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Santé de la crevette d'élevage en Nouvelle-Calédonie (Projet Desans)Harache, Yves; Herbland, Alain.Savoir-faire (Paris. 2006). 2008, issn 1952-1251, isbn 978-2-7592-0080-1, 1Vol, 142 p., isbn 978-2-7592-0080-1Book

Pyruvate kinase activity as index of carbohydrate assimilation by mesozooplankton : an early field implementation in the Bay of Biscay, NE AtlanticBERGERON, Jean-Pierre; HERBLAND, Alain.Journal of plankton research. 2001, Vol 23, Num 2, pp 157-163, issn 0142-7873Article

Recherches d'indices de jeûne chez la larve de sole, Solea solea (Linnaeus, 1758): approche expérimentale et application dans le golfe de Gascogne = Researches for criteria related to starvation of Dover sole larva (Solea solea, Linnaeus, 1758): experimental approach and field applicationBoulhic, Michel; Herbland, Alain.1991, 220 p.Thesis

Recrutement de la sole (Solea solea, L.) du golfe de Gascogne: influence de l'hydrologie et de l'hydrodynamisme = Recruitment of the Bay of Biscay sole (Solea solea, L.) in relation to hydrography and water masses circulationKoutsikopoulos, Constantin; Herbland, Alain.1991, 215 p.Thesis

Summer syndrome in Litopenaeus stylirostris grow out ponds in New Caledonia : Zootechnical and environmental factorsLEMONNIER, Hugues; HERBLAND, Alain; SALERY, Lucas et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2006, Vol 261, Num 3, pp 1039-1047, issn 0044-8486, 9 p.Article

Importance du picoplancton autotrophe dans la biomasse et la production primaire des eaux marines oligotrophes. Atlantique tropical oriental et mer des Sargasses = Part of phototrophic picoplankton in the phytoplankton biomass and the primary production of oligotrophic waters. Eastern tropical Atlantic and Sargasso SeaFukai, Eri; Herbland, Alain.1991, 290 p.Thesis

Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay = Océanographie du Golfe de GascogneHERBLAND, Alain; QUERO, Jean-Claude.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, issn 0399-1784, 265 p.Conference Proceedings

Some evidences of northward fine sediment transport in the northern Portuguese continental shelfDRAGO, T; OLIVEIRA, A; MAGALHAES, F et al.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 223-231, issn 0399-1784Conference Paper

Nutrient and microbial dynamics in eutrophying shrimp ponds affected or unaffected by vibriosisLEMONNIER, Hugues; COURTIES, Claude; MUGNIER, Chantal et al.Marine pollution bulletin. 2010, Vol 60, Num 3, pp 402-411, issn 0025-326X, 10 p.Article

Phosphorus limitation of winter/spring phytoplankton blooms within the Gironde plume in the bay of BiscayLABRY, Claire; DELMAS, Daniel; HERBLAND, Alain et al.Actes de colloques - IFREMER. 2001, Vol 31, pp 119-125, issn 0761-3962, isbn 2-84433-054-1Conference Paper

Behaviour of arsenic on the continental shelf off the Gironde estuary : role of phytoplankton in vertical fluxes during spring bloom conditionsMICHEL, P; BOUTIER, B; HERBLAND, A et al.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 325-333, issn 0399-1784Conference Paper

Hydrography of the Artabro Gulf in summer : western coastal limit of Cantabrian seawater and wind-induced upwelling at Prior CapePREGO, R; VARELA, M.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 145-155, issn 0399-1784Conference Paper

Temporal trends and spatial structures of the sea surface temperature in the Bay of BiscayKOUTSIKOPOULOS, C; BEILLOIS, P; LEROY, C et al.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 335-344, issn 0399-1784Conference Paper

Le comblement de la ria de Gernika (golfe de Gascogne) à l'Holocène terminal = The filling of the ria de Gernika (Bay of Biscay) since the late HolocenePASCUAL, A; WEBER, O; RODRIGUEZ-LAZARO, J et al.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 263-269, issn 0399-1784Conference Paper

A whirling ecosystem in the equatorial AtlanticMENKES, Christophe E; KENNAN, Sean C; MORLIERE, Alain et al.Geophysical research letters. 2002, Vol 29, Num 11, pp 48.1-48.4, issn 0094-8276Article

Balance of organic fluxes in the Gironde dilution plume : ecological importance of microbial loop and microbial food web processes in spring, in the photic zoneARTIGAS, Luis Felipe; LABORDE, Pierre; SAUTOUR, Benoit et al.Actes de colloques - IFREMER. 2001, Vol 31, pp 126-136, issn 0761-3962, isbn 2-84433-054-1Conference Paper

Pb, Zn, Cs, Sc and rare earth elements as tracers of the Loire and Gironde particles on the Biscay shelf (SW France)JOUANNEAU, J.-M; WEBER, O; GROUSSET, F. E et al.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 233-241, issn 0399-1784Conference Paper

Facteurs de mortalité observés chez les tortues marines dans le golfe de Gascogne = Factors of mortality of marine turtles in the Bay of BiscayDUGUY, R; MORINIERE, P; LE MILINAIRE, C et al.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 383-388, issn 0399-1784Conference Paper

Winter phytoplankton blooms within the Gironde plume waters in the bay of BiscayLABRY, Claire; HERBLAND, Alain; DELMAS, Daniel et al.Actes de colloques - IFREMER. 2001, Vol 31, pp 137-139, issn 0761-3962, isbn 2-84433-054-1Conference Paper

Nutrient fluxes to the Bay of Biscay from Cantabrian rivers (Spain)PREGO, R; VERGARA, J.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 271-278, issn 0399-1784Conference Paper

Morpho-sedimentary evidence of Holocene coastal changes near the mouth of the Gironde and on the Medoc Peninsula, SW FrancePONTEE, N. I; TASTET, J.-P; MASSE, L et al.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 243-261, issn 0399-1784Conference Paper

Phytoplankton blooms in the Urdaibai estuary during summer : physico-chemical conditions and taxa involvedORIVE, E; IRIARTE, A; DE MADARIAGA, I et al.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 293-305, issn 0399-1784Conference Paper

Les observations de poissons tropicaux et le réchauffement des eaux dans l'Atlantique européen = The records of tropical fishes and the warming of the European Atlantic watersQUERO, J.-C; BUIT, M.-H. D; VAYNE, J.-J et al.Oceanologica acta. 1998, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 345-351, issn 0399-1784Conference Paper

Production primaire en milieu oligotrophe = Primary production in an oligotrophic environmentHERBLAND, Alain; GIESKES, Winfried W. C; SLAWYK, Gerd et al.Production primaire en milieu oligotrophe. Journées. 1988, 80 p.Conference Proceedings

Expériences d'incubation de 109Cd in situ : contribution à l'étude du rôle de l'activité phytoplanctonique sur le cycle du cadmium en milieu côtier = Incubation experiments with 109Cd in situ : contribution to the study of the role of phytoplanctonic activity on the cadmium cycle in coastal watersGONZALEZ, Jean-Louis; DANGE, Catherine; LABRY, Claire et al.Actes de colloques - IFREMER. 2001, Vol 31, pp 60-65, issn 0761-3962, isbn 2-84433-054-1Conference Paper

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