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Assessment of tropical OH seasonality using atmospheric 14CO measurements from BarbadosMAK, J. E; SOUTHON, J. R.Geophysical research letters. 1998, Vol 25, Num 15, pp 2801-2804, issn 0094-8276Article

Reservoir ages in eastern Pacific coastal and estuarine waters : 14C cycling and the oceans = Les chrono-réservoirs sur la côte Pacifique orientale et les eaux d'estuairesINGRAM, B. L; SOUTHON, J. R.Radiocarbon. 1996, Vol 38, Num 3, pp 573-582, issn 0033-8222Conference Paper

A simple method to separate pollen for AMS radiocarbon dating and its application to lacustrine and marine sediments = Méthode simple pour séparer les pollens en vue d'une datation radiocarbone par spectrométrie de masse, application aux sédiments lacustres et marinsMENSING, S. A; SOUTHON, J. R.Radiocarbon. 1999, Vol 41, Num 1, pp 1-8, issn 0033-8222Article

A PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE ABSOLUTE 14C/12C RATIO OF OX-1ROBERTS, M. L; SOUTHON, J. R.Radiocarbon. 2007, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 441-445, issn 0033-8222, 5 p.Conference Paper

14C Dating of bone using γ-carboxyglutamic acid and α-carboxyglycine (aminomalonate) = Datation radiocarbone des os par usage de l'acide carboxyglutamique-gamma et carboxyglycine-alpha (aminomalonate)BURKY, R. R; KIRNER, D. L; TAYLOR, R. E et al.Radiocarbon. 1998, Vol 40, Num 1, pp 11-20, issn 0033-8222Article

A comparison of marine and terrestrial radiocarbon ages from Northern ChileSOUTHON, J. R; RODMAN, A. O; TRUE, D et al.Radiocarbon. 1995, Vol 37, Num 2, pp 389-393, issn 0033-8222Conference Paper

Radiocarbon dates for beeswax figures in the prehistoric rock art of Northern AustraliaNELSON, D. E; CHALUOPKA, G; CHIPPINDALE, C et al.Archaeometry. 1995, Vol 37, Num 1, pp 151-156, issn 0003-813XArticle

Estimation of stratospheric input to the Arctic troposphere : 7Be and 10Be in aerosols at Alert, CanadaDIBB, J. E; MEEKER, L. D; FINKEL, R. C et al.Journal of geophysical research. 1994, Vol 99, Num D6, pp 12855-12864, issn 0148-0227Article

AMS 14C SAMPLE PREPARATION AT THE KCCAMS/UCI FACILITY : STATUS REPORT AND PERFORMANCE OF SMALL SAMPLESSANTOS, G. M; MOORE, R. B; SOUTHON, J. R et al.Radiocarbon. 2007, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 255-269, issn 0033-8222, 15 p.Conference Paper

Identification of age anomalous components of food commodities by radiocarbon (14C) analysesTAYLOR, R. E; COGGINS, C. W; SOUTHON, J. R et al.Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (Print). 1998, Vol 46, Num 8, pp 3150-3152, issn 0021-8561Article

Beryllium isotope distribution in the western North Atlantic : a comparison to the Pacific = La distribution des isotopes du béryllium dans l'océan Atlantique Nord ouest : une comparaison avec l'océan PacifiqueKU, T. L; KUSAKABE, M; MEASURES, C. I et al.Deep-sea research. Part A. Oceanographic research papers. 1990, Vol 37, Num 5, pp 795-808, issn 0198-0149, 14 p.Article

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Dates on Bones from Old Crow Basin, Northern Yukon TerritoryMORLAN, R. E; NELSON, D. E; BROWN, T. A et al.Canadian journal of archaeology. 1990, Vol 14, pp 75-92, issn 0705-2006Article

The extraction of 19Be from lake sediments leaching versus total dissolution = Extraction de 10Be à partir de sédiments lacustres: lixiviation contre dissolution totaleBROWN, T. A; NELSON, D. E; SOUTHON, J. R et al.Chemical geology. 1985, Vol 52, Num 3-4, pp 375-378, issn 0009-2541Article

