Resultados 1 a 25 de 42080
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The evolution of cluster network structure and firm growth: a study of industrial software clustersHEE DAE KIM; DUK HEE LEE; HOCHULL CHOE et al.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 99, Num 1, pp 77-95, issn 0138-9130, 19 p.Article
The use of citation speed to understand the effects of a multi-institutional science centerYOUTIE, Jan.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 100, Num 3, pp 613-621, issn 0138-9130, 9 p.Conference Paper
A patent analysis method to trace technology evolutionary pathwaysXIAO ZHOU; YI ZHANG; PORTER, Alan L et al.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 100, Num 3, pp 705-721, issn 0138-9130, 17 p.Conference Paper
Empirical study of constructing a knowledge organization system of patent documents using topic modelingZHENGYIN HU; SHU FANG; TIAN LIANG et al.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 100, Num 3, pp 787-799, issn 0138-9130, 13 p.Conference Paper
Automatic classification of academic web page typesKENEKAYORO, Patrick; BUCKLEY, Kevan; THELWALL, Mike et al.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 1015-1026, issn 0138-9130, 12 p.Conference Paper
Relationship between downloads and citations at journal and paper levels, and the influence of languageGUERRERO-BOTE, Vicente P; MOYA-ANEGON, Félix.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 1043-1065, issn 0138-9130, 23 p.Conference Paper
Usage versus citation behaviours in four subject areasGORRAIZ, Juan; GUMPENBERGER, Christian; SCHLÖGL, Christian et al.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 1077-1095, issn 0138-9130, 19 p.Conference Paper
Patents in nanotechnology: an analysis using macro-indicators and forecasting curvesMILANEZ, Douglas Henrique; LOPES DE FARIA, Leandro Innocentini; DO AMARAL, Roniberto Morato et al.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 1097-1112, issn 0138-9130, 16 p.Conference Paper
Comparison of downloads, citations and readership data for two information systems journalsSCHLÖGL, Christian; GORRAIZ, Juan; GUMPENBERGER, Christian et al.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 1113-1128, issn 0138-9130, 16 p.Conference Paper
How do you define and measure research productivity?ABRAMO, Giovanni; D'ANGELO, Ciriaco Andrea.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 1129-1144, issn 0138-9130, 16 p.Conference Paper
Study on themes and authors' influence of open access in ChinaRONGYING ZHAO; SHENGNAN WU.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 1165-1177, issn 0138-9130, 13 p.Conference Paper
Measuring the scientific impact of e-research infrastructures: a citation based approach?JONKERS, K; DERRICK, G. E; LOPEZ-ILLESCAS, C et al.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 1179-1194, issn 0138-9130, 16 p.Conference Paper
Influence of a performance indicator on Danish research production and citation impact 2000-12INGWERSEN, Peter; LARSEN, Birger.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 1325-1344, issn 0138-9130, 20 p.Conference Paper
Using altmetrics for assessing research impact in the humanitiesHAMMARFELT, Björn.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 1419-1430, issn 0138-9130, 12 p.Conference Paper
SWIB13 ― DIE FÜNFTE »SEMANTIC WEB IN LIBRARIES CONFERENCE« BEFASST SICH MIT NÜTZLICHKEIT, NUTZBARKEIT UND NUTZUNG DES SEMANTIC WEB FÜR BIBLIOTHEKENBORST, Timo; LÖHDEN, Aenne; POHL, Adrian et al.Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. 2014, Vol 61, Num 2, pp 97-99, issn 0044-2380, 3 p.Article
»MEDIZINBIBLIOTHEKENBETA KONSTANT IM WANDEL«. JAHRES-TAGUNG DER ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT FÜR MEDIZINISCHES BIBLIOTHEKS-WESEN (AGMB), BERLIN VOM 16. BIS 18. SEPTEMBER 2013BAUER, Bruno.Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. 2014, Vol 61, Num 2, pp 93-96, issn 0044-2380, 4 p.Article
Discouraging honorific authorshipPERSSON, Olle; GLÄNZEL, Wolfgang.Scientometrics (Print). 2014, Vol 98, Num 2, pp 1417-1419, issn 0138-9130, 3 p.Article
The problem which refuses to go away. Recent developments in the EU approach to media pluralismKOMOREK, Ewa.Communications law (Haywards Heath). 2014, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 40-46, issn 1746-7616, 7 p.Article
10 métiers dans le ventArchimag (Vincennes). 2014, Num 273, pp 12-21, issn 0769-0975, 10 p.Article
Extent of copyright protection in computer software: Karum Group LLC v Fisher & Paykel Financial Services Ltd [2014] NZCA 389LEA, Gary R.Communications law (Haywards Heath). 2014, Vol 19, Num 4, pp 127-129, issn 1746-7616, 3 p.Article
Seeking balance in maintaining and sharing private health information: a New Zealand perspectiveSTRONGMAN, Luke.Communications law (Haywards Heath). 2014, Vol 19, Num 4, pp 121-126, issn 1746-7616, 6 p.Article
IFla 2014: rôle des bibliothèques dans l'accès à l'informationLEFEBURE, Antoine.Archimag (Vincennes). 2014, Num 275, issn 0769-0975, p. 8Article
Akademische Integrität und die Bekämpfung von Plagiaten als Handlungsfelder für Hochschulen und ihre Bibliotheken: Überlegungen von der Zweiten Mainzer Tagung zur Akademischen Integrität = Academic integrity and plagiarism control as spheres of activity for universities and their libraries -Thoughts from the second Mainz conference on academic integrityHÖHNER, Kathrin; STEINHAUER, Eric W.Information Wissenschaft und Praxis. 2014, Vol 65, Num 1, pp 25-32, issn 1434-4653, 8 p.Article
Informationswissenschaft an deutschsprachigen Universitäten - eine komparative informetrische Analyse = Information Science at Universities in German-speaking Countries - a Comparative Informetric AnalysisFRIEDLÄNDER, Mathilde B.Information Wissenschaft und Praxis. 2014, Vol 65, Num 2, pp 109-119, issn 1434-4653, 11 p.Article
Wissenschaftliche Redlichkeit und die Generation der Digital Natives - Eine hochschuldidaktische Perspektive = Scientific Integrity and the Generation of Digital Natives - an Academic Didactical PerspectiveWINSKY, Marion Völger.Information Wissenschaft und Praxis. 2014, Vol 65, Num 1, pp 9-18, issn 1434-4653, 10 p.Article