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Observations sur la floraison et la fructification de la phanérogame marine Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile sur les côtes du golfe de Gabès (Tunisie) = Observations about the flowering and fructification of phanerogame Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile in Gabes gulf coasts (Tunisia)HAMZA, Asma; BOUAIN, Abderrahmen; EL ABED, Amor et al.Mésogée (Marseille). 2000, Vol 58, pp 93-99, issn 0985-116XArticle

Gymnodiniales in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia)DAMMAK-ZOUARI, Hela; HAMZA, Asma; BOUAIN, Abderrahmen et al.Cahiers de biologie marine. 2009, Vol 50, Num 2, pp 153-170, issn 0007-9723, 18 p.Article

Seasonal variation of Sarpa salpa fish toxicity, as related to phytoplankton consumption, accumulation of heavy metals, lipids peroxidation level in fish tissues and toxicity upon miceBELLASSOUED, Khaled; HAMZA, Asma; PELT, Jos Van et al.Environmental monitoring and assessment. 2013, Vol 185, Num 2, pp 1137-1150, issn 0167-6369, 14 p.Article

Spatial and temporal variations of epiphytic Ostreopsis siamensis on Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile leaves in Mahdia (Tunisia)MABROUK, Lotfi; HAMZA, Asma; MAHFOUDI, Mabrouka et al.Cahiers de biologie marine. 2012, Vol 53, Num 4, pp 419-427, issn 0007-9723, 9 p.Article

Variability in the structure of epiphyte assemblages on leaves and rhizomes of Posidonia oceanica in relation to human disturbances in a seagrass meadow off TunisiaMABROUK, Lotfi; HAMZA, Asma; BRAHIM, Mounir Ben et al.Aquatic botany. 2013, Vol 108, pp 33-40, issn 0304-3770, 8 p.Article

First records of two clingfishes species : Opeatogynus gracilis and Lepadogaster candollei (Pisces, Gobiesocidae) in the gulf of Gabes (Tunisia)NEJMEDDINE BRADAI, Mohamed; BOUAROUI, Lobna; MENIF, Lasaad et al.Mésogée (Marseille). 2007, Vol 63, pp 7-9, issn 0985-116X, 3 p.Article

Prevalence and persistence of gymnodimines in clams from the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia) studied by mouse bioassay and LC―MS/MSNAILA, Idriss Ben; HAMZA, Asma; GDOURA, Radhouane et al.Harmful algae. 2012, Vol 18, pp 56-64, issn 1568-9883, 9 p.Article

Mise en évidence d'activités biologiques dans les extraits d'une phanérogame marine (Halophila stipulacea)SELLIMI, Sabrine; MASMOUDI, Ons; SIALA, Rayda et al.MHA (Sousse). 2012, Vol 23, Num 69, pp 14-22, issn 0330-8030, 9 p.Article

Coupling of phytoplankton community structure to nutrients, ciliates and copepods in the Gulf of Gabès (south Ionian Sea, Tunisia)DRIRA, Zaher; HAMZA, Asma; BEL HASSEN, Malika et al.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2010, Vol 90, Num 6, pp 1203-1215, issn 0025-3154, 13 p.Article

Local and regional factors influencing zooplankton communities in the connected Kasseb Reservoir, TunisiaSELLAMI, Ikbel; ELLOUMI, Jannet; HAMZA, Asma et al.Water S.A. 2011, Vol 37, Num 2, pp 201-212, issn 0378-4738, 12 p.Article

Species composition and spatial distribution of abundances and biomass of phytoplankton and ciliates during summer stratification in the Gulf of Hammamet (Tunisia)HANNACHI, Imen; DRIRA, Zaher; BEL HASSEN, Malika et al.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2011, Vol 91, Num 7, pp 1429-1442, issn 0025-3154, 14 p.Article

Distribution of ciliates in relation to environmental factors along the coastline of the Gulf of Gabes, TunisiaKCHAOU, Nouha; ELLOUMI, Jannet; DRIRA, Zaher et al.Estuarine, coastal and shelf science (Print). 2009, Vol 83, Num 4, pp 414-424, issn 0272-7714, 11 p.Article

DISTRIBUTION ANNUELLE DES ABONDANCES DES ROTIFÈRES DANS HUIT BASSINS RECEVANT DES EAUX GÉOTHERMALES EN RELATION AVEC LES FACTEURS ENVIRONNEMENTAUX = Annual abundance distribution of the rotifers in eight basins receiving geothermal water in relation to environmental factorsSELLAMI, Ikbel; ELLOUMI, Jannet; HAMZA, Asma et al.Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France. 2008, Vol 133, Num 1-3, pp 73-84, issn 0037-962X, 12 p.Article

Fluctuating asymmetry in grass goby Zosterisessor ophiocephalus Pallas, 1811 inhabiting polluted and unpolluted area in TunisiaMABROUK, Lotfi; GUARRED, Taher; HAMZA, Asma et al.Marine pollution bulletin. 2014, Vol 85, Num 1, pp 248-251, issn 0025-326X, 4 p.Article

Copepod community structure related to environmental factors from a summer cruise in the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia, eastern Mediterranean Sea)DRIRA, Zaher; BELHASSEN, Malika; AYADI, Habib et al.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2010, Vol 90, Num 1, pp 145-157, issn 0025-3154, 13 p.Article

Factors determining the dynamics of toxic blooms of Alexandrium minutum during a 10-year study along the shallow southwestern Mediterranean coastsABDENADHER, Moufida; HAMZA, Asma; FEKIH, Wafa et al.Estuarine, coastal and shelf science (Print). 2012, Vol 106, pp 102-111, issn 0272-7714, 10 p.Article

Variability in the structure of epiphytic assemblages of Posidonia oceanica in relation to human interferences in the Gulf of Gabes, TunisiaMOUNIR BEN BRAHIM; HAMZA, Asma; HANNACHI, Imen et al.Marine environmental research. 2010, Vol 70, Num 5, pp 411-421, issn 0141-1136, 11 p.Article

Influence of environmental parameters on Karenia selliformis toxin content in cultureMEDHIOUB, Amel; MEDHIOUB, Walid; AMZIL, Zouher et al.Cahiers de biologie marine. 2009, Vol 50, Num 4, pp 333-342, issn 0007-9723, 10 p.Article

What are the potential drivers of blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia selliformis? A 10-year study in the Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia, southwestern Mediterranean SeaFEKI, Wafa; HAMZA, Asma; FROSSARD, Victor et al.Harmful algae. 2013, Vol 23, pp 8-18, issn 1568-9883, 11 p.Article

Seasonal patterns of viral, microbial and planktonic communities in Sidi Salem: a freshwater reservoir (North of Tunisia)BEN ROMDHANE, Samira; EL BOUR, Monia; HAMZA, Asma et al.Annales de limnologie. 2014, Vol 50, Num 4, pp 299-314, issn 0003-4088, 16 p.Article

Spatial and temporal variations of microphytoplankton composition related to hydrographic conditions in the Gulf of GabèsDRIRA, Zaher; BEL HASSEN, Malika; HAMZA, Asma et al.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2009, Vol 89, Num 8, pp 1559-1569, issn 0025-3154, 11 p.Article

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