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Disease modifying therapy for AD?GOLDE, Todd E.Journal of neurochemistry. 2006, Vol 99, Num 3, pp 689-707, issn 0022-3042, 19 p.Article

Intramembrane-cleaving aspartic proteases and disease: presenilins, signal peptide peptidase and their homologsMANOGLIO, Bruno; GOLDE, Todd E.Human molecular genetics (Print). 2003, Vol 12, pp R201-R206, issn 0964-6906, NS2Article

The effect of brief neonatal cryoanesthesia on physical development and adult cognitive function in miceJANUS, Christopher; GOLDE, Todd.Behavioural brain research. 2014, Vol 259, pp 253-260, issn 0166-4328, 8 p.Article

Cholesterol modulation as an emerging strategy for the treatment of Alzheimer's diseaseGOLDE, Todd E; ECKMAN, Christopher B.Drug discovery today. 2001, Vol 6, Num 20, pp 1049-1055, issn 1359-6446Article

Targeting Aβ and tau in Alzheimer's disease, an early interim report : Beta-amylid and tau protein abnormalities in Alzheimer's diseaseGOLDE, Todd E; PETRUCELLI, Leonard; LEWIS, Jada et al.Experimental neurology (Print). 2010, Vol 223, Num 2, pp 252-266, issn 0014-4886, 15 p.Article

Variant Alzheimer's disease with spastic paraparesis and cotton wool plaques is caused by ps-1 mutations that lead to exceptionally high amyloid-β concentrationsHOULDEN, Henry; BAKER, Matt; SCARAVILLI, Francesco et al.Annals of neurology. 2000, Vol 48, Num 5, pp 806-808, issn 0364-5134Article

β-Secretase cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein mediates neuronal apoptosis caused by familial Alzheimer's disease mutationsMCPHIE, Donna L; GOLDE, Todd; ECKMAN, Christopher B et al.Molecular brain research. 2001, Vol 97, Num 1, pp 103-113, issn 0169-328XArticle

Targeting Notch to Target Cancer Stem Cells : Drugs that Target the Stemness PathwaysPANNUTI, Antonio; FOREMAN, Kimberly; RIZZO, Paola et al.Clinical cancer research (Print). 2010, Vol 16, Num 12, pp 3141-3152, issn 1078-0432, 12 p.Article

Frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism associated with the IVSI+IG→A mutation in progranulin : a clinicopathologic studyGOEDERT, Michel; GRAZIA SPILLANTINI, Maria; RADEMAKERS, Rosa et al.Brain. 2006, Vol 129, issn 0006-8950, 2808-2810,3103-3114 [15 p.], 11Article

The Influence of 5-Lipoxygenase on Alzheimer's Disease-Related Tau Pathology: In Vivo and In Vitro EvidenceJIN CHU; LI, Jian-Guo; CEBALLOS-DIAZ, Carolina et al.Biological psychiatry (1969). 2013, Vol 74, Num 5, pp 321-328, issn 0006-3223, 8 p.Article

A multigram chemical synthesis of the γ-secretase inhibitor LY411575 and its diastereoisomersFAUQ, Abdul H; SIMPSON, Katherine; MAHARVI, Ghulam M et al.Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters (Print). 2007, Vol 17, Num 22, pp 6392-6395, issn 0960-894X, 4 p.Article

Matrix metalloproteinase-9 contributes to brain extravasation and edema in fulminant hepatic failure miceNGUYEN, Justin H; YAMAMOTO, Satoshi; DICKSON, Dennis et al.Journal of hepatology. 2006, Vol 44, Num 6, pp 1105-1114, issn 0168-8278, 10 p.Article

Inclusion-body myositis and Αlzheimer disease : Two sides of the same coin, or different currencies altogether?MURPHY, M. Paul; GOLDE, Todd E.Neurology. 2006, Vol 66, Num 2, issn 0028-3878, S65-S68, SUP1Article

γ-Secretase cleavage and nuclear localization of ErbB-4 receptor tyrosine kinaseNI, Chang-Yuan; MURPHY, M. Paul; GOLDE, Todd E et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2001, Vol 294, Num 5549, pp 2179-2181, issn 0036-8075Article

5-Lipoxygenase Gene Transfer Worsens Memory, Amyloid, and Tau Brain Pathologies in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer DiseaseJIN CHU; GIANNOPOULOS, Phillip F; CEBALLOS-DIAZ, Carolina et al.Annals of neurology. 2012, Vol 72, Num 3, pp 442-454, issn 0364-5134, 13 p.Article

Identification of a novel family of presenilin homologuesPONTING, Chris P; HUTTON, Mike; NYBORG, Andrew et al.Human molecular genetics (Print). 2002, Vol 11, Num 9, pp 1037-1044, issn 0964-6906Article

Off the beaten pathway : the complex cross talk between Notch and NF-κBOSIPO, Clodia; GOLDE, Todd E; OSBORNE, Barbara A et al.Laboratory investigation. 2008, Vol 88, Num 1, pp 11-17, issn 0023-6837, 7 p.Article

Immune responses against Aβ1-42 in HLA class II transgenic mice: implications for Aβ1-42 immune-mediated therapiesDAS, Pritam; CHAPOVAL, Svetlana; HOWARD, Victor et al.Neurobiology of aging. 2003, Vol 24, Num 7, pp 969-976, issn 0197-4580, 8 p.Article

Reduced effectiveness of Aβ1-42 immunization in APP transgenic mice with significant amyloid depositionDAS, Pritam; PAUL, M; MURPHY et al.Neurobiology of aging. 2001, Vol 22, Num 5, pp 721-727, issn 0197-4580Article

Viral transduction of the neonatal brain delivers controllable genetic mosaicism for visualising and manipulating neuronal circuits in vivoKIM, Ji-Yoen; ASH, Ryan T; CEBALLOS-DIAZ, Carolina et al.European journal of neuroscience (Print). 2013, Vol 37, Num 7-8, pp 1203-1220, issn 0953-816X, 18 p.Article

Gamma secretase inhibitor blocks Notch activation and induces apoptosis in Kaposi's sarcoma tumor cellsCURRY, Christine L; REED, Laura L; GOLDE, Todd E et al.Oncogene (Basingstoke). 2005, Vol 24, Num 42, pp 6333-6344, issn 0950-9232, 12 p.Article

C-terminal PAL motif of presenilin and presenilin homologues required for normal active site conformationJUN WANG; BEHER, Dirk; NYBORG, Andrew C et al.Journal of neurochemistry. 2006, Vol 96, Num 1, pp 218-227, issn 0022-3042, 10 p.Article

Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs as therapeutic agents for Alzheimer's diseaseGOLDE, Todd E; ERIKSEN, Jason L; WEGGEN, Sascha et al.Drug development research. 2002, Vol 56, Num 3, pp 415-420, issn 0272-4391, 6 p.Article

Inhibition of Notch Signaling Reduces the Stem-like Population of Breast Cancer Cells and Prevents Mammosphere FormationGRUDZIEN, Peter; LO, Shelly; ALBAIN, Kathy S et al.Anticancer research. 2010, Vol 30, Num 10, pp 3853-3867, issn 0250-7005, 15 p.Article

Notch 1 and TGFβ1 cooperatively regulate Foxp3 expression and the maintenance of peripheral regulatory T cellsSAMON, Jeremy B; CHAMPHEKAR, Ameya; MINTER, Lisa M et al.Blood. 2008, Vol 112, Num 5, pp 1813-1821, issn 0006-4971, 9 p.Article

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