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Contribution of Common Genetic Variation to the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in the Mexican Mestizo PopulationGAMBOA-MELENDEZ, Marco Alberto; HUERTA-CHAGOYA, Alicia; CHOUDHRY, Shweta et al.Diabetes (New York, NY). 2012, Vol 61, Num 12, pp 3314-3321, issn 0012-1797, 8 p.Article

The non-synonymous Arg230Cys variant (R230C) of the ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 is associated with low HDL cholesterol concentrations in Mexican adults: A population based nation wide studyAGUILAR-SALINAS, Carlos A; CANIZALES-QUINTEROS, Samuel; ROJAS-MARTINEZ, Rosalba et al.Atherosclerosis. 2011, Vol 216, Num 1, pp 146-150, issn 0021-9150, 5 p.Article

SCN4B-encoded sodium channel β4 subunit in congenital long-QT syndromeMEDEIROS-DOMINGO, Argelia; KAKU, Toshihiko; MAKIELSKI, Jonathan C et al.Circulation (New York, N.Y.). 2007, Vol 116, Num 2, pp 134-142, issn 0009-7322, 9 p.Article

Association of the ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter Al R230C Variant With Early-Onset Type 2 Diabetes in a Mexican PopulationVILLARREAL-MOLINA, M. Teresa; FLORES-DORANTES, M. Teresa; TUSIE-LUNA, M. Teresa et al.Diabetes (New York, NY). 2008, Vol 57, Num 2, pp 509-513, issn 0012-1797, 5 p.Article

A novel ARH splice site mutation in a Mexican kindred with autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemiaCANIZALES-QUINTEROS, Samuel; AGUILAR-SALINAS, Carlos A; ROBLES-OSORIO, Ludivina et al.Human genetics. 2005, Vol 116, Num 1-2, pp 114-120, issn 0340-6717, 7 p.Article

Von Hippel-Lindau disease germline mutations in Mexican patients with cerebellar hemangioblastomaRASMUSSEN, Astrid; NAVA-SALAZAR, Sonia; YESCAS, Petra et al.Journal of neurosurgery. 2006, Vol 104, Num 3, pp 389-394, issn 0022-3085, 6 p.Article

Founder effect for the Ala431Glu mutation of the presenilin 1 gene causing early-onset Alzheimer's disease in mexican familiesYESCAS, Petra; HUERTAS-VAZQUEZ, Adriana; VILLARREAL-MOLINA, Maria Teresa et al.Neurogenetics (Oxford. Print). 2006, Vol 7, Num 3, pp 195-200, issn 1364-6745, 6 p.Article

A functional ABCA1 gene variant is associated with low HDL-cholesterol levels and shows evidence of positive selection in Native AmericansACUNA-ALONZO, Víctor; FLORES-DORANTES, Teresa; VILLALOBOS-COMPARAN, Marisela et al.Human molecular genetics (Print). 2010, Vol 19, Num 14, pp 2877-2885, issn 0964-6906, 9 p.Article

A genomewide admixture map for Latino populationsPRICE, Alkes L; PATTERSON, Nick; DUQUE, Constanza et al.American journal of human genetics. 2007, Vol 80, Num 6, pp 1024-1036, issn 0002-9297, 13 p.Article

Population Genetic Inference from Personal Genome Data: Impact of Ancestry and Admixture on Human Genomic VariationKIDD, Jeffrey M; GRAVEL, Simon; MCLAUGHLIN, Stephen F et al.American journal of human genetics. 2012, Vol 91, Num 4, pp 660-671, issn 0002-9297, 12 p.Article

Familial combined hyperlipidemia in Mexicans : Association with upstream transcription factor 1 and linkage on chromosome 16q24.1HUERTAS-VAZQUEZ, Adriana; AGUILAR-SALINAS, Carlos; TUSIE-LUNA, Teresa et al.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 2005, Vol 25, Num 9, pp 1985-1991, issn 1079-5642, 7 p.Article

A Dietary Pattern Including Nopal, Chia Seed, Soy Protein, and Oat Reduces Serum Triglycerides and Glucose Intolerance in Patients with Metabolic SyndromeGUEVARA-CRUZ, Martha; TOVAR, Armando R; TORRES, Nimbe et al.The Journal of nutrition. 2012, Vol 142, Num 1, pp 64-69, issn 0022-3166, 6 p.Article

Carbohydrate Intake Modulates the Effect of the ABCA1-R230C Variant on HDL Cholesterol Concentrations in Premenopausal WomenROMERO-HIDALGO, Sandra; VILLARREAL-MOLINA, Teresa; MERINO-GARCIA, Jose L et al.The Journal of nutrition. 2012, Vol 142, Num 2, pp 278-283, issn 0022-3166, 6 p.Article

Reconstructing Native American population historyREICH, David; PATTERSON, Nick; GARCIA, Luis F et al.Nature (London). 2012, Vol 488, Num 7411, pp 370-374, issn 0028-0836, 5 p.Article

High Adiponectin Concentrations Are Associated with the Metabolically Healthy Obese PhenotypeAGUILAR-SALINAS, Carlos A; GARCIA GARCIA, Eduardo; CANIZALES-QUINTEROS, Samuel et al.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2008, Vol 93, Num 10, pp 4075-4079, issn 0021-972X, 5 p.Article

Locus on chromosome 6p linked to elevated HDL cholesterol serum levels and to protection against premature atherosclerosis in a kindred with familial hypercholesterolemiaCANIZALES-QUINTEROS, Samuel; AGUILAR-SALINAS, Carlos A; VEGA-HERNANDEZ, Gerardo et al.Circulation research. 2003, Vol 92, Num 5, pp 569-576, issn 0009-7330, 8 p.Article

The ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 R230C variant affects HDL cholesterol levels and BMI in the mexican population : Association with obesity and obesity-related comorbiditiesVILLARREAL-MOLINA, M. Teresa; AGUILAR-SALINAS, Carlos A; TUSIE-LUNA, M. Teresa et al.Diabetes (New York, NY). 2007, Vol 56, Num 7, pp 1881-1887, issn 0012-1797, 7 p.Article

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