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Tumeurs stromales digestives = Gastrointestinal stromal tumorsBALATON, André J; COINDRE, Jean-Michel; CVITKOVIC, Frédérique et al.Gastroentérologie clinique et biologique. 2001, Vol 25, Num 5, pp 473-482, issn 0399-8320Article

Anticorps monoclonaux en oncologie : applications diagnostiques, pronostiques et prédictives sur coupes tissu aires : Les anticors monoclonaux = Monoclonal antibodies in oncology : applications in diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of response to therapy on tissue specimens : Monoclonal antibodiesPENAULT-LLORCA, Frédérique M; BALATON, André J.Bulletin du cancer. 2000, Vol 87, Num 11, pp 794-803, issn 0007-4551Article

Interpretation and quantification of immunostainsSEIDAL, Tomas; BALATON, Andre J; BATTIFORA, Hector et al.The American journal of surgical pathology. 2001, Vol 25, Num 9, pp 1204-1207, issn 0147-5185Article

Une suppuration anale chez un cancéreuxWISNIEWSKI, Benjamin; VUONG, Phat N; BALATON, André et al.Hépato-gastro (Montrouge). 2004, Vol 11, Num 4, pp 309-311, issn 1253-7020, 3 p.Article

Applications de l'immunohistochimie dans le diagnostic des lésions épithéliales mammaires = Diagnostic immunohistochemistry of breast epithelial lesionsBALATON, André J; GUINEBRETIERE, Jean-Marc; PENAULT-LLORCA, Frédérique et al.Annales de pathologie (Paris). 2003, Vol 23, Num 6, pp 570-581, issn 0242-6498, 12 p.Article

Steroidogenesis in aldosterone-producing adenoma revisited by transcriptome analysisASSIE, Guillaume; AUZAN, Colette; GASC, Jean-Marie et al.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2005, Vol 90, Num 12, pp 6638-6649, issn 0021-972X, 12 p.Article

Modifications histologiques induites par les traitements conservateurs du cancer de la prostate et leurs conséquences sur l'interprétation du score de Gleason = Histological modifications observed in prostate after preserving treatments for prostate cancer and their impact on Gleason score interpretationMOLINIE, Vincent; MAHJOUB, W. K; BALATON, André et al.Annales de pathologie (Print). 2008, Vol 28, Num 5, pp 363-373, issn 0242-6498, 11 p.Article

Kyste bronchogénique de l'estomac juxtacardial simulant une tumeur stromale, associé à un kyste bronchogénique de l'oesophage sus-diaphragmatique = Bronchogenic cyst of the juxtacardiol stomach mimicking a stromal tumor associated with a bronchogenic cyst of the subdiaphragmic esophagusGILLION, Jean-Francois; LAGNEAU, Marion; BALATON, André et al.Gastroentérologie clinique et biologique. 2007, Vol 31, Num 11, pp 1036-1038, issn 0399-8320, 3 p.Article

Evaluation of HER-2/neu immunohistochemical assay sensitivity and scoring on formalin-fixed and paraffin-processed cell lines and breast tumors: A comparative study involving results from laboratories in 21 countriesRHODES, Anthony; JASANI, Bharat; ANDERSON, Elizabeth et al.American journal of clinical pathology. 2002, Vol 118, Num 3, pp 408-417, issn 0002-9173Article

Difficultés d'interprétation des biopsies prostatiques. Cas n° 2. Hyperplasie adénomateuse atypique (adénose) = Diagnostic issues of prostate biopsies. Case 2. Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (adenosis)MOLINIE, Vincent; VADROT, Justine; DUCHATELLE, Véronique et al.Annales de pathologie (Print). 2012, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 114-117, issn 0242-6498, 4 p.Conference Paper

Tumeur trichilemmale proliférante de la région ischio-rectale = Proliferating trichilemmal tumor of the ischiorectal fossaMAKHLOUF, Zineb; VEROLA, Olivier; SENEJOUX, Agnès et al.Annales de pathologie (Print). 2011, Vol 31, Num 4, pp 316-319, issn 0242-6498, 4 p.Article

