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Effect of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids in broodstock diet on reproduction and fatty acid composition of broodstock and eggs in the Japanese eel Anguilla japonicaFURUITA, H; HORI, K; SUZUKI et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2007, Vol 267, Num 1-4, pp 55-61, issn 0044-8486, 7 p.Conference Paper

Changes in the gastrointestinal pH from larvae to adult in Senegal sole (Solea senegalensis)