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Impact of direct sowing mulch-based cropping systems on soil carbon, soil erosion and maize yieldSCOPEL, Eric; FINDELING, Antoine; CHAVEZ GUERRA, Enrique et al.Agronomy for sustainable development. 2005, Vol 25, Num 4, pp 425-432, issn 1774-0746, 8 p.Article

Risques de stress hydrique sur les cultures dans les Cerrados brésiliens Du zonage régional à l'analyse des risques à l'échelle des exploitations familiales = Risks of crop water stress in the brazilian cerrados : From regional zoning to risk analysis at smallholders' levelAFFHOLDER, Francois; DELGADO ASSAD, Eduardo; BONNAL, Philippe et al.Agricultures (Montrouge). 2006, Vol 15, Num 5, pp 433-439, issn 1166-7699, 7 p.Article

Modelling crop residue mulching effects on water use and production of maize under semi-arid and humid tropical conditionsSCOPEL, Eric; DA SILVA, Fernando A. M; CORBEELS, Marc et al.Agronomie (Print). 2004, Vol 24, Num 6-7, pp 383-395, issn 0249-5627, 13 p.Conference Paper

Delineating the drivers of waning wildlife habitat: The predominance of cotton farming on the fringe of protected areas in the Mid-Zambezi Valley, ZimbabweBAUDRON, Frederic; CORBEELS, Marc; ANDERSSON, Jens A et al.Biological conservation. 2011, Vol 144, Num 5, pp 1481-1493, issn 0006-3207, 13 p.Article

Understanding the impact and adoption of conservation agriculture in Africa: A multi-scale analysisCORBEELS, Marc; DE GRAAFF, Jan; RUSINAMHODZI, Leonard et al.Agriculture, ecosystems & environment. 2014, Vol 187, pp 155-170, issn 0167-8809, 16 p.Article

Modelling changes in nitrogen mineralisation following conversion of improved pasture to eucalypt plantationCORBEELS, Marc; O'CONNELL, Anthony M; MCMURTRIE, Ross E et al.Agronomie (Print). 2002, Vol 22, Num 7-8, pp 801-815, issn 0249-5627, 15 p.Conference Paper

Effects of climate variability and climate change on crop production in southern MaliTRAORE, Bouba; CORBEELS, Marc; WIJK, Mark T. Van et al.European journal of agronomy. 2013, Vol 49, pp 115-125, issn 1161-0301, 11 p.Article

The farm-level economics of conservation agriculture for resource-poor farmersPANNELL, David J; LLEWELLYN, Rick S; CORBEELS, Marc et al.Agriculture, ecosystems & environment. 2014, Vol 187, pp 52-64, issn 0167-8809, 13 p.Article

Conservation agriculture cropping systems in temperate and tropical conditions, performances and impacts. A reviewSCOPEL, Eric; TRIOMPHE, Bernard; DE CARVALHO MENDES, Ieda et al.Agronomy for sustainable development. 2013, Vol 33, Num 1, pp 113-130, issn 1774-0746, 18 p.Article

How do various maize crop models vary in their responses to climate change factors?BASSU, Simona; BRISSON, Nadine; BASSO, Bruno et al.Global change biology (Print). 2014, Vol 20, Num 7, pp 2301-2320, issn 1354-1013, 20 p.Article

Modifying the G'DAY process-based model to simulate the spatial variability of Eucalyptus plantation growth on deep tropical soilsMARSDEN, Claire; NOUVELLON, Yann; LACLAU, Jean-Paul et al.Forest ecology and management. 2013, Vol 301, pp 112-128, issn 0378-1127, 17 p.Conference Paper

Soil carbon stocks under no-tillage mulch-based cropping systems in the Brazilian Cerrado: An on-farm synchronic assessmentSIQUEIRA, Marcos; SCOPEL, Eric; CORBEELS, Marc et al.Soil & tillage research. 2010, Vol 110, Num 1, pp 187-195, issn 0167-1987, 9 p.Article

A meta-analysis of long-term effects of conservation agriculture on maize grain yield under rain-fed conditionsRUSINAMHODZI, Leonard; CORBEELS, Marc; VAN WIJK, Mark T et al.Agronomy for sustainable development. 2011, Vol 31, Num 4, pp 657-673, issn 1774-0746, 17 p.Article

Long-term effects of continuous direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems on soil nitrogen supply in the Cerrado region of BrazilMALTAS, Alexandra; CORBEELS, Marc; SCOPEL, Eric et al.Plant and soil. 2007, Vol 298, Num 1-2, pp 161-173, issn 0032-079X, 13 p.Article

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