Radiocarbon dates for pictographs in Ignatievskaya Cave, Russia: Holocene age for supposed Pleistocene fauna = Dates radiocarbone pour les pictographes dans la grotte de Ignatievskaya, Russie : une datation de l'Holocène pour de la faune supposée du PléistocèneSTEELMAN, K. L; ROWE, M. W; SHIROKOV, V. N et al.Antiquity. 2002, Vol 76, Num 292, pp 341-348, issn 0003-598X, 8 p.Article

Reduction in backgrounds of microsamples for AMS 14C datingKIRNER, D. L; TAYLOR, R. E; SOUTHON, J. R et al.Radiocarbon. 1995, Vol 37, Num 2, pp 697-704, issn 0033-8222Conference Paper

Radiocarbon evidence of fossil-carbon cycling in sediments of a nearshore hydrocarbon seep = Mise en évidence à l'aide du radiocarbone du cycle fossile du carbone dans les sédiments d'un suintement littoral d'hydrocarburesBAUER, J. E; SPIES, R. B; VOGEL, J. S et al.Nature (London). 1990, Vol 348, Num 6298, pp 230-232, issn 0028-0836, 3 p.Article

10Be in a deep-sea core: implications regarding 10Be production changes over the past 420 ka = 10Be dans une carotte de mer profonde: implications concernant la variation de production de 10Be durant ces dernières 420 kaSOUTHON, J. R; KU, T. L; NELSON, D. E et al.Earth and planetary science letters. 1987, Vol 85, Num 4, pp 356-364, issn 0012-821XArticle

AMS Dating of Two Wooden Artifacts from the Northwest CoastFLADMARK, K. R; NELSON, D. E; BROWN, T. A et al.Canadian journal of archaeology. 1987, Vol 11, pp 1-12, issn 0705-2006Article

INTCAL09 AND MARINE09 RADIOCARBON AGE CALIBRATION CURVES, 0-50,000 YEARS CAL BPREIMER, P. J; BAILLIE, M. G. L; FRIEDRICH, M et al.Radiocarbon. 2009, Vol 51, Num 4, pp 1111-1150, issn 0033-8222, 40 p.Article

Magnesium perchlorate as an alternative water trap in AMS graphite sample preparation: A report on sample preparation at kccams at the University of California, IrvineSANTOS, G. M; SOUTHON, J. R; DRUFFEL-RODRIGUEZ, K. C et al.Radiocarbon. 2004, Vol 46, Num 1, pp 165-173, issn 0033-8222, 9 p., 1Conference Paper

NotCal04-comparison/calibration 14C records 26-50 Cal Kyr BPVAN DER PLICHT, J; BECK, J. W; MCCORMAC, F. G et al.Radiocarbon. 2004, Vol 46, Num 3, pp 1225-1238, issn 0033-8222, 14 p.Article

Be isotopes in river/estuaries and their oceanic budgetsKUSAKABE, M; KU, T. L; SOUTHON, J. R et al.Earth and planetary science letters. 1991, Vol 102, Num 3-4, pp 265-276, issn 0012-821X, 12 p.Article

Younger Dryas climatic reversal in Northeastern USA? AMS ages for an old problemPETEET, D. M; VOGEL, J. S; NELSON, D. E et al.Quaternary research (Print). 1990, Vol 33, Num 2, pp 219-230, issn 0033-5894Article

Distribution of 10Be and 9Be in the Pacific Ocean = Répartition de 10Be et 9Be dans l'Océan PacifiqueKUSAKABE, M; KU, T. L; SOUTHON, J. R et al.Earth and planetary science letters. 1987, Vol 82, Num 3-4, pp 231-240, issn 0012-821XArticle

Accuracy and Precision in Dating Microgram Carbon SamplesVOGEL, J. S; NELSON, D. E; SOUTHON, J. R et al.Radiocarbon. 1989, Vol 31, Num 2, pp 145-149, issn 0033-8222Article

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