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Atmospheric correction over land for MERISSANTER, R; CARRERE, V; DUBUISSON, P et al.International journal of remote sensing (Print). 1999, Vol 20, Num 9, pp 1819-1840, issn 0143-1161Article

Calculation of key optical properties of the main anthropogenic aerosols over the Western French coastal Mediterranean SeaMALLET, M; GOMES, L; SOLMON, F et al.Atmospheric research. 2011, Vol 101, Num 1-2, pp 396-411, issn 0169-8095, 16 p.Article

Radiative forcing of haze during a forest fire in SpainCALVO, A. I; PONT, V; CASTRO, A et al.Journal of geophysical research. 2010, Vol 115, Num D8, issn 0148-0227, D08206.1-D08206.10Article

A synergetic approach for estimating the local direct aerosol forcing : Application to an urban zone during the Expérience sur site pour contraindre les Modèles de pollution et de transport d'Emission (ESCOMPTE) experimentROGER, J. C; MALLET, M; DUBUISSON, P et al.Journal of geophysical research. 2006, Vol 111, Num D13, issn 0148-0227, D13208.1-D13208.9Article

Sensitivity analysis for the aerosol retrieval over land for MERISSCHMECHTIG, C; CARRERE, V; DUBUISSON, P et al.International journal of remote sensing (Print). 2003, Vol 24, Num 14, pp 2921-2944, issn 0143-1161, 24 p.Article

In situ airborne measurements of aerosol optical properties during photochemical pollution eventsMALLET, M; VAN DINGENEN, R; ROGER, J. C et al.Journal of geophysical research. 2005, Vol 110, Num D3, pp D03205.1-D03205.13, issn 0148-0227Article

Atmospheric correction of visible to middle-infrared EOS-MODIS data over land surfaces : Background, operational algorithm and validation : Passive Remote Sensing of Tropospheric Aerosol and Atmospheric Corrections From the New Generation of Satellite SensorsVERMOTE, E. F; EL SALEOUS, N; JUSTICE, C. O et al.Journal of geophysical research. 1997, Vol 102, Num D14, pp 17131-17141, issn 0148-0227Article

Polarization of the solar light scattered by the earth-atmosphere system as observed from the U.S. ShuttleROGER, J. C; SANTER, R; HERMAN, M et al.Remote sensing of environment. 1994, Vol 48, Num 3, pp 275-290, issn 0034-4257Article

Aerosol direct radiative forcing over Djougou (northern Benin) during the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis dry season experiment (Special Observation Period-0) : African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis Special Observation Period O: The Dust and Biomass-Burning Experiment (DABEX1)MALLET, M; PONT, V; THOURET, V et al.Journal of geophysical research. 2008, Vol 113, Num D23, issn 0148-0227, D00C01.1-D00C01.16Article

GUILLAIN-BARRÉ SYNDROME COMPLICATING A CHIKUNGUNYA VIRUS INFECTIONWIELANEK, A. C; DE MONREDON, J; EL AMRANI, M et al.Neurology. 2007, Vol 69, Num 22, pp 2105-2106, issn 0028-3878, 2 p.Article

Ischaemic myelopathy following aortic surgery or traumatic laceration of the aortaMATHE, J. F; RICHARD, I; ROGER, J. C et al.Spinal cord. 1998, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 110-116, issn 1362-4393Article

Evidence that stunning can be cumulative in man : Repetitive StunningRINALDI, C. Aldo; HALL, Roger J. C.Heart failure reviews. 2003, Vol 8, Num 2, pp 161-165, issn 1382-4147, 5 p.Article

Endocarditis : problems : patients being treated for endocarditis and not doing wellOAKLEY, Celia M; HALL, Roger J. C.Heart (London 1996). 2001, Vol 85, Num 4, pp 470-474, issn 1355-6037Article

Effects of the physical and optical properties of urban aerosols measured during the CAPITOUL summer campaign on the local direct radiative forcingGOMES, L; MALLET, M; ROGER, J. C et al.Meteorology and atmospheric physics (Print). 2008, Vol 102, Num 3-4, pp 289-306, issn 0177-7971, 18 p.Article

Simulation of aerosol radiative properties with the ORISAM-RAD model during a pollution event (ESCOMPTE 2001)MALLET, M; PONT, V; LIOUSSE, C et al.Atmospheric environment (1994). 2006, Vol 40, Num 40, pp 7696-7705, issn 1352-2310, 10 p.Article

A study of the mixing state of black carbon in urban zoneMALLET, M; ROGER, J. C; DESPIAU, S et al.Journal of geophysical research. 2004, Vol 109, Num D4, pp D04202.1-D04202.11, issn 0148-0227Article

Microphysical and optical properties of aerosol particles in urban zone during ESCOMPTEMALLET, M; ROGER, J. C; DESPIAU, S et al.Atmospheric research. 2003, Vol 69, Num 1-2, pp 73-97, issn 0169-8095, 25 p.Article

A method to retrieve the reflectivity signature at 3.75 μm from AVHRR dataROGER, J. C; VERMOTE, E. F.Remote sensing of environment. 1998, Vol 64, Num 1, pp 103-114, issn 0034-4257Article

Effect of enhanced external counterpulsation on Dobutamine-induced left ventricular wall motion abnormalities in severe chronic angina pectorisBAGGER, Jens Peder; HALL, Roger J. C; KOUTROULIS, George et al.The American journal of cardiology. 2004, Vol 93, Num 4, pp 465-467, issn 0002-9149, 3 p.Article

Absolute blood flow and oxygen consumption in stunned myocardium in patients with coronary artery diseaseBARNES, Edward; HALL, Roger J. C; DUTKA, David P et al.Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2002, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 420-427, issn 0735-1097Article

Sclérose en plaques et mutations de l'ADN mitochondrial associées à la maladie de Leber = Multiple sclerosis and Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy mitochondrial DNA mutationsPENISSON-BESNIER, I; MOREAU, C; JACQUES, C et al.Revue neurologique (Paris). 2001, Vol 157, Num 5, pp 537-541, issn 0035-3787Article

Syndrome SUNCT symptomatique d'abcès et d'empyème cérébraux = Symptomatic SUNCT with cerebral abscess and subdural empyemaEL AMRANI, M; ROGER, J.-C; FOSSATI, P et al.Revue neurologique (Paris). 2007, Vol 163, Num 8-9, pp 829-832, issn 0035-3787, 4 p.Article

The generation and detection of particulate aerosols of trimellitic anhydride and trimellitic acid for inhalation exposuresLEDBETTER, A. D; LEACH, C. L; HATOUM, N. S et al.American Industrial Hygiene Association journal. 1987, Vol 48, Num 1, pp 35-38, issn 0002-8894Article

Reducing the number of rabbits in the Draize eye irritancy test: a statistical analysis of 155 studies conducted over 6 yearsTALSMA, D. M; LEACH, C. L; HATOUM, N. S et al.Fundamental and applied toxicology (Print). 1988, Vol 10, Num 1, pp 146-153, issn 0272-0590Article

The pathologic and immunologic response to inhaled trimellitic anhydride in ratsLEACH, C. L; HATOUM, N. S; RATAJCZAK, H. V et al.Toxicology and applied pharmacology. 1987, Vol 87, Num 1, pp 67-80, issn 0041-008XArticle

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