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Executive Functioning II: TreatmentKOZIOL, Leonard F.Applied neuropsychology. Child. 2014, Vol 3, Num 3, 75 p.Serial Issue

Travail et Handicap psychique: Témoignage personnel = Work and psychic handicap: Personal testimonyURVOY DE CLOSMADEUC, PHILIPPE.Pratiques en santé mentale. 2014, Vol 60, Num 3, pp 29-30, issn 1286-1286, 2 p.Article

Private Pediatric Neuropsychology Practice Multimodal Treatment of ADHD: An Applied ApproachBELJAN, Paul; BREE, Kathleen D; REUTER, Alison E. F et al.Applied neuropsychology. Child. 2014, Vol 3, Num 3, pp 188-196, 9 p.Article

Atelier « Je sens... Je me souviens »: contes et odeurs de vie : Les parfums du souvenir = Workshop I smell ... I remember stories and smells of lifeGORRET, Pascale.Ortho magazine (Longny-au-Perche). 2014, Num 110, pp 19-22, issn 1262-4586, 4 p.Article

Actualité de l'hystérie de conversion à l'adolescence: quelle prise en charge dans un centre de médecine physique et de réadaptation fonctionnelle ? : Ados et jeunes adultes (1) = News of conversion hysteria in adolescence: what type of management in a Centre for Physical Medicine and Functional Rehabilitation?BOTEZ, Camelia; LE CAVORZIN, Philippe; GOLVEN, Alain et al.Information psychiatrique. 2014, Vol 90, Num 1, pp 43-49, issn 0020-0204, 7 p.Article

A computer-based interactive game to train persons with cognitive impairments to perform recycling tasks independentlyCHANG, Yao-Jen; KANG, Ya-Shu; LIU, Fang-Lin et al.Research in developmental disabilities (Print). 2014, Vol 35, Num 12, pp 3672-3677, issn 0891-4222, 6 p.Article

Preliminary data suggesting the efficacy of attention training for school-aged children with ADHDTAMM, Leanne; EPSTEIN, Jeffery N; PEUGH, James L et al.Developmental cognitive neuroscience (Amsterdam. Print). 2013, Vol 4, pp 16-28, issn 1878-9293, 13 p.Article

Rétablissement et inclusion sociale des personnes vivant avec un trouble psychique: le projet EMILIA = Recovery and social inclusion of people living with mental illness: the EMILIA projectGREACEN, Tim; JOUET, Emmanuelle.Information psychiatrique. 2013, Vol 89, Num 5, pp 359-364, issn 0020-0204, 6 p.Article

Orthosmie: les jalons d'une rééducation olfactive = Orthosmia: milestones of an olfactory rehabilitationSICARD, Gilles.Ortho magazine (Longny-au-Perche). 2013, Num 109, pp 20-22, issn 1262-4586, 3 p.Article

The effects of verb retrieval therapy for people with non-fluent aphasia: Evidence from assessment tasks and conversationCARRAGHER, Marcella; SAGE, Karen; CONROY, Paul et al.Neuropsychological rehabilitation. 2013, Vol 23, Num 6, pp 846-887, issn 0960-2011, 42 p.Article

Animal-assisted interventions for elderly patients affected by dementia or psychiatric disorders: A reviewBERNABEI, V; DE RONCHI, D; LA FERLA, T et al.Journal of psychiatric research. 2013, Vol 47, Num 6, pp 762-773, issn 0022-3956, 12 p.Article

Computerized Memory Training Leads to Sustained Improvement in Visuospatial Short-Term Memory Skills in Children with Down SyndromeBENNETT, Stephanie J; HOLMES, Joni; BUCKLEY, Sue et al.American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities (Print). 2013, Vol 118, Num 3, issn 1944-7515, 179-192, 244 [15 p.]Article

Difficulties in implementing supported employment for people with severe mental health problemsBOARDMAN, Jed; RINALDI, Miles.British journal of psychiatry (Print). 2013, Vol 203, Num OCT, pp 247-249, issn 0007-1250, 3 p.Article

Functional profile of mental health consumers assessed by occupational therapists: Level of independence and associations with functional cognitionSCANLAN, Justin Newton; STILL, Megan.Psychiatry research (Print). 2013, Vol 208, Num 1, pp 29-32, issn 0165-1781, 4 p.Article

MIMES ET PENSÉES D'UNE MISE EN SCÈNE VERS UNE MISE EN SENS : Devant la métamorphose = MIMES AND THOUGHT. FROM STAGING TO MAKING MEANINGFULLEFEVERE, Frédéric; GUILLIER-PASUT, Nathalie.Adolescence (Paris). 2013, Num 83, issn 0751-7696, 49-63, 240 [16 p.]Article

Toucher des corps = Touching BodiesASSANTE, Michèle.Champ psy. 2013, Num 63, issn 2260-2100, 133-144, 176, 180-181 [15 p.]Article

Rehabilitating antisocial personalities: treatment through self-governance strategiesMCRAE, Leon.The Journal of forensic psychiatry & psychology (Print). 2013, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 48-70, issn 1478-9949, 23 p.Article

Strategic Self-Presentation May Enhance Effects of Interdisciplinary Chronic Pain TreatmentGILLIAM, Wesley P; GAGNON, Christine; STANOS, Steven et al.Health psychology (Hillsdale, N.J.). 2013, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 156-163, issn 0278-6133, 8 p.Article

L'accès maniaque et les bipolarités, la remédiation cognitive, la prévention du suicide. D'après le 10e congrès de l'Encéphale Paris, 18-20 janvier 2012MADIOU, J. P.La Lettre du psychiatre (Puteaux). 2012, Vol 8, Num 2, issn 1774-0789, 11 p., SUP2Serial Issue

Contributions of frontal and medial temporal lobe functioning to the errorless learning advantageANDERSON, Nicole D; GUILD, Emma B; CYR, Andrée-Ann et al.Neuropsychological rehabilitation. 2012, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 169-186, issn 0960-2011, 18 p.Article

Quest for the best: Effects of errorless and active encoding on word re-learning in semantic dementiaJOKEL, Regina; ANDERSON, Nicole D.Neuropsychological rehabilitation. 2012, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 187-214, issn 0960-2011, 28 p.Article

Remédiation cognitive en psychiatrie = Cognitive remediation in psychiatryFRANCK, Nicolas.Journal de thérapie comportementale et cognitive. 2012, Vol 22, Num 3, pp 81-85, issn 1155-1704, 5 p.Article

L'évaluation des fonctions neurocognitives dans la schizophrénie: de l'examen complémentaire à la fonction thérapeutique = Assessment of neurocognitive functioning in patients with schizophrenia: From additional tests to therapeutic functionLANGLOIS, Thomas; OLIVIER, François; AMOYAL, Catherine et al.Journal de thérapie comportementale et cognitive. 2012, Vol 22, Num 3, pp 117-124, issn 1155-1704, 8 p.Article

A new frontier in spaced retrieval memory training for persons with Alzheimer's diseaseSMALL, Jeff A.Neuropsychological rehabilitation. 2012, Vol 22, Num 3, pp 329-361, issn 0960-2011, 33 p.Article

A three-dimensional object orientation detector assisting people with developmental disabilities to control their environmental stimulation through simple occupational activities with a Nintendo Wii Remote ControllerSHIH, Ching-Hsiang; CHANG, Man-Ling; MOHUA, Zhang et al.Research in developmental disabilities (Print). 2012, Vol 33, Num 2, pp 484-489, issn 0891-4222, 6 p.Article

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