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Accelerator dating of a mixed assemblage of late Pleistocene insect fossils from the Lamb Spring site, ColoradoELLIAS, S. A; TOOLIN, L. J.Quaternary research (Print). 1990, Vol 33, Num 1, pp 122-126, issn 0033-5894Article

Notes on Pappophorum (Gramineae: Pappophoreae)REEDER, J. R; TOOLIN, L. J.Systematic botany. 1989, Vol 14, Num 3, pp 349-358, issn 0363-6445Article

Radiocarbon age anomalies in land snail shells from Texas : Ontogenetic, individual, and geographic patterns of variation = Anomalies de l'âge radiocarbone dans les coquilles d'escargots du Texas : Modèles ontogénétiques, individuels et géographiques de variationGOODFRIEND, G. A; ELLIS, G. L; TOOLIN, L. J et al.Radiocarbon. 1999, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 149-156, issn 0033-8222Article

Revised age of deglaciation of Lake Emma based on new radiocarbon and macrofossil analysesELIAS, S. A; CARRARA, P. E; TOOLIN, L. J et al.Quaternary research (Print). 1991, Vol 36, Num 3, pp 307-321, issn 0033-5894Article

Accelerator-mass spectrometer (AMS) radiocarbon dating of Pleistocene lake sediments in the Great Basin = Datation à l'aide du C14 par spectromètre de masse (AMS) des sédiments lacustres du Pleistocene dans le Great BasinTHOMPSON, R. S; TOOLIN, L. J; FORESTER, R. M et al.Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. 1990, Vol 78, Num 3-4, pp 301-313, issn 0031-0182, 13 p.Article

Low organic carbon accumulation rates in Black Sea sedimentsCALVERT, S. E; KARLIN, R. E; TOOLIN, L. J et al.Nature (London). 1991, Vol 350, Num 6320, pp 692-695, issn 0028-0836, 4 p.Article

Stable isotope evidence for chemosynthesis in an abyssal seep communityPAULL, C. K; JULL, A. J. T; TOOLIN, L. J et al.Nature (London). 1985, Vol 317, Num 6039, pp 709-711, issn 0028-0836Article

Latest pleistocene lake shorelines and glacial chronology in the Western Basin and Range Province, U.S.A. : insights from AMS radiocarbon dating of rock varnish and paleoclimatic implications = Les lignes de rivage lacustres au Pleistocène terminal et la chronologie glaciaire dans le Western Basin et Range Province, Etats Unis: aperçus à partir de la datation du C14 par spectrometric de masse (AMS) des roches vernies et implications paléoclimatiquesDORN, R. I; JULL, A. J. T; DONAHUE, D. J et al.Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. 1990, Vol 78, Num 3-4, pp 315-331, issn 0031-0182, 17 p.Article

Old carbon in living organisms and young CaCO3 cements from abyssal brine seeps = Le carbone ancien dans des organismes vivants et les ciments CaCO3 récents provenant d'infiltration de saumure abyssalePAULL, C. K; MARTENS, C. S; CHANTON, J. P et al.Nature (London). 1989, Vol 342, Num 6246, pp 166-168, issn 0028-0836Article

First Direct AMS Dates on Early Maize from Tehuacán, MexicoLONG, A; BENZ, B. F; DONAHUE, D. J et al.Radiocarbon. 1989, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 1035-1040, issn 0033-8222Conference Paper

Extinction of Harrington's mountain goat = Extinction de la chèvre de montagne, Oreamnos harringtoniMEAD, J. I; MARTIN, P. S; EULER, R. C et al.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1986, Vol 83, Num 4, pp 836-839, issn 0027-8424Article

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