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Esophagocoloplasty in children : surgical technique, with emphasis on the double blood supply to the interposed colon, and resultsTANNURI, U; MAKSOUD, J. G; MAKSOUD, J. G et al.MAKSOUD, J. G; MAKSOUD, J. G et al.Journal of pediatric surgery. 1994, Vol 29, Num 11, pp 1434-1438, issn 0022-3468Article

Doação de órgãos: um problema atualCHAPCHAP, P; MAKSOUD, J. G.Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira. 1988, Vol 34, Num 6, pp 190-192, issn 0004-5241, 3 p.Article

Sińdrome do recém-nascido bronzeado descrição de dois casos e reavaliação do problema = Syndrome du nouveau-né «bronzé»: description de deux cas et réévaluation du problème = Bronze baby syndrome: description of two cases and reappraisal of the problemRAMOS, J. L. A; KREBS, V. L; PILLEGI, F. L et al.Revista do hospital das clinicas. Faculdade de medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo. 1984, Vol 39, Num 2, pp 76-80, issn 0041-8781Article

Evolution with age of the acetylcholinesterase activity in rectal suction biopsy in Hirschsprung's diseaseALVES DE BRITO, I; MAKSOUD, J. G.Journal of pediatric surgery. 1987, Vol 22, Num 5, pp 425-430, issn 0022-3468Article

Treatment of portal hypertension in children : Treatment of portal hypertension 1994 : state of the artMAKSOUD, J. G; PECANHA GONCALVES, M. E.World journal of surgery. 1994, Vol 18, Num 2, pp 251-258, issn 0364-2313Article

Total gastric transposition : an alternative to esophageal replacement in childrenMARUJO, W. C; TANNURI, U; MAKSOUD, J. G et al.Journal of pediatric surgery. 1991, Vol 26, Num 6, pp 676-681, issn 0022-3468Article

The endoscopic and surgical management of portal hypertension in children : analysis of 123 casesMAKSOUD, J. G; GONCALVES, M. E. P; PORTA, G et al.Journal of pediatric surgery. 1991, Vol 26, Num 2, pp 178-181, issn 0022-3468Article

Surgically produced congenital diaphragmatic hernia in fetal rabbitsFAUZA, D. O; TANNURI, U; AYOUB, A. A. R et al.Journal of pediatric surgery. 1994, Vol 29, Num 7, pp 882-886, issn 0022-3468Article

Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease of the liver successfully treated by retransplantationCHACHAP, P; CARONE FILHO, E; PORTA, G et al.Transplantation. 1991, Vol 52, Num 4, pp 736-737, issn 0041-1337Article

Carcinoma da cortex adrenal = Cancer de la cortiso-surrénale = Adrenal cortical carcinomaMARMO LUCON, A; WROCLAWSKI, E. R; GLINA, S et al.Revista do hospital das clinicas. Faculdade de medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo. 1986, Vol 41, Num 1, pp 1-5, issn 0041-8781Article

Serum insulin/glucose ratio and urinary loss of insulin after trauma in young animals: effect of adrenergic blockadeTANNURI, U; COELHO, M. C. M; MAKSOUD, J. G et al.Pediatric surgery international. 1993, Vol 8, Num 3, pp 210-214, issn 0179-0358Article

Long-term stability of lipid emulsions with parenteral nutrition solutionsTANNURI, U; SESSO, A; CECILIA DE MENDONCA COELHO, M et al.Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.). 1992, Vol 8, Num 2, pp 98-100, issn 0899-9007Conference Paper

Must fat emulsions and parenteral nutrition solutions Be given through separate circuits?TANNURI, U; CHAPCHAP, P; SESSO, A et al.Journal of pediatric surgery. 1987, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 132-134, issn 0022-3468Article

Hepatoportal sclerosis in childhoodMAKSOUD, J. G; MIES, S; DA COSTA GAYOTTO, L. C et al.The American journal of surgery. 1986, Vol 151, Num 4, pp 484-488, issn 0002-9610Article

Living Related Donor Liver Transplantation in ChildrenTANNURI, A. C. A; GIBELLI, N. E. M; LEAL, A. J et al.Transplantation proceedings. 2011, Vol 43, Num 1, pp 161-164, issn 0041-1345, 4 p.Conference Paper

Orthotopic Liver Transplantation in Biliary Atresia: A Single-Center ExperienceTANNURI, A. C. A; GIBELLI, N. E. M; BACKES, A. N et al.Transplantation proceedings. 2011, Vol 43, Num 1, pp 181-183, issn 0041-1345, 3 p.Conference Paper

Rex Shunt for Acute Portal Vein Thrombosis After Pediatric Liver Transplantation in Children With Biliary AtresiaGIBELLI, N. E. M; TANNURI, A. C. A; TANNURI, U et al.Transplantation proceedings. 2011, Vol 43, Num 1, pp 194-195, issn 0041-1345, 2 p.Conference Paper

Basiliximab-chimeric anti-IL2-R monoclonal antibody in pediatric liver transplantation: Comparative studyGIBELLI, N. E. M; PINHO-APEZZATO, M. L; MIYATANI, H. T et al.Transplantation proceedings. 2004, Vol 36, Num 4, pp 956-957, issn 0041-1345, 2 p.Conference Paper

Management of biliary atresia in the liver transplantation era : A 15-year, single-center experienceMAKSOUD, J. G; FAUZA, D. O; SILVA, M. M et al.Journal of pediatric surgery. 1998, Vol 33, Num 1, pp 115-118, issn 0022-3468Conference Paper

Pericardite constritiva como complicacão de doença granulomatosa crõnica na infancia = Péricardite constrictive, complication de la maladie granulomateuse chronique de l'enfance = Constrictive pericarditis as a complication of chronic granulomatous disease in childhoodGRUMACH, A. S; JACOB, C. M. A; STOLF, N. G et al.Revista do hospital das clinicas. Faculdade de medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo. 1987, Vol 42, Num 1, pp 30-32, issn 0041-8781Article

Hepatic Artery Graft in Pediatric Liver Transplantation: Single-Center Experience With 58 CasesBACKES, A. N; GIBELLI, N. E. M; TANNURI, A. C. A et al.Transplantation proceedings. 2011, Vol 43, Num 1, pp 177-180, issn 0041-1345, 4 p.Conference Paper

Pediatric liver transplantation: Fourteen years of experience at the Children Institute in São Paulo, BrazilTANNURI, U; VELHOTE, M. C. P; SANTOS, M. M et al.Transplantation proceedings. 2004, Vol 36, Num 4, pp 941-942, issn 0041-1345, 2 p.Conference Paper

Prophylactic sclerotherapy in children with esophageal varices : Long-term results of a controlled prospective randomized trialGONCALVES, M. E. P; CARDOSO, S. R; MAKSOUD, J. G et al.Journal of pediatric surgery. 2000, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 401-405, issn 0022-3468Article

The effects of early and delayed immunosuppression in experimental tracheal transplantation with omentopexyMAKSOUD-FILHO, J. G; RODRIGUES, C. J; TANNURI, U et al.Journal of pediatric surgery. 1999, Vol 34, Num 8, pp 1223-1228, issn 0022-3468Article

Estabilidade da mistura de uma nova emulsão lipídica com soluções de nutriçãp parenteral = Mise au point d'une nouvelle émulsion lipidique pour la nutrition parentérale = A new fat emulsion for parenteral nutritionTANNURI, U; MENDONCA COELHO, M. C; SESSO, A et al.Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira. 1989, Vol 35, Num 1, pp 5-8, issn 0004-5241Article

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