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Operational atmospheric correction of Landsat TM dataOUAIDRARI, H; VERMOTE, E. F.Remote sensing of environment. 1999, Vol 70, Num 1, pp 4-15, issn 0034-4257Article

Absolute calibration of AVHRR visible and near-infrared channels using ocean and cloud viewsVERMOTE, E; KAUFMAN, Y. J.International journal of remote sensing (Print). 1995, Vol 16, Num 13, pp 2317-2340, issn 0143-1161Article

Analytical expressions for radiative properties of planar rayleigh scattering media, including polarization contributionsVERMOTE, E; TANRE, D.Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer. 1992, Vol 47, Num 4, pp 305-314, issn 0022-4073Article

Land surface hot-spot observed by MODIS over Central AfricaVERMOTE, E. F; ROY, D. P.International journal of remote sensing (Print). 2002, Vol 23, Num 11, pp 2141-2143, issn 0143-1161Article

Calibration of NOAA16 AVHRR over a desert site using MODIS dataVERMOTE, E. F; SALEOUS, N. Z.Remote sensing of environment. 2006, Vol 105, Num 3, pp 214-220, issn 0034-4257, 7 p.Article

A method to retrieve the reflectivity signature at 3.75 μm from AVHRR dataROGER, J. C; VERMOTE, E. F.Remote sensing of environment. 1998, Vol 64, Num 1, pp 103-114, issn 0034-4257Article

A synergetic approach for estimating the local direct aerosol forcing : Application to an urban zone during the Expérience sur site pour contraindre les Modèles de pollution et de transport d'Emission (ESCOMPTE) experimentROGER, J. C; MALLET, M; DUBUISSON, P et al.Journal of geophysical research. 2006, Vol 111, Num D13, issn 0148-0227, D13208.1-D13208.9Article

In-flight calibration of large field of view sensors at short wavelengths using Rayleigh scatteringVERMOTE, E; SANTER, R; DESCHAMPS, P. Y et al.International journal of remote sensing (Print). 1992, Vol 13, Num 18, pp 3409-3429, issn 0143-1161Article

Intercomparison of Landsat albedo retrieval techniques and evaluation against in situ measurements across the US SURFRAD networkFRANCH, B; VERMOTE, E. F; CLAVERIE, M et al.Remote sensing of environment. 2014, Vol 152, pp 627-637, issn 0034-4257, 11 p.Article

MODIS land data storage, gridding, and compositing methodology : Level 2 gridWOLFE, R. E; ROY, D. P; VERMOTE, E et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 1998, Vol 36, Num 4, pp 1324-1338, issn 0196-2892Article

SPOT calibration at the La Crau test site (France)SANTER, R; GU, X. F; GUYOT, G et al.Remote sensing of environment. 1992, Vol 41, Num 2-3, pp 227-237, issn 0034-4257Article

Kronos : A software system for the processing and retrieval of large-scale AVHRR data setsZENGYAN ZHANG; JAJA, J; BADER, D. A et al.Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing. 2000, Vol 66, Num 9, pp 1073-1082, issn 0099-1112Article

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) : Land remote sensing for global change researchJUSTICE, C. O; VERMOTE, E; LUCHT, W et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 1998, Vol 36, Num 4, pp 1228-1249, issn 0196-2892Article

Influence de l'atmosphère sur les mesures satellitaires dans le spectre solaire: possibilités de correctionTANRE, D; DESCHAMPS, P. Y; HERMAN, M et al.Bulletin - Société française de photogrammétrie et de télédétection. 1989, Num 115, pp 3-4, issn 0244-6014, 2 p., 36 [3 p.]Conference Paper

A generalized regression-based model for forecasting winter wheat yields in Kansas and Ukraine using MODIS dataBECKER-RESHEF, I; VERMOTE, E; LINDEMAN, M et al.Remote sensing of environment. 2010, Vol 114, Num 6, pp 1312-1323, issn 0034-4257, 12 p.Article

Mild winter and spring 2007 over western Europe led to a widespread early vegetation onsetMAIGNAN, F; BREON, F. M; VERMOTE, E et al.Geophysical research letters. 2008, Vol 35, Num 2, issn 0094-8276, L02404.1-L02404.6Article

Land surface temperature estimation from AVHRR thermal infrared measurements: An assessment for the AVHRR Land Pathfinder II data setOUAIDRARI, H; GOWARD, S. N; CZAJKOWSKI, K. P et al.Remote sensing of environment. 2002, Vol 81, Num 1, pp 114-128, issn 0034-4257Article

The MODIS Aerosol algorithm, products, and validationREMER, L. A; KAUFMAN, Y. J; ECK, T. F et al.Journal of the atmospheric sciences. 2005, Vol 62, Num 4, pp 947-973, issn 0022-4928, 27 p.Article

AERONET : A federated instrument network and Data archive for aerosol characterizationHOLBEN, B. N; ECK, T. F; LAVENU, F et al.Remote sensing of environment. 1998, Vol 66, Num 1, pp 1-16, issn 0034-4257Article

Aerosol retrieval over land from AVHRR data―application for atmospheric correctionHOLBEN, B; VERMOTE, E; KAUFMAN, Y. J et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 1992, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 212-222, issn 0196-2892Article

Analysis of directional effects on atmospheric correctionFRANCH, B; VERMOTE, E. F; SOBRINO, J. A et al.Remote sensing of environment. 2013, Vol 128, pp 276-288, issn 0034-4257, 13 p.Article

Evaluation of the MODIS Albedo product over a heterogeneous agricultural areaSOBRINO, J. A; FRANCH, B; OLTRA-CARRIÓ, R et al.International journal of remote sensing (Print). 2013, Vol 34, Num 15-16, pp 5530-5540, issn 0143-1161, 11 p.Article

Second simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum, 6S : An overviewVERMOTE, E. F; TANRE, D; DEUZE, J. L et al.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 1997, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 675-686, issn 0196-2892Article

AVHRR Land Pathfinder II (ALP II) data set: evaluation and inter-comparison with other data setsOUAIDRARI, H; EL SALEOUS, N; VERMOTE, E. F et al.International journal of remote sensing (Print). 2003, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 135-142, issn 0143-1161, 8 p.Article

Operational remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol over land from EOS moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer : Passive Remote Sensing of Tropospheric Aerosol and Atmospheric Corrections From the New Generation of Satellite SensorsKAUFMAN, Y. J; TANRE, D; REMER, L. A et al.Journal of geophysical research. 1997, Vol 102, Num D14, pp 17051-17067, issn 0148-0227Article

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