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Prognostic and predictive value of plasma testosterone levels in patients receiving first-line chemotherapy for metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancerDE LIANO, A. G; REIG, O; MELLADO, B et al.British journal of cancer. 2014, Vol 110, Num 9, pp 2201-2208, issn 0007-0920, 8 p.Article

Pilot study of treatment of biochemotherapy-refractory stage IV melanoma patients with autologous dendritic cells pulsed with a heterologous melanoma cell line lysateVILELLA, R; BENITEZ, D; PUIG, S et al.Cancer immunology and immunotherapy. 2004, Vol 53, Num 7, pp 651-658, issn 0340-7004, 8 p.Article

Age and clinical characteristics of 1433 patients with lung cancerMANE, J. M; ESTAPE, J; SANCHEZ-LLORET, J et al.Age and ageing. 1994, Vol 23, Num 1, pp 28-31, issn 0002-0729Article

Biochemical markers of bone turnover and clinical outcome in patients with renal cell and bladder carcinoma with bone metastases following treatment with zoledronic acid: The TUGAMO studyALCARAZ, A; GONZALEZ-LOPEZ, R; MELLADO, B et al.British journal of cancer. 2013, Vol 109, Num 1, pp 121-130, issn 0007-0920, 10 p.Article

Phase II trial of short-term neoadjuvant docetaxel and complete androgen blockade in high-risk prostate cancerMELLADO, B; FONT, A; FERNANDEZ, P. L et al.British journal of cancer. 2009, Vol 101, Num 8, pp 1248-1252, issn 0007-0920, 5 p.Article

FGF4 dissociates anti-tumorigenic from differentiation signals of retinoic acid in human embryonal carcinomasMAERZ, W. J; BASELGA, J; REUTER, V. E et al.Oncogene (Basingstoke). 1998, Vol 17, Num 6, pp 761-767, issn 0950-9232Article

Telomerase activity is repressed during differentiation of maturation-sensitive but not resistant human tumor cell linesALBANELL, J; WEI HAN; MELLADO, B et al.Cancer research (Baltimore). 1996, Vol 56, Num 7, pp 1503-1508, issn 0008-5472Article

Weekly administration of docetaxel in combination with estramustine and celecoxib in patients with advanced hormone-refractory prostate cancer : final results from a phase II studyCARIES, J; FONT, A; LIANES, P et al.British journal of cancer. 2007, Vol 97, Num 9, pp 1206-1210, issn 0007-0920, 5 p.Article

Prospects for the observation of a Higgs boson with H → τ+τ- → l+l-Pt associated with one high-PT jet at the LHCMELLADO, B; QUAYLE, W; SAU LAN WU et al.Physics letters. Section B. 2005, Vol 611, Num 1-2, pp 60-65, issn 0370-2693, 6 p.Article

Melanoma maligno cutáneo. (II) : Pronóstico y tratamiento = Cutaneous malignant melanoma. (II): Prognosis and treatmentMALVEHY, J; PUIG, S; LECHA, M et al.Medicina cutánea ibero-latino-americana. 1999, Vol 27, Num 1, pp 1-24, issn 0210-5187Article

Specific retinoid receptors cooperate to signal growth suppression and maturation of human embryonal carcinoma cellsSPINELLA, M. J; KITAREEWAN, S; MELLADO, B et al.Oncogene (Basingstoke). 1998, Vol 16, Num 26, pp 3471-3480, issn 0950-9232Article

Polyarteritis nodosa confined to calf musclesGARCIA, F; PEDROL, E; CASADEMONT, J et al.Journal of rheumatology. 1992, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 303-305, issn 0315-162XArticle

Incidental versus symptomatic venous thrombosis in cancer: a prospective observational study of 340 consecutive patientsFONT, C; FARRUS, B; VIDAL, L et al.Annals of oncology. 2011, Vol 22, Num 9, pp 2101-2106, issn 0923-7534, 6 p.Article

Phase II study of sunitinib as first-line treatment of urothelial cancer patients ineligible to receive cisplatin- based chemotherapy: baseline interleukin-8 and tumor contrast enhancement as potential predictive factors of activityBELLMUNT, J; GONZALEZ-LARRIBA, J. L; VILLANUEVA, X et al.Annals of oncology. 2011, Vol 22, Num 12, pp 2646-2653, issn 0923-7534, 8 p.Article

Activation of nuclear factor-κB in human prostate carcinogenesis and association to biochemical relapseDOMINGO-DOMENECH, J; MELLADO, B; ROSS, J. S et al.British journal of cancer. 2005, Vol 93, Num 11, pp 1285-1294, issn 0007-0920, 10 p.Article

Phase II trial of cisplatinum and etoposide in brain metastases of solid tumorsVINOLAS, N; GRAUS, F; MELLADO, B et al.Journal of neuro-oncology. 1997, Vol 35, Num 2, pp 145-148, issn 0167-594XArticle

Detection of circulating neoplastic cells by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in malignant melanoma : Association with clinical stage and prognosisMELLADO, B; COLOMER, D; CASTEL, T et al.Journal of clinical oncology. 1996, Vol 14, Num 7, pp 2091-2097, issn 0732-183XArticle

Prospective study assessing hypoxia-related proteins as markers for the outcome of treatment with sunitinib in advanced clear-cell renal cell carcinomaGARCIA-DONAS, J; LEANDRO-GARCIA, L.J; BELLMUNT, J et al.Annals of oncology. 2013, Vol 24, Num 9, pp 2409-2414, issn 0923-7534, 6 p.Article

Serum HER2 extracellular domain predicts an aggressive clinical outcome and biological PSA response in hormone-independent prostate cancer patients treated with docetaxelDOMINGO-DOMENECH, J; FERNANDEZ, P. L; FILELLA, X et al.Annals of oncology. 2008, Vol 19, Num 2, pp 269-275, issn 0923-7534, 7 p.Article

Serum protein S-100 predicts clinical outcome in patients with melanoma treated with adjuvant interferon - comparison with tyrosinase RT-PCRDOMINGO-DOMENECH, J; MOLINA, R; GRAU, J. J et al.Oncology. 2005, Vol 68, Num 4-6, pp 341-349, issn 0030-2414, 9 p.Article

Prospects for pentaquark searches in e+e- annihilations and γγ collisionsARMSTRONG, S; MELLADO, B; SAU LAN WU et al.Journal of physics. G. Nuclear and particle physics (Print). 2004, Vol 30, Num 12, pp 1801-1809, issn 0954-3899, 9 p.Article

Prognostic significance of the detection of circulating malignant cells by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction in long-term clinically disease-free melanoma patientsMELLADO, B; GUTIERREZ, L; CASTEL, T et al.Clinical cancer research. 1999, Vol 5, Num 7, pp 1843-1848, issn 1078-0432Article

Intraabdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor with EWS/ERG fusion transcriptORDI, J; DE ALAVA, E; TORNE, A et al.The American journal of surgical pathology. 1998, Vol 22, Num 8, pp 1026-1032, issn 0147-5185Article

Chronic oral etoposide in advanced breast cancerPALOMBO, H; ESTAPE, J; VINOLAS, N et al.Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology. 1994, Vol 33, Num 6, pp 527-529, issn 0344-5704Article

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