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Does size matter? Body size, mass collecting, and their implications for understanding prehistoric foraging behaviorUGAN, Andrew.American antiquity. 2005, Vol 70, Num 1, pp 75-89, issn 0002-7316, 15 p.Article

Alternative Interpretations of Intermediate and Positive d13C Isotope Signals in Prehistoric Human Remains from Southern Mendoza, Argentina: The Role of CAM Species ConsumptionLLANO, Carina; UGAN, Andrew.Current anthropology. 2014, Vol 55, Num 6, pp 822-831, issn 0011-3204, 10 p.Article

Variation in collagen stable nitrogen values in black-tailed jackrabbits (Lepus californicus) in relation to small-scale differences in climate, soil, and topography = Variation des valeurs de l'azote du collagène stable des lièvres à queue noire (Lepus californicus) par rapport aux différences à petite échelle pour le climat, le sol et la topographieUGAN, Andrew; COLTRAIN, Joan.Journal of archaeological science. 2011, Vol 38, Num 7, pp 1417-1429, issn 0305-4403, 13 p.Article

Measuring foraging efficiency with archaeological faunas: The relationship between relative abundance indices and foraging returns = Mesure de l'efficacité de la collecte grâce aux faunes archéologiques : la relation entre les indices d'abondance relative et les retours de collecteUGAN, Andrew; BRIGHT, Jason.Journal of archaeological science. 2001, Vol 28, Num 12, pp 1309-1321, issn 0305-4403Article

Stable isotopes, diet, and taphonomy: a look at using isotope-based dietary reconstructions to infer differential survivorship in zooarchaeological assemblages = Isotopes stables, alimentation et taphonomie: un regard sur les assemblages archéozoologiques et l'utilisation de la reconstruction de l'alimentation basée sur les isotopes pour déduire la survie différentielleUGAN, Andrew; COLTRAIN, Joan.Journal of archaeological science. 2012, Vol 39, Num 5, pp 1401-1411, issn 0305-4403, 11 p.Article

Should we expect large game specialization in the late Pleistocene? An optimal foraging perspective on early Paleoindian prey choiceBYERS, David A; UGAN, Andrew.Journal of archaeological science. 2005, Vol 32, Num 11, pp 1624-1640, issn 0305-4403, 17 p.Article

When is technology worth the trouble? = Quand la technologie devient-elle un problème ?UGAN, Andrew; BRIGHT, Jason; ROGERS, Alan et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2003, Vol 30, Num 10, pp 1315-1329, issn 0305-4403, 15 p.Article

The effect of handling time on subsistence technology = L'effet du temps de manipulation sur la technologie de subsistanceBRIGHT, Jason; UGAN, Andrew; HUNSAKER, Lori et al.World archaeology. 2002, Vol 34, Num 1, pp 164-181, issn 0043-8243, 18 p.Article

Isotopic evidence on human bone for declining maize consumption during the little ice age in central western Argentina = Des preuves isotopique fournies par l'os humain de la baisse de la consommation de maïs au cours du petit âge glaciaire dans le centre-ouest de l'ArgentineGIL, Adolfo F; VILLALBA, Ricardo; UGAN, Andrew et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2014, Vol 49, pp 213-227, issn 0305-4403, 15 p.Article

Geographic variation in bone carbonate and water δ18O values in Mendoza, Argentina and their relationship to prehistoric economy and settlementUGAN, Andrew; NEME, Gustavo; GIL, Adolfo et al.Journal of archaeological science. 2012, Vol 39, Num 8, pp 2752-2763, issn 0305-4403, 12 p.Article

Species-specific responses of Late Quaternary megafauna to climate and humansLORENZEN, Eline D; NOGUES-BRAVO, David; HO, Simon Y. W et al.Nature (London). 2011, Vol 479, Num 7373, pp 359-364, issn 0028-0836, 6 p.Article

Zooarchaeological measures of hunting pressure and occupation intensity in the Natufian: Implications for agricultural origins. Commentaries. Author's replyMUNRO, Natalie D; BAR-OZ, Guy; DAYAN, Tamar et al.Current anthropology. 2004, Vol 45, pp S5-S33, issn 0011-3204, NSArticle

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