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Radiocarbon dating of marine shell samples. The marine radiocarbon reservoir effect of coastal waters off Atlantic Iberia during Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic PeriodsMONGE SOARES, António M; MARTINS, José M. Matos.Journal of archaeological science. 2009, Vol 36, Num 12, pp 2875-2881, issn 0305-4403, 7 p.Article

Coastal upwelling and radiocarbon-evidence for temporal fluctuations in ocean reservoir effect off portugal during the holoceneMONGE SOARES, Antonio M; ALVEIRINHO DIAS, Joao M.Radiocarbon. 2006, Vol 48, Num 1, pp 45-60, issn 0033-8222, 16 p.Article

MARINE RADIOCARBON RESERVOIR EFFECT OF COASTAL WATERS OFF CAPE VERDE ARCHIPELAGO = Datations radiocarbone et effet réservoir marin pour les eaux côtières de l'archipel du Cap VertMONGE SOARES, António M; MATOS MARTINS, José M; LUIS CARDOSO, João et al.Radiocarbon. 2011, Vol 53, Num 2, pp 289-296, issn 0033-8222, 8 p.Article

Early Iron Age gold buttons from South-Western Iberian Peninsula. Identification of a gold metallurgical workshopMONGE SOARES, António M; VALERIO, Pedro; SILVA, Rui J. C et al.Trabajos de prehistoria. 2010, Vol 67, Num 2, pp 501-510, issn 0082-5638, 10 p.Article

IMPROVING THE 14C DATING OF MARINE SHELLS FROM THE CANARY ISLANDS FOR CONSTRUCTING MORE RELIABLE AND ACCURATE CHRONOLOGIES = Une amélioration de la datation radiocarbone des coquillages marins provenant des îles Canaries afin d'établir des chronologies plus fiables et précisesMATOS MARTINS, José M; MEDEROS MARTIN, Alfredo; CESÀRIO PORTELA, Paulo J et al.Radiocarbon. 2012, Vol 54, Num 3-4, pp 943-952, issn 0033-8222, 10 p.Conference Paper

Arsenical copper and bronze in Middle Bronze Age burial sites of southern Portugal: the first bronzes in Southwestern Iberia = Du cuivre arsenié et du bronze dans des sites funéraires de l'âge du Bronze moyen dans le sud du Portugal: les premiers bronzes du sud-ouest de l'IbérieVALERIO, Pedro; MONGE SOARES, António M; ARAUJO, Maria Fátima et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2014, Vol 42, pp 68-80, issn 0305-4403, 13 p.Article

Inclusions and metal composition of ancient copper-based artefacts: a diachronic view by micro-EDXRF and SEM-EDSFIGUEIREDO, Elin; VALERIO, Pedro; FATIMA ARAUJO, M et al.X-ray spectrometry. 2011, Vol 40, Num 5, pp 325-332, issn 0049-8246, 8 p.Conference Paper

The distinctive grave goods from Palhais (Beja, Portugal). New insights into the metallurgical evolution under Orientalizing influence in the southwestern end of Iberia = Les objets funéraires particuliers provenant de Palhais (Beja, Portugal). De nouvelles perspectives sur l'évolution métallurgique sous influence orientalisante dans la pointe sud-ouest de l'IbérieVALERIO, Pedro; MONGE SOARES, António M; ARAUJO, María Fátima et al.Trabajos de prehistoria. 2013, Vol 70, Num 2, pp 361-371, issn 0082-5638, 11 p.Article

Archaeomagnetic dating of a vitrified wall at the Late Bronze Age settlement of Misericordia (Serpa, Portugal)CATANZARITI, Gianluca; MCINTOSH, Gregg; MONGE SOARES, Antonio M et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2008, Vol 35, Num 5, pp 1399-1407, issn 0305-4403, 9 p.Article

RESERVOIR EFFECT OF COASTAL WATERS OFF WESTERN AND NORTHWESTERN GALICIAMONGE SOARES, Antonio M; ALVEIRINHO DIAS, Joao M.Radiocarbon. 2007, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 925-936, issn 0033-8222, 12 p.Conference Paper

Sedimentary processes on the NW Iberian Continental Shelf since the Little Ice AgeMARTINS, Virginia; LOPES FIGUEIRA, Rubens Cesar; ROCHA, Fernando et al.Estuarine, coastal and shelf science (Print). 2012, Vol 102-03, pp 48-59, issn 0272-7714, 12 p.Article

Technological continuity in Early Iron Age bronze metallurgy at the South-Western Iberian Peninsula ― a sight from Castro dos Ratinhos = La continuité technologique pour la métallurgie du bronze à l'âge du Fer ancien dans le sud-ouest de la Péninsule ibérique - une vue de Castro dos RatinhosVALERIO, Pedro; SILVA, Rui J. C; MONGE SOARES, António M et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2010, Vol 37, Num 8, pp 1811-1819, issn 0305-4403, 9 p.Article

Bronze production in Southwestern Iberian Peninsula: the Late Bronze Age metallurgical workshop from Entre Águas 5 (Portugal) = Production du bronze dans le Sud-Ouest de la péninsule Ibérique: l'atelier métallurgique de la fin de l'âge du bronze à Entre Águas 5 (Portugal)VALERIO, Pedro; MONGE SOARES, Antonio M; SILVA, Rui J. C et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2013, Vol 40, Num 1, pp 439-451, issn 0305-4403, 13 p.Article

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