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Analyse des processus de microfissuration des agrégats à l'humectation = Aggregates breakdown by microcrackingLE BISSONNAIS, Y.Science du sol (1984). 1989, Vol 27, Num 2, pp 187-199, issn 0767-2853Article

Comportement d'agrégats terreux soumis à l'action de l'eau: analyse des mécanismes de désagrégation = Mechanisms of aggregate breakdownLE BISSONNAIS, Y.Agronomie (Print). 1988, Vol 8, Num 10, pp 915-924, issn 0249-5627Article

Analyse expérimentale des mécanismes d'érosion : la dégradation structurale superficielle et le détachement des particules des sols cultivés = Experimental analysis of erosion mechanisms: the structural superficial breakdown and the detachment of fragments of cultivated soilsLE BISSONNAIS, Y.Ingénieries (Antony). 2000, Num 22, pp 27-36, issn 1264-9147Article

Analyse expérimentale des mécanismes d'érosion: la dégradation structurale superficielle et le détachement des particules des sols cultivés = Experimental analysis of erosion mechanisms: surface structure degradation and soil particles detachmentLE BISSONNAIS, Y.Ingénieries (Antony). 2000, Num 22, pp 27-36, issn 1264-9147Article

Aggregate stability and assessment of soil crustability and erodibility : I. Theory and methodologyLE BISSONNAIS, Y.European journal of soil science. 1996, Vol 47, Num 4, pp 425-437, issn 1351-0754Article

Field measurements of interrill erosion under different slopes and plot sizesCHAPLOT, V; LE BISSONNAIS, Y.Earth surface processes and landforms. 2000, Vol 25, Num 2, pp 145-153, issn 0197-9337Article

Role des sols et des pratiques culturales dans les phénomènes de ruissellement et d'érosion. Exemple des sols limoneux en grande culture du nord de l'Europe = Effect of soils and agricultural practices on runoff and erosion. The example of loam soils of Northern EuropeLE BISSONNAIS, Y; KING, D.Purpan. 1993, Num 166, pp 68-74, issn 0395-8655Conference Paper

Aggregate stability and assessment of soil crustability and erodibility: II. Application to humic loamy soils with various organic carbon contentsLE BISSONNAIS, Y; ARROUAYS, D.European journal of soil science. 1997, Vol 48, Num 1, pp 39-48, issn 1351-0754Article

Crusting, runoff, and erosion response to soil water content and successive rainfallsLE BISSONNAIS, Y; SINGER, M.J.Soil Science Society of America journal. 1992, Vol 56, Num 6, pp 1898-1903, issn 0361-5995Article

Changes in structural stability with soil surface crusting : consequences for erodibility estimationDARBOUX, F; LE BISSONNAIS, Y.European journal of soil science. 2007, Vol 58, Num 5, pp 1107-1114, issn 1351-0754, 8 p.Article

L'érosion des sols, un phénomène à surveillerTHORETTE, J; LE BISSONNAIS, Y.LE 4 PAGES - IFEN. 2005, Num 106, pp 1-4, issn 1777-1838, 4 p.Article

Field measurements of interrill erosion under different slopes and plot sizesCHAPLOT, V; LE BISSONNAIS, Y.Earth surface processes and landforms. 2000, Vol 25, Num 2, pp 145-153, issn 0197-9337Article

Rôle des sols et des pratiques culturales dans l'infiltration et l'écoulement des eaux. Exemple du ruissellement et de l'érosion sur les plateaux limoneux du nord de l'Europe = Function of soils and cultural practics in water infiltration and runoff. an example: runoff and erosion in Northern European silty soilsKING, D; LE BISSONNAIS, Y.Comptes rendus de l'Académie d'agriculture de France. 1992, Vol 78, Num 6, pp 91-105, issn 0989-6988Article

Differences in aggregate stability due to various sewage sludge treatments on a Mediterranean calcareous soilOJEDA, G; ALCANIZ, J. M; LE BISSONNAIS, Y et al.Agriculture, ecosystems & environment. 2008, Vol 125, Num 1-4, pp 48-56, issn 0167-8809, 9 p.Article

Size fractions resulting from an aggregate stability test, interrill detachment and transportLEGUÉDOIS, S; LE BISSONNAIS, Y.Earth surface processes and landforms. 2004, Vol 29, Num 9, pp 1117-1129, issn 0197-9337, 13 p.Article

Importance of surface sealing in the erosion of some soils from a mediterranean climateSINGER, M.J; LE BISSONNAIS, Y.Geomorphology (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 79-85, issn 0169-555XConference Paper

Mesurer la stabilité structurale des sols pour évluer leur sensibilité à la battance et à l'érosion = Measurement of aggregate stability for the assessment of soil crustability and erodibilityLE BISSONNAIS, Y; LE SOUDER, C.1995, Vol 2, Num 1, pp 43-56Article

Aggregate breakdown dynamics under rainfall compared with aggregate stability measurementsLEGOUT, C; LEGUEDOIS, S; LE BISSONNAIS, Y et al.European journal of soil science. 2005, Vol 56, Num 2, pp 225-237, issn 1351-0754, 13 p.Article

The effect of ponding depth on infiltration in a crusted surface depressionFOX, D.M; LE BISSONNAIS, Y; BRUAND, A et al.Catena (Giessen). 1998, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 87-100, issn 0341-8162Article

Influence of a mineral conditioner on the mechanisms of disaggregation and sealing of a soil surfaceLE SOUDER, C; LE BISSONNAIS, Y; ROBERT, M et al.Soil science. 1991, Vol 152, Num 5, pp 395-402, issn 0038-075XArticle

Experimental study and modelling of soil surface crusting processesLE BISSONNAIS, Y.Catena. Supplement (Giessen). 1990, Num 17, pp 13-28, issn 0722-0723Article

Organic matter influence on clay wettability and soil aggregate stabilityCHENU, C; LE BISSONNAIS, Y; ARROUAYS, D et al.Soil Science Society of America journal. 2000, Vol 64, Num 4, pp 1479-1486, issn 0361-5995Article

The effect of ponding depth on infiltration in a crusted surface depressionFOX, D. M; LE BISSONNAIS, Y; BRUAND, A et al.Catena (Giessen). 1998, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 87-100, issn 0341-8162Article

The implications of spatial variability in surface seal hydraulic resistance for infiltration in a mound and depression microtopographyFOX, D.M; LE BISSONNAIS, Y; QUÉTIN, P et al.Catena (Giessen). 1998, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 101-114, issn 0341-8162Article

Testing a new procedure for measuring water-stable aggregationAMEZKETA, E; SINGER, M. J; LE BISSONNAIS, Y et al.Soil Science Society of America journal. 1996, Vol 60, Num 3, pp 888-894, issn 0361-5995Article

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