p.Article
'Better Health Choices' by telephone: A feasibility trial of improving diet and physical activity in people diagnosed with psychotic disordersBAKER, Amanda L; TURNER, Alyna; KELLY, Peter J et al.Psychiatry research (Print). 2014, Vol 220, Num 1-2, pp 63-70, issn 0165-1781, 8 p.Article
'Designer drugs': update on the management of novel psychoactive substance misuse in the acute care settingSMITH, Christopher D; ROBERT, Stefanie.Clinical medicine. 2014, Vol 14, Num 4, pp 409-415, issn 1470-2118, 7 p.Article
A Molecular Profile of Cocaine Abuse Includes the Differential Expression of Genes that Regulate Transcription, Chromatin, and Dopamine Cell PhenotypeBANNON, Michael J; JOHNSON, Magen M; MICHELHAUGH, Sharon K et al.Neuropsychopharmacology (New York, NY). 2014, Vol 39, Num 9, pp 2191-2199, issn 0893-133X, 9 p.Article
A Multisite Study of the Prevalence of Serious Mental Illness, PTSD, and Substance Use Disorders of Women in JailLYNCH, Shannon M; DEHART, Dana D; BELKNAP, Joanne E et al.Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 2014, Vol 65, Num 5, pp 670-674, issn 1075-2730, 5 p.Article
A performance measure for continuity of care after detoxification: Relationship with outcomesLEE, Margaret T; HORGAN, Constance M; HABERLIN, Karin et al.Journal of substance abuse treatment. 2014, Vol 47, Num 2, pp 130-139, issn 0740-5472, 10 p.Article
A prospective study of hepatitis C incidence in Australian prisonersLUCIANI, Fabio; BRETANA, Neil Arvin; TEUTSCH, Suzy et al.Addiction (Abingdon. Print). 2014, Vol 109, Num 10, pp 1695-1706, issn 0965-2140, 12 p.Article
A systematic review of the epidemiology of unrecorded alcohol consumption and the chemical composition of unrecorded alcoholREHM, Jürgen; KAILASAPILLAI, Shalini; LARSEN, Elisabeth et al.Addiction (Abingdon. Print). 2014, Vol 109, Num 6, pp 880-893, issn 0965-2140, 14 p.Article
Aberrant Disgust Responses and Immune Reactivity in Cocaine-Dependent MenERSCHE, Karen D; HAGAN, Cindy C; SMITH, Dana G et al.Biological psychiatry (1969). 2014, Vol 75, Num 2, pp 140-147, issn 0006-3223, 8 p.Article
Abnormal Brain Activity During a Reward and Loss Task in Opiate-Dependent Patients Receiving Methadone Maintenance TherapyGRADIN, Victoria B; BALDACCHINO, Alex; BALFOUR, David et al.Neuropsychopharmacology (New York, NY). 2014, Vol 39, Num 4, pp 885-894, issn 0893-133X, 10 p.Article
Addiction Research Centres and the Nurturing of Creativity: IFT Institut für Therapieforschung in Munich, GermanyBÜHRINGER, Gerhard.Addiction (Abingdon. Print). 2014, Vol 109, Num 8, pp 1245-1251, issn 0965-2140, 7 p.Article
Addiction Research Centres and the Nurturing of Creativity: The Kurihama Medical and Addiction Centre—a profileTOHYAMA, Tomomi; YOKOYAMA, Akira; MATSUSHITA, Sachio et al.Addiction (Abingdon. Print). 2014, Vol 109, Num 1, pp 5-11, issn 0965-2140, 7 p.Article