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Un système simple pour la mesure in situ des échanges gazeux de couverts végétaux de quelques mètres carrés de surface foliaire = A simple system for in situ monitoring of gas exchanges in canopies with a leaf area of several square metersDAUDET, F. A.Agronomie (Print). 1987, Vol 7, Num 2, pp 133-139, issn 0249-5627Article

Etude in situ du fonctionnement hydrique et photosynthétique d'une vigne conduite en lyre = In situ study of the water and photosynthetic functions of a lyre-shaped grapevineNADERKATERJI; DAUDET, F.-A.Agronomie (Print). 1986, Vol 6, Num 8, pp 709-716, issn 0249-5627Article

The origin and theoretical correctionof thermal gradients in thermocouple psychrometersVANDERCHMITT, E; DAUDET, F.-A.Plant, cell and environment (Print). 1994, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 97-104, issn 0140-7791Article

Quelques aspects du fonctionnement hydrique et photosynthétique d'une vigne conduite en lyre = Study of water regime and photosynthesis for the two foliage sides of an open lyre at veraison, Cabernet-Sauvignon installed a dry graves soilDAUDET, F. A; KATERJI, N.Physiologie de la vigne. Symposium international. 3. 1987, pp 392-397Conference Paper

Continuous monitoring of gas exchange in open-top chambers in pollution experiments: methodological aspectsDAUDET, F.-A; CLAUSTRES, J. P.New phytologist. 1995, Vol 130, Num 1, pp 81-88, issn 0028-646XArticle

Gestion du carbone chez le jeune noyer = Carbon economy in young walnut treesKajji, Abdellah; Daudet, F. A.1992, 77 p.Thesis

Influence de la pollution atmosphérique sur les échanges gazeux des Epicéas. Résultats d'une nouvelle méthodologie = Influence of the atmospheric pollution on the gas exchanges of Spruces. Results of a new methodologyClaustres, Jean-Pierre; Daudet, F.-A.1992, 97 p.Thesis

Source-sink relationships for carbon and nitrogen during early growth of Juglans regia L. seedlings : analysis at two elevated CO2 concentrationsMAILLARD, P; DELEENS, E; CASTELL, F et al.Annals of forest science. 1999, Vol 56, Num 1, pp 59-69, issn 1286-4560Article

Seasonal variation of photosynthetic carbon flow rate into young walnut and its partitioning among the plant organs and functionsLACOINTE, A; ABDELLAH KAJJI; DAUDET, F.-A et al.Journal of plant physiology. 1995, Vol 146, Num 3, pp 222-230, issn 0176-1617Article

Comparaison de 3 méthodes de mesure de la transpiration de jeunes arbres = Comparison of 3 methods for measuring the transpiration rate of young treesAMEGLIO, T; DAUDET, F. A; ARCHER, P et al.Agronomie (Print). 1993, Vol 13, Num 8, pp 751-759, issn 0249-5627Article

Significance and limits in the use of predawn leaf water potential for tree irrigationAMEGLIO, T; ARCHER, P; COHEN, M et al.Plant and soil. 1998, Vol 207, Num 2, pp 155-167, issn 0032-079XArticle

L'échelle phénologique dans CERES-maize = The phenological scale in CERES-maizeDAUDET, F.-A; HARENA, H.La vie du maïs. Colloque. 1991, pp 419-428, isbn 2-7380-0304-4, 10 p.Conference Paper

Étude à l'échelle de la plante entière du fonctionnement hydrique et photosynthétique de la vigne : comparaison des systèmes de conduite traditionnel et en Lyre = Photosynthesis and transpiration studies with traditionally and lyre-trained vinesKATERJI, N; DAUDET, F. A; CARBONNEAU, A et al.Vitis. 1994, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 197-203, issn 0042-7500Article

Leaf boundary layer conductance in a vineyard in PortugalDAUDET, F. A; SILVESTRE, J; FERREIRA, M. I et al.Agricultural and forest meteorology. 1998, Vol 89, Num 3-4, pp 255-267, issn 0168-1923Article

RATP : a model for simulating the spatial distribution of radiation absorption, transpiration and photosynthesis within canopies : application to an isolated tree crownSINOQUET, H; LE ROUX, X; ADAM, B et al.Plant, cell and environment (Print). 2001, Vol 24, Num 4, pp 395-406, issn 0140-7791Article

Carbon and nitrogen partitioning in walnut seedlings during the acquisition of autotrophy through simultaneous 13Co2 and 15NO3 long-term labellingMAILLARD, P; DELEENS, E; DAUDET, F. A et al.Journal of experimental botany. 1994, Vol 45, Num 271, pp 203-210, issn 0022-0957Article

An experimental system for the quantitative 14C-labelling of whole trees in situKAJJI, A; LACOINTE, A; DAUDET, F. A et al.Annales des sciences forestières. 1993, Vol 50, Num 3, pp 309-318, issn 0003-4312Article

Carbon economy in walnut seedlings during the acquisition of autotrophy studied by long-term labelling with 13CO2MAILLARD, P; DELEENS, E; DAUDET, F. A et al.Physiologia Plantarum (København. 1948). 1994, Vol 91, Num 3, pp 359-368, issn 0031-9317Conference Paper

Testing the branch autonomy theory: a 13C/14C double-labelling experiment on differentially shaded branchesLACOINTE, A; DELEENS, E; AMEGLIO, T et al.Plant, cell and environment (Print). 2004, Vol 27, Num 9, pp 1159-1168, issn 0140-7791, 10 p.Article

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