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Down-regulation of basal Fos expression at nucleus tractus solitarii underlies restoration of baroreflex response after antihypertensive treatment in spontaneously hypertensive ratsCHAN, S. H. H; CHAO, Y. M; TSENG, C. J et al.Neuroscience. 2002, Vol 112, Num 1, pp 113-120, issn 0306-4522Article

High frequency of p16INK4a gene alterations in hepatocellular carcinomaCHOONG TSEK LIEW; LI, H.-M; WAI TONG LEUNG et al.Oncogene (Basingstoke). 1999, Vol 18, Num 3, pp 789-795, issn 0950-9232Article

Elevated Fos expression in the nucleus tractus solitarii is associated with reduced baroreflex response in spontaneously hypertensive ratsCHAN, J. Y. H; CHEN, W.-C; LEE, H.-Y et al.Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. 1979). 1998, Vol 32, Num 5, pp 939-944, issn 0194-911XArticle

Interaction between neuronal responses to nociception and hypertension in the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis of the ratHSING-FEI TSAI; KUO, T. B. J; CHAN, J. Y. H et al.Neuroscience letters. 1994, Vol 165, Num 1-2, pp 137-140, issn 0304-3940Article

Visualization of G subtype guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein in the medulla oblongata and pons of the ratLIN, T. C. Y; CHAN, J. Y. H; CHAN, S. H. H et al.Neuroscience letters. 1993, Vol 157, Num 1, pp 29-32, issn 0304-3940Article

Tonic suppression of baroreceptor reflex response by endogenous neuropeptide Y at the nucleus tractus solitarius of the ratCHENG-DEAN SHIH; CHAN, J. Y. H; CHAN, S. H. H et al.Neuroscience letters. 1992, Vol 148, Num 1-2, pp 169-172, issn 0304-3940Article

Passive electrical properties of spontaneously active neurons in the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis of the catCHAN, J. Y. H; CHAN, S. H. H.Neuroscience letters. 1989, Vol 97, Num 1-2, pp 169-174, issn 0304-3940Article

Anatomic connections between nucleus reticularis rostroventrolateralis and some medullary cardiovascular sites in the ratCHAN, S. H. H; CHAN, J. Y. H; ONG, B. T et al.Neuroscience letters. 1986, Vol 71, Num 3, pp 277-282, issn 0304-3940Article

Analysis of the formation of AMP-DNA intermediate and the successive reaction by human DNA ligases I and IISHU-WEI YANG; CHAN, J. Y. H.The Journal of biological chemistry (Print). 1992, Vol 267, Num 12, pp 8117-8122, issn 0021-9258Article

Defective DNA ligase I in Bloom's syndrome cells: simultaneous analysis using immunoblotting and the ligase-[32P]AMP adduct assayCHAN, J. Y.-H; BECKER, F. F.The Journal of biological chemistry (Print). 1988, Vol 263, Num 34, pp 18231-18235, issn 0021-9258Article

Correlated effects of clonidine on single-neuron activities in the gigantocellular reticular nucleus, arterial pressure and heart rate in the catCHAN, S. H. H; CHAN, J. Y. H.Neuroscience letters. 1983, Vol 40, Num 2, pp 139-143, issn 0304-3940Article

In vitro repair synthesis of BCNU-induced DNA damageCHAN, J. Y. H; ALI-OSMAN, F.Cancer biochemistry biophysics. 1998, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 273-286, issn 0305-7232Article

Interactions between guanabenz and clonidine in their antinociceptive effects in the ratCHAN, J. Y. H; CHAN, S. H. H.Experimental neurology (Print). 1987, Vol 96, Num 1, pp 233-236, issn 0014-4886Article

Glutamatergic projection to RVLM mediates suppression of reflex bradycardia by parabrachial nucleusLEN, W.-B; CHAN, J. Y. H.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. 1999, Vol 45, Num 5, pp H1482-H1492, issn 0363-6135Article

DNA ligase activities during hepatocarcinogenesis induced by N-2-acetylaminofluoreneCHAN, J. Y. H; BECKER, F. F.Carcinogenesis (New York. Print). 1985, Vol 6, Num 9, pp 1275-1277, issn 0143-3334Article

Differential expression of the suppressor PML and Ki-67 identifies three subtypes of human nasopharyngeal carcinomaCHAN, J. Y. H; MENG, C. L; TO, K. F et al.European journal of cancer (1990). 2002, Vol 38, Num 12, pp 1600-1606, issn 0959-8049Article

Fos protein is required for the re-expression of angiotensin II type 1 receptors in the nucleus tractus solitarii after baroreceptor activation in the ratWANG, L. L; CHAN, S. H. H; CHAN, J. Y. H et al.Neuroscience. 2001, Vol 103, Num 1, pp 143-151, issn 0306-4522Article

Lack of expression for the suppressor PML in human small cell lung carcinomaZHANG, P; CHIN, W; CHOW, L. T. C et al.International journal of cancer. 2000, Vol 85, Num 5, pp 599-605, issn 0020-7136Article

Frequent allelic loss on chromosome 9 in hepatocellular carcinomaLIEW, C. T; LI, H. M; WU, S et al.International journal of cancer. 1999, Vol 81, Num 3, pp 319-324, issn 0020-7136Article

Central effect of angiotensin III on caudal hypoglossal neurons in ratsYANG, C. C. H; CHAN, J. Y. H; CHAN, S. H. H et al.American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. 1995, Vol 37, Num 5, pp R1242-R1248, issn 0363-6119Article

Excitatory innervation of caudal hypoglossal nucleus from nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis in the ratYANG, C. C. H; CHAN, J. Y. H; CHAN, S. H. H et al.Neuroscience. 1995, Vol 65, Num 2, pp 365-374, issn 0306-4522Article

Unsustained dipsogenic response to chronic central infusion of angiotensin-III in spontaneously hypertensive ratsYANG, C. C. H; CHAN, J. Y. H; CHAN, S. H. H et al.Endocrinology (Philadelphia). 1993, Vol 132, Num 1, pp 405-409, issn 0013-7227Article

Participation of pertussis toxin-sensitive GTP-bindin regulatory proteins in the suppression of baroreceptor reflex by neurotensin in the ratFU, M. J; LIN, K. S; CHAN, J. Y. H et al.Regulatory peptides. 1992, Vol 37, Num 2, pp 167-180, issn 0167-0115Article

Tonic enhancement of the sensitivity of baroreceptor reflex response by endogenous substance P in the ratCHAN, J. Y. H; BARNES, C. D; CHAN, S. H. H et al.Regulatory peptides. 1990, Vol 29, Num 2-3, pp 199-213, issn 0167-0115, 15 p.Article

Angiotensin II receptors in the lumbar spinal cord of the ratWHITE, S. R; PENNER, J. D; SPETH, R. C et al.Brain research. 1988, Vol 441, Num 1-2, pp 195-201, issn 0006-8993Article

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