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Models of bacterial leachingJAMAL HADDADIN; DAGOT, C; FICK, M et al.Enzyme and microbial technology. 1995, Vol 17, Num 4, pp 290-305, issn 0141-0229Article

Stratégies d'élimination de l'azote d'un effluent urbain dans un réacteur discontinu séquentiel (SBR) = Strategies of nitrogen removal from urban wastewater in a sequencing batch reactorCASELLAS, M; DAGOT, C; BAUDU, M et al.Revue des sciences de l'eau (Paris). 2002, Vol 15, Num 4, pp 749-765, issn 0992-7158, 17 p.Article

Performances et simulation de réacteurs de traitement d'effluents à aération et décantation séquentielles (SBR) en climat tropical = Performances and simulation of intermittent decanted extended aeration treatment plants in a tropical climateDAGOT, C; SOMMANAWAN, N; BAUDU, M et al.Environmental technology. 2001, Vol 22, Num 10, pp 1155-1168, issn 0959-3330Article

Effects of thermal hydrolysis on activated sludge solubilization, surface properties and heavy metals biosorptionLAURENT, J; CASELLAS, M; CARRERE, H et al.Chemical engineering journal (1996). 2011, Vol 166, Num 3, pp 841-849, issn 1385-8947, 9 p.Article

Gestion des rejets et des déchets hospitaliers = Management of hospital effluents and wastesMATON, P.-M; LEPRAT, P; DAGOT, C et al.Environnement & technique. 1998, Num 179, pp 36-41, issn 0986-2943Article

Hydrodynamique d'un filtre biologique en systeme insature avec nitrification d'un effluent septique = Hydrodynamics of a biological unsaturated filtration system with nitrification of a septic effluentLAKEL, A; BAUDU, M; DAGOT, C et al.Water research (Oxford). 1998, Vol 32, Num 10, pp 3157-3167, issn 0043-1354Article

Apports des mesures rhéologiques pour la prévision des propriétts de décantation des boues activées = Rheological measurement used as a tool to assess sludges settleabilityGUIBAUD, G; DOLLET, P; TIXIER, N et al.Environmental technology. 2004, Vol 25, Num 6, pp 723-731, issn 0959-3330, 9 p.Article

Techno-economic evaluation of thermal treatment, ozonation and sonication for the reduction of wastewater biomass volume before aerobic or anaerobic digestionSALSABIL, M. R; LAURENT, J; CASELLAS, M et al.Journal of hazardous materials (Print). 2010, Vol 174, Num 1-3, pp 323-333, issn 0304-3894, 11 p.Article

Use of image analysis and rheological studies for the control of settleability of filamentous bacteria : application in SBR reactorDAGOT, C; PONS, M. N; CASELLAS, M et al.Water science and technology. 2001, pp 27-33, issn 0273-1223, isbn 1-900222-74-4Conference Paper

Monitoring of slaughterhouse wastewater biodegradation in a SBR using fluorescence and UV―Visible absorbanceLOUVET, J. N; HOMEKY, B; CASELLAS, M et al.Chemosphere (Oxford). 2013, Vol 91, Num 5, pp 648-655, issn 0045-6535, 8 p.Article

Assessment of physiological state of microorganisms in activated sludge with flow cytometry : application for monitoring sludge production minimizationPROROT, A; ESKICIOGLU; DROSTE, R et al.Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology. 2008, Vol 35, Num 11, pp 1261-1268, issn 1367-5435, 8 p.Conference Paper

Developpement of a simple method for rapid determination of As(III) and total As in drinking water = Développement d'une méthode simple en vue de la détermination directe de la concentration en As(III) et en arsenic inorganique total dans les eaux de boissonsMICHON, J; AL SHUKRY, R; DAGOT, C et al.European journal of water quality. 2005, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 167-178, issn 1818-8710, 12 p.Article

Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes spread into the environment: A reviewRIZZO, L; MANAIA, C; MERLIN, C et al.Science of the total environment. 2013, Vol 447, pp 345-360, issn 0048-9697, 16 p.Article

Modeling of an industrial alcohol fermentation and simulation of the plant by a process simulatorPASCAL, F; DAGOT, C; PINGAUD, H et al.Biotechnology and bioengineering. 1995, Vol 46, Num 3, pp 202-217, issn 0006-3592Article

Setting-up a control simulation strategy for a sequencing batch reactor (SBR): application to municipal wastewaterCASELLAS, M; DAGOT, C; STELMACH, S et al.Water science and technology. 2003, pp 297-302, issn 0273-1223, isbn 1-84339-433-2, 6 p.Conference Paper

Role des polymères extracellulaires dans l'adsorption du cadmium par les boues activées = Role of extracellular polymers in cadmium adsorption by activated sludgesGUIBAUD, G; BAUDU, M; DOLLET, P et al.Environmental technology. 1999, Vol 20, Num 10, pp 1045-1053, issn 0959-3330Article

Étude de l'adsorption du cadmium lors de la stabilisation aérobie ou anaérobie de boue activée = Cadmium adsorption by activated sludges during aerobic or anaerobic stabilizationGUIBAUD, G; BAUDU, M; DOLLET, P et al.Journal européen d'hydrologie. 1999, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 261-276, issn 1023-6368Conference Paper

Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for the release of antibiotics in the environment: A reviewMICHAEL, I; RIZZO, L; MCARDELL, C. S et al.Water research (Oxford). 2013, Vol 47, Num 3, pp 957-995, issn 0043-1354, 39 p.Article

Biological AsIII oxidation and arsenic sequestration onto ZVI-coated sand in an up-flow fixed-bed reactorWAN, J. F; ZHU, Y; SIMON, S et al.Water science and technology : water supply (Print). 2012, Vol 12, Num 1, pp 82-89, issn 1606-9749, 8 p.Article

Dynamic simulation of an industrial fed-batch alcoholic workshopPASCAL, F; CORRIOU, J. P; DAGOT, C et al.Computers & chemical engineering. 1993, Vol 17, pp S215-S220, issn 0098-1354, SUPConference Paper

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