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Francisco Sanches nas correntes do pensamento renascentino. (Francisco Sanches au sein des courants de pensée de la Renaissance)DA SILVA, L. C.Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia Braga. 1983, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 229-241Article

A method of analysis of TE11-to-HE11 mode convertersDA SILVA, L. C.IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. 1988, Vol 36, Num 3, pp 480-488, issn 0018-9480Article

Determination of the scattering matrix of ring-loaded corrugated waveguide mode convertersDA SILVA, L. C.IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. 1989, Vol 37, Num 3, pp 646-649, issn 0018-9480Article

L'azote liquide pour produire du GNL = Liquid nitrogen for production of LNGPEREIRA DA SILVA, L. C.Gaz d'aujourd'hui (Paris). 1994, Vol 118, Num 2, pp 93-95, issn 0016-5328Article


Analysis of rectangular corrugated structuresDA SILVA, L. C; GHOSH, S.IEE proceedings. Part H. Microwaves, antennas and propagation. 1991, Vol 138, Num 4, pp 335-341, issn 0950-107XArticle

Analysis of the junction between smooth and corrugated cylindrical waveguides in mode convertersDA SILVA, L. C; CASTELLO BRANCO, M. G.IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. 1990, Vol 38, Num 6, pp 800-802, issn 0018-9480, 3 p.Article

Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis : pathophysiology and treatmentDA SILVA, L. C; CARRILHO, F. J.Gastroenterology clinics of North America. 1992, Vol 21, Num 1, pp 163-177, issn 0889-8553Article

Modal dispersion relations for rectangular corrugated waveguides with corner filled corrugationsDA SILVA, L. C; GHOSH, S.Electronics Letters. 1992, Vol 28, Num 18, pp 1707-1709, issn 0013-5194Article

Generalised single-equation load flow method for unbalanced distribution systemsSEGURA, S; DA SILVA, L. C. P; ROMERO, R et al.IET generation, transmission & distribution (Print). 2011, Vol 5, Num 3, pp 347-355, issn 1751-8687, 9 p.Article

Cell membrane-associated proteoglycans mediate extramedullar myeloid proliferation in granulomatous inflammatory reactions to schistosome eggsALVAREZ-SILVA, M; DA SILVA, L.-C. F; BOROJEVIC, R et al.Journal of Cell Science. 1993, Vol 104, pp 477-484, issn 0021-9533, 2Article

Unexpected low prevalence of delta antibodies in the east Amazon region and São Paulo: evidence for regional differences in the epidemiology of delta hepatitis virus within BrazilSTRAUSS, E; GAYOTTO, L. C. C; DA SILVA, L. C et al.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1987, Vol 81, Num 1, pp 73-74, issn 0035-9203Article

Treatment of patients with schistosomiasis mansoni: a double blind clinical trial comparing praziquantel with oxamniquineDA SILVA, L. C; ZEITUNE, J. M. R; ROSA-EID, L. M. F et al.Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. 1986, Vol 28, Num 3, pp 174-180, issn 0036-4665Article

Effects of chemotherapy on mice submitted to multiple Schistosoma mansoni infections. A controlled randomized prospective studyDA SILVA, L. C; ALVES, V. A. F; ABRANTES, C. P et al.Tropical medicine and parasitology. 1985, Vol 36, Num 3, pp 150-154, issn 0177-2392Article

High prevalence of GB virus C in Brazil and molecular evidence for intrafamilial transmissionPINHO, J. R. R; DE A. ZANOTTO, P. M; GONCALES, N. S. L et al.Journal of clinical microbiology (Print). 1999, Vol 37, Num 5, pp 1634-1637, issn 0095-1137Article

Comparison of serum hepatitis B virus replication markers in patients with chronic hepatitis B: studies on HBeAg/Anti-HBe system, viral DNA polymerase and HBV―DNAPINHO, J. R. R; DA FONSECA, L. E. P; YU SONG et al.Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. 1989, Vol 31, Num 5, pp 328-335, issn 0036-4665, 8 p.Article

Alfa-interferon recombinante no tratamento das hepatites crõnicas B e não-A, não-B: resultados preliminares = L'interféron alpha dans le traitement des hépatites chroniques B et non A non B: résultats préliminaires = Recombinant alpha-interferon in the treatment of B and Non-A, Non-B chronic hepatitis: a preliminary, studyDA SILVA, L. C; CARRILHO, F. J; DA FONSECA, L. E. P et al.Revista do hospital das clinicas. Faculdade de medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo. 1989, Vol 44, Num 5, pp 201-206, issn 0041-8781Article

Epidemiological aspects of acute viral hepatitis in São Paulo, BrazilDA SILVA, L. C; CARRILHO, F. J; DI PIETRO, A et al.Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. 1986, Vol 28, Num 6, pp 400-405, issn 0036-4665Article

Primary analcime megacrysts up to 20 cm in phonolitic and basaltic rocks, Boa Vista, Cape Verde Islands = Analcimes primaires de mégacristaux de 20 cm dans les roches phonolitiques et basaltiques, Boa Vista, Iles du Cap VertSILVA, L. C.Garcia de Orta. Série de geologia. 1987, Vol 10, Num 1-2, pp 1-10, issn 0378-1240Article

Schistosoma mansoni circulating polysaccharide and protein antigens recognized by sheep antisera in patients with different clinical forms of schistosomiasis before and after treatmentCOSTA-CRUZ, J. M; HOSHINO-SHIMIZU, S; FERREIRA, A. W et al.Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. 1994, Vol 36, Num 4, pp 321-325, issn 0036-4665Article

Detection of hepatitis B virus DNA by the polymerase chain reaction in anti-HBE positive chronic hepatitis B patientsPINHO, J. R. R; SANTOS, C. A; DA SILVA, L. C et al.Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. 1993, Vol 35, Num 6, pp 515-520, issn 0036-4665Article

Liver morphology with emphasis on bile ducts changes and survival analysis in mice submitted to multiple Schistosoma mansoni infections and chemotherapyDA SILVA, L. C; VIANNA, M. R; ABRANTES, C. P et al.Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. 1990, Vol 32, Num 5, pp 328-337, issn 0036-4665, 10 p.Article

Active immunization against hepatitis B virus (HBV) with low-doses of plasma-derived vaccine by intradermal routeCARRILHO, F. J; QUEIROZ, M. L; DA SILVA, L. C et al.Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. 1989, Vol 31, Num 2, pp 91-94, issn 0036-4665Article

Hepatite crônica nâo-A, nâo-B: estudo clínico e morfológico = Hépatite chronique non-A non-B: étude clinique et morphologique = Chronic non-A, non-B hepatitis: clinical and morphological aspectsDA SILVA, L. C; PINHEIRO COELHO, M. E; PESSOA, M. G et al.Revista do hospital das clinicas. Faculdade de medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo. 1989, Vol 44, Num 5, pp 197-200, issn 0041-8781Article

Chronic human schistosomiasis mansoni-schistosomal antigen, immunoglobulins and complement C3 detection in the liverDE BRITO, T; SHIMIZU, S. H; YAMASHIRO, E et al.Liver (Copenhagen). 1985, Vol 5, Num 2, pp 64-70, issn 0106-9543Article

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