Métastase anale d'un cancer broncho-pulmonaire = Anal metastasis from lung cancerWISNIEWSKI, Benjamin; VUONG, Phat N; BALATON, André et al.Gastroentérologie clinique et biologique. 2006, Vol 30, Num 3, pp 471-472, issn 0399-8320, 2 p.Article

Difficu*ltés d'interprétation des biopsies prostatiques. Cas n° 1. Microfoyer d'adénocarcinome acinaire = Diagnostic issues of prostate biopsies. Case 1. Limited adenocarcinomaMOLINIE, Vincent; VARINOT, Justine; DUCHATELLE, Véronique et al.Annales de pathologie (Print). 2012, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 107-113, issn 0242-6498, 7 p.Conference Paper

Biopsies prostatiques : combien de prélèvements et combien de flacons ? Défi économique et efficacité = Prostate biopsies : How many samples and how many containers? Cost effectivenessMOLINIE, Vincent; MAHJOUB, Wafa K; BALATON, André et al.Annales de pathologie (Print). 2008, Vol 28, Num 5, pp 424-428, issn 0242-6498, 5 p.Article

Prevalence of Anal Cytologic Abnormalities in a French Referral Population : A Prospective Study with Special Emphasis on HIV, HPV, and SmokingETIENNEY, Isabelle; VUONG, Sarra; BALATON, André et al.Diseases of the colon & rectum. 2008, Vol 51, Num 1, pp 67-72, issn 0012-3706, 6 p.Article

Alpha-methyl CoA racemase expression in renal cell carcinomasMOLIME, Vincent; BALATON, André; ROTMAN, Samuel et al.Human pathology. 2006, Vol 37, Num 6, pp 698-703, issn 0046-8177, 6 p.Article

Standards, Options et Recommandations: conduite à tenir devant une lésion de diagnostic anatomo-cyto-pathologique difficile en cancérologie = Standards, Options and recommendations: practice guidelines for difficult diagnosis in surgical pathology or cytopathology in cancer patientsCOINDRE, Jean-Michel; BLANC-VINCENT, Marie-Pierre; FONTANIERE, Bernard et al.Bulletin du cancer. 2001, Vol 88, Num 8, pp 765-773, issn 0007-4551Article

Mise à jour des recommandations du GEFPICS pour l'évaluation du statut HER2 dans les cancers du sein en France = Update of the GEFPICS' recommendations for HER2 status determination in breast cancers in FrancePENAULT-UORCA, Frédérique; VINCENT-SALOMON, Anne; LACROIX- TRIKI, Magali et al.Annales de pathologie (Print). 2010, Vol 30, Num 5, pp 357-373, issn 0242-6498, 17 p.Article

Development of a seeded scaffold in the great omentum : Feasibility of an in vivo bioreactor for bladder tissue engineering. CommentaryBAUMERT, Hervé; SIMON, Pascal; HEKMATI, Mehrak et al.European urology. 2007, Vol 52, Num 3, pp 884-892, issn 0302-2838, 9 p.Article

Évaluation immunohistochimique du statut HER2 dans les carcinomes mammaires infiltrants : mise au point du protocole technique et de la lecture des résultats: recommandations = Immunochemistry evaluation of HER2 status in infiltration breast cancer: tecnical protocol and interpretation guidelinesPENAULT-LLORCA, Frédérique; BALATON, André; SABOURIN, Jean-Christophe et al.Annales de pathologie (Paris). 2002, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 150-157, issn 0242-6498Article

Study of interlaboratory reliability and reproducibility of estrogen and progesterone receptor assays in Europe: Documentation of poor reliability and identification of insufficient microwave antigen retrieval time as a major contributory element of unreliable assaysRHODES, Anthony; JASANI, Bharat; BALATON, Andre J et al.American journal of clinical pathology. 2001, Vol 115, Num 1, pp 44-58, issn 0002-9173Article

A formalin-fixed, paraffin-processed cell line standard for quality control of immunohistochemical assay of HER-2/neu expression in breast cancerRHODES, Anthony; JASANI, Bharat; COUTURIER, Jérome et al.American journal of clinical pathology. 2002, Vol 117, Num 1, pp 81-89, issn 0002-9173Article

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