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Mammoth genomics : Darwin 200HOFREITER, Michael.Nature (London). 2008, Vol 456, Num 7220, pp 330-331, issn 0028-0836, 2 p.Article

Comparison and optimization of ancient DNA extractionROHLAND, Nadin; HOFREITER, Michael.BioTechniques. 2007, Vol 42, Num 3, issn 0736-6205, 343-352 [10 p.]Article

General palaeontology (Taphonomy and Fossilisation) : PalaeogenomicsHOFREITER, Michael.Comptes rendus. Palévol. 2008, Vol 7, Num 2-3, pp 113-124, issn 1631-0683, 12 p.Article

Nondestructive DNA extraction method for mitochondrial DNA analyses of museum specimensROHLAND, Nadin; SIEDEL, Heike; HOFREITER, Michael et al.BioTechniques. 2004, Vol 36, Num 5, pp 814-821, issn 0736-6205, 8 p.Article

Pleistocene brown bears in the mid-continent of North AmericaMATHEUS, Paul; BURNS, James; WEINSTOCK, Jaco et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2004, Vol 306, Num 5699, issn 0036-8075, p. 1150Article

Mitochondrial DNA sequence from an enigmatic gorilla population (Gorilla gorilla uellensis)HOFREITER, Michael; SLEDEL, Heike; VAN NEER, Wim et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2003, Vol 121, Num 4, pp 361-368, issn 0002-9483, 8 p.Article

Faunal histories from Holocene ancient DNADE BRUYN, Mark; RUS HOELZEL, A; CARVALHO, Gary R et al.Trends in ecology & evolution (Amsterdam). 2011, Vol 26, Num 8, pp 405-413, issn 0169-5347, 9 p.Article

New taxa of Alpine cave bears (Ursidae, Carnivora)RABEDER, Gernot; HOFREITER, Michael; NAGEL, Doris et al.Cahiers scientifiques - Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon. 2004, pp 49-67, issn 1627-3516, 19 p., HS2Conference Paper

Clovis Age Western Stemmed Projectile Points and Human Coprolites at the Paisley Caves = Pointes de projectiles occidentales à pédoncule de la période Clovis et coprolithes humains dans les grottes de PaisleyJENKINS, Dennis L; DAVIS, Loren G; GIBBONS, Summer C et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2012, Vol 337, Num 6091, pp 223-228, issn 0036-8075, 6 p.Article

DNA from Pre-Clovis Human Coprolites in Oregon, North AmericaGILBERT, M. Thomas P; JENKINS, Dennis L; PARR, Robert et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2008, Vol 320, Num 5877, pp 786-789, issn 0036-8075, 4 p.Article

Multiplex amplification of the mammoth mitochondrial genome and the evolution of ElephantidaeKRAUSE, Johannes; DEAR, Paul H; POLLACK, Joshua L et al.Nature (London). 2006, Vol 439, Num 7077, pp 724-727, issn 0028-0836, 4 p.Article

The genetic history of EuropeansPINHASI, Ron; THOMAS, Mark G; HOFREITER, Michael et al.Trends in genetics (Regular ed.). 2012, Vol 28, Num 10, pp 496-505, issn 0168-9525, 10 p.Article

Species-specific responses of Late Quaternary megafauna to climate and humansLORENZEN, Eline D; NOGUES-BRAVO, David; HO, Simon Y. W et al.Nature (London). 2011, Vol 479, Num 7373, pp 359-364, issn 0028-0836, 6 p.Article

A Melanocortin 1 Receptor Allele Suggests Varying Pigmentation Among NeanderthalsLALUEZA-FOX, Caries; RÖMPLER, Holger; DE LA RASILLA, Marco et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2007, Vol 318, Num 5855, pp 1453-1455, issn 0036-8075, 3 p.Article

Nuclear gene indicates coat-color polymorphism in mammothsRÖMPLER, Holger; ROHLAND, Nadin; LALUEZA-FOX, Carles et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2006, Vol 313, Num 5783, pp 62-62, issn 0036-8075, 1 p.Article

Genomic sequencing of Pleistocene cave bearsNOONAN, James P; HOFREITER, Michael; SMITH, Doug et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2005, Vol 309, Num 5734, pp 597-600, issn 0036-8075, 4 p.Article

Substitutions in woolly mammoth hemoglobin confer biochemical properties adaptive for cold toleranceCAMPBELL, Kevin L; ROBERTS, Jason E. E; AUSTIN, Jeremy J et al.Nature genetics. 2010, Vol 42, Num 6, pp 536-540, issn 1061-4036, 5 p.Article

Fossil dogs and wolves from Palaeolithic sites in Belgium, the Ukraine and Russia : osteometry, ancient DNA and stable isotopesGERMONPRE, Mietje; SABLIN, Mikhail V; STEVENS, Rhiannon E et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2009, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 473-490, issn 0305-4403, 18 p.Article

Ancient biomolecules from deep ice cores reveal a forested southern greenlandWILLERSLEV, Eske; CAPPELLINI, Enrico; JOHNSEN, Sigfus et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2007, Vol 317, Num 5834, pp 111-114, issn 0036-8075, 4 p.Article

Effects of late quaternary climate change on Palearctic shrewsPROST, Stefan; KLIETMANN, Johannes; SOMMER, Robert S et al.Global change biology (Print). 2013, Vol 19, Num 6, pp 1865-1874, issn 1354-1013, 10 p.Article

Losing ground: past history and future fate of Arctic small mammals in a changing climatePROST, Stefan; GURALNICK, Robert P; WALTARI, Eric et al.Global change biology (Print). 2013, Vol 19, Num 6, pp 1854-1864, issn 1354-1013, 11 p.Article

Coat Color Variation at the Beginning of Horse DomesticationLUDWIG, Arne; PRUVOST, Melanie; SLATKIN, Montgomery et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2009, Vol 324, Num 5926, pp 485-485, issn 0036-8075, 1 p.Article

Molecular breeding of polymerases for amplification of ancient DNAD'ABBADIE, Marc; HOFREITER, Michael; VAISMAN, Alexandra et al.Nature biotechnology (Print). 2007, Vol 25, Num 8, pp 939-943, issn 1087-0156, 5 p.Article

Animal DNA in PCR reagents plagues ancient DNA researchLEONARD, Jennifer A; SHANKS, Orin; HOFREITER, Michael et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2007, Vol 34, Num 9, pp 1361-1366, issn 0305-4403, 6 p.Article

Assessing ancient DNA studiesGILBERT, M. Thomas P; BANDELT, Hans-Jürgen; HOFREITER, Michael et al.Trends in ecology & evolution (Amsterdam). 2005, Vol 20, Num 10, pp 541-544, issn 0169-5347, 4 p.Article

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