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Genetic studies in French Guiana populations : SynthesisMAZIERES, Stéphane; SEVIN, Andre; BONNET, Francoise et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2007, Vol 132, Num 2, pp 292-300, issn 0002-9483, 9 p.Article

Demography and genetics at the tribal level : The Xavante as a test case = Démographie et génétique dans les tribus : Les Xavantes, un cas d'étudeCALLEGARI-JACQUES, Sidia M; FLOWERS, Nancy M; LANER, Nara F. M et al.Current anthropology. 2001, Vol 42, Num 1, pp 154-161, issn 0011-3204Article

Is haplogroup X present in extant south American Indians?DORNELLES, Claudia L; BONATTO, Sandro L; DE FREITAS, Loreta B et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2005, Vol 127, Num 4, pp 439-448, issn 0002-9483, 10 p.Article

Demographic and evolutionary trajectories of the Guarani and Kaingang Natives of BrazilMARRERO, Andrea R; SILVA-JUNIOR, Wilson A; BRAVI, Claudio M et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2007, Vol 132, Num 2, pp 301-310, issn 0002-9483, 10 p.Article

Stability or Variation? Patterns of Lactase Gene and Its Enhancer Region Distributions in Brazilian AmerindiansFRIEDRICH, Deise C; CALLEGARI-JACQUES, Sidia M; LUIZA PETZL-ERLER, M et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2012, Vol 147, Num 3, pp 427-432, issn 0002-9483, 6 p.Article

A New Subhaplogroup of Native American Y-Chromosomes From the Andes : Native American Origins SymposiumJOTA, Marilza S; LACERDA, Daniela R; SALZANO, Francisco M et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2011, Vol 146, Num 4, pp 553-559, issn 0002-9483, 7 p.Article

A functional ABCA1 gene variant is associated with low HDL-cholesterol levels and shows evidence of positive selection in Native AmericansACUNA-ALONZO, Víctor; FLORES-DORANTES, Teresa; VILLALOBOS-COMPARAN, Marisela et al.Human molecular genetics (Print). 2010, Vol 19, Num 14, pp 2877-2885, issn 0964-6906, 9 p.Article

A genomewide admixture map for Latino populationsPRICE, Alkes L; PATTERSON, Nick; DUQUE, Constanza et al.American journal of human genetics. 2007, Vol 80, Num 6, pp 1024-1036, issn 0002-9297, 13 p.Article

Geography influences microsatellite polymorphism diversity in AmerindiansKOHLRAUSCH, Fabiana B; CALLEGARI-JACQUES, Sidia M; TSUNETO, Luiza T et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2005, Vol 126, Num 4, pp 463-470, issn 0002-9483, 8 p.Article

Polymorphisms of CYP1A1, CYP2E1, GSTM1, GSTT1, and TP53 genes in Amerindians = Polymorphismes des gènes CYP1A1, CYP2E1, GSTM1, GSTT1, et TP53 chez les AmérindiensGASPAR, Pedro A; HUTZ, Mara H; SALZANO, Francisco M et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2002, Vol 119, Num 3, pp 249-256, issn 0002-9483, 8 p.Article

Brief Communication: 5-HTTLPR Genetic Diversity and Mode of Subsistence in Native AmericansBISSO-MACHADO, Rafael; RAMALLO, Virginia; TARAZONA-SANTOS, Eduardo et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2013, Vol 151, Num 3, pp 492-494, issn 0002-9483, 3 p.Article

Autosome STRs in Native South America—Testing Models of Association With Geography and LanguageCALLEGARI-JACQUES, Sidia M; TARAZONA-SANTOS, Eduardo M; GILMAN, Robert H et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2011, Vol 145, Num 3, pp 371-381, issn 0002-9483, 11 p.Article

Linkage Disequilibrium Patterns and Genetic Structure of Amerindian and Non-Amerindian Brazilian Populations Revealed by Long-Range X-STR MarkersLEITE, Fabio P. N; SANTOS, Sidney E. B; RODRIGUEZ, Elzemar M. R et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2009, Vol 139, Num 3, pp 404-412, issn 0002-9483, 9 p.Article

Distribution of CGG repeats and FRAXAC1/DXS548 alleles in South American PopulationsMINGRONI-NETTO, Regina Célia; ANGELI, Claudia B; VIANNA-MORGANTE, Angela M et al.American journal of medical genetics. 2002, Vol 111, Num 3, pp 243-252, issn 0148-7299Article

Demographic Expansions in South America: Enlightening a Complex Scenario With Genetic and Linguistic Data = Expansions démographiques en Amérique du Sud: éclairage sur un scénario complexe avec les données génétiques et linguistiquesRAMALLO, Virginia; BISSO-MACHADO, Rafael; BRAVI, Claudio et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2013, Vol 150, Num 3, pp 453-463, issn 0002-9483, 11 p.Article

Molecular genetic variation in Passiflora alata (Passifloraceae), an invasive species in southern BrazilKOEHLER-SANTOS, Patricia; LORENZ-LEMKE, Aline P; MUSCHNER, Valéria C et al.Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2006, Vol 88, Num 4, pp 611-630, issn 0024-4066, 20 p.Article

Y-chromosome evidence for differing ancient demographic histories in the AmericasBORTOLINI, Maria-Catira; SALZANO, Francisco M; HILL, Kim et al.American journal of human genetics. 2003, Vol 73, Num 3, pp 524-539, issn 0002-9297, 16 p.Article

Unequal contributions of male and female gene pools from parental populations in the African descendants of the City of Melo, Uruguay = Contributions inégales des patrimoines génétiques des hommes et des femmes appartenant aux populations parentales chez les descendants africains de la ville de Melo, UruguaySANS, Monica; WEIMER, Tania A; FRANCO, Maria Helena L. P et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2002, Vol 118, Num 1, pp 33-44, issn 0002-9483, 12 p.Article

Genetic relationships between amerindian populations of ArgentinaGOICOECHEA, A. S; CARNESE, F. R; SALZANO, Francisco M et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2001, Vol 115, Num 2, pp 133-143, issn 0002-9483Article

Reconstructing Native American population historyREICH, David; PATTERSON, Nick; GARCIA, Luis F et al.Nature (London). 2012, Vol 488, Num 7411, pp 370-374, issn 0028-0836, 5 p.Article

Dopamine Receptor D4 Allele Distribution in Amerindians: A Reflection of Past Behavior Differences?TOVO-RODRIGUES, Luciana; CALLEGARI-JACQUES, Sidia M; PETZL-ERLER, M. Luiza et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2010, Vol 143, Num 3, pp 458-464, issn 0002-9483, 7 p.Article

Population Data Support the Adaptive Nature of HACNS1 Sapiens/Neandertal-Chimpanzee Differences in a Limb Expression DomainHÜNEMEIER, Tábita; RUIZ-LINARES, Andres; SILVEIRA, Alvaro et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2010, Vol 143, Num 3, pp 478-481, issn 0002-9483, 4 p.Article

Mitochondrial Population Genomics Supports a Single Pre-Clovis Origin with a Coastal Route for the Peopling of the AmericasFAGUNDES, Nelson J. R; KANITZ, Ricardo; SANTOS, Sidney E. B et al.American journal of human genetics. 2008, Vol 82, Num 3, pp 583-592, issn 0002-9297, 10 p.Article

The β-globin gene cluster distribution revisited- : Patterns in native american populationsCALLEGARI -JACQUES, Sidia M; CROSSETTI, Shaiane G; KOHLRAUSCH, Fabiana B et al.American journal of physical anthropology. 2007, Vol 134, Num 2, pp 190-197, issn 0002-9483, 8 p.Article

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