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Small angiomyolipoma of the liver diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration biopsy under ultrasound guidanceYAMADA, N; SHINZAWA, H; MAKINO, N et al.Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. 1993, Vol 8, Num 5, pp 495-498, issn 0815-9319Conference Paper

Significance of HIF-1-active cells in angiogenesis and radioresistanceHARADA, H; KIZAKA-KONDOH, S; LI, G et al.Oncogene (Basingstoke). 2007, Vol 26, Num 54, pp 7508-7516, issn 0950-9232, 9 p.Article

Stimulation of intramural secretory reflex by luminal distension pressure in rat distal colonITASAKA, S; SHIRATORI, K; TAKAHASHI, T et al.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology. 1992, Vol 26, Num 1, pp G108-G114, issn 0193-1857Article

Time variation of the effective work function for thermal positive ion production from lithium atoms incident upon a rhenium surface in a high vacuum = Variation temporelle du travail de sortie effectif pour la production des ions positifs à partir des atomes de lithium incidents sur une surface de rhénium, dans un vide pousséKAWANO, H; ITASAKA, S; OHNISHI, S et al.International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes. 1987, Vol 75, Num 2, pp 233-241, issn 0168-1176Article

Treatment regimen determines whether an HIF-I inhibitor enhances or inhibits the effect of radiation therapyHARADA, H; ITASAKA, S; ZHU, Y et al.British journal of cancer. 2009, Vol 100, Num 5, pp 747-757, issn 0007-0920, 11 p.Article

Temperature dependence of the effective work function for thermal positive ion production from lithium atoms incident upon a rhenium surface in a high vacuum = Relation entre la température et le travail de sortie effectif pour la production d'ions thermiques positifs à partir d'atomes de lithium incidents sur la surface de rhénium dans un vide pousséKAWANO, H; ITASAKA, S; OHNISHI, S et al.International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes. 1987, Vol 75, Num 1, pp 99-109, issn 0168-1176Article

Additional evidence for the work function increase due to adsorption of residual gases and for its decrease due to co-adsorption of the gases and alkali metal halide molecules during positive surface ionization in high vacua = Mise en évidence supplémentaire de l'augmentation du travail de sortie par suite de l'adsorption des gaz résiduaires et de sa diminution par suite de la coadsorption des gaz et des molécules d'halogénures alcalins lors d'une ionisation positive de la surface dans le videKAWANO, H; ITASAKA, S. I; OHNISHI, S et al.International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes. 1986, Vol 73, Num 1-2, pp 145-155, issn 0168-1176Article

Temperature dependence of the effective work functions for thermal positive-ionic and electronic emissions from a polycrystalline rhenium surface in a high vacuumKAWANO, H; ITASAKA, S. I; OHNISHI, S et al.International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes. 1986, Vol 70, Num 2, pp 195-201, issn 0168-1176Article

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