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Seed germination and early seedling establishment of some elephant-dispersed species in Banyang-Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary, south-western CameroonCHIFU NCHANJI, Anthony; PLUMPTRE, Andrew J.Journal of tropical ecology. 2003, Vol 19, pp 229-237, issn 0266-4674, 9 p., 3Article

Food supply and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) party size in the Budongo Forest Reserve, UgandaNEWTON-FISHER, Nicholas E; REYNOLDS, Vernon; PLUMPTRE, Andrew J et al.International journal of primatology. 2000, Vol 21, Num 4, pp 613-628, issn 0164-0291Article

Camera-trapping forest-woodland wildlife of western Uganda reveals how gregariousness biases estimates of relative abundance and distributionTREVES, Adrian; MWIMA, Polycarp; PLUMPTRE, Andrew J et al.Biological conservation. 2010, Vol 143, Num 2, pp 521-528, issn 0006-3207, 8 p.Article

Nutritional composition of the diet of the gorilla (Gorilla beringei) : a comparison between two montane habitatsROTHMAN, Jessica M; PLUMPTRE, Andrew J; DIERENFELD, Ellen S et al.Journal of tropical ecology. 2007, Vol 23, pp 673-682, issn 0266-4674, 10 p., 6Article

Estimating population sizes of lions Panthera leo and spotted hyaenas Crocuta crocuta in Uganda's savannah parks, using lure count methodsOMOYA, Edward Okot; MUDUMBA, Tutilo; BUCKLAND, Stephen T et al.Oryx (Print). 2014, Vol 48, Num 3, pp 394-401, issn 0030-6053, 8 p.Article

Transboundary conservation in the greater virunga landscape : Its importance for landscape speciesPLUMPTRE, Andrew J; KUJIRAKWINJA, Deo; TREVES, Adrian et al.Biological conservation. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, pp 279-287, issn 0006-3207, 9 p.Conference Paper

Correlations among species distributions, human density and human infrastructure across the high biodiversity tropical mountains of AfricaBURGESS, Neil D; BDLMFORD, Andrew; CORDEIRO, Norbert J et al.Biological conservation. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, pp 164-177, issn 0006-3207, 14 p.Conference Paper

Harvesting of non-timber forest products and implications for conservation in two montane forests of East AfricaNDANGALASI, Henry J; BITARIHO, Robert; DOVIE, Delali B. K et al.Biological conservation. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, pp 242-250, issn 0006-3207, 9 p.Conference Paper

Distribution and protected area coverage of endemic taxa in West Africa's Biafran forests and highlandsBERGL, Richard A; OATES, John F; FOTSO, Roger et al.Biological conservation. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, pp 195-208, issn 0006-3207, 14 p.Conference Paper

Effects of war and civil strife on wildlife and wildlife habitatsDUDLEY, Joseph P; GINSBERG, Joshua R; PLUMPTRE, Andrew J et al.Conservation biology. 2002, Vol 16, Num 2, pp 319-329, issn 0888-8892Article

Conservation in areas of high population density in sub-Saharan AfricaCORDEIRO, Norbert J; BURGESS, Neil D; DOVIE, Delali B. K et al.Biological conservation. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, issn 0006-3207, 134 p.Conference Proceedings

Burning biodiversity : Woody biomass use by commercial and subsistence groups in western Uganda's forestsNAUGHTON-TREVES, Lisa; KAMMEN, Daniel M; CHAPMAN, Colin et al.Biological conservation. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, pp 232-241, issn 0006-3207, 10 p.Conference Paper

The relevance of data on genetic diversity for the conservation of Afro-montane regionsKAHINDO, Charles; BOWIE, Rauri C. K; BATES, John M et al.Biological conservation. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, pp 262-270, issn 0006-3207, 9 p.Conference Paper

Wildlife hunting practices and bushmeat dynamics of the banyangi and Mbo people of Southwestern CameroonWILLCOX, Adam S; MERCY NAMBU, Diangha.Biological conservation. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, pp 251-261, issn 0006-3207, 11 p.Conference Paper

Efficiently targeting resources to deter illegal activities in protected areasPLUMPTRE, Andrew J; FULLER, Richard A; RWETSIBA, Aggrey et al.Journal of applied ecology (Print). 2014, Vol 51, Num 3, pp 714-725, issn 0021-8901, 12 p.Article

Application of fragmentation research to conservation planning for multiple stakeholders : An example from the Taita Hills, Southeast KenyaGITHIRU, Mwangi; LENS, Luc.Biological conservation. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, pp 271-278, issn 0006-3207, 8 p.Conference Paper

Orr and armageddon : Building a coalitionJOHNS, David M; HENDERSON, David; GIVEN, David R et al.Conservation biology. 2005, Vol 19, Num 6, pp 1685-1698, issn 0888-8892, 14 p.Article

Patterns of tree species composition across tropical African forestsFAYOLLE, Adeline; SWAINE, Michael D; KIRUNDA, Ben et al.Journal of biogeography. 2014, Vol 41, Num 12, pp 2320-2331, issn 0305-0270, 12 p.Article

The biodiversity of the Albertine RiftPLUMPTRE, Andrew J; DAVENPORT, Tim R. B; KERBIS PETERHANS, Julian et al.Biological conservation. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, pp 178-194, issn 0006-3207, 17 p.Conference Paper

The biological importance of the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and KenyaBURGESS, N. D; BUTYNSKI, T. M; MENEGON, M et al.Biological conservation. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, pp 209-231, issn 0006-3207, 23 p.Conference Paper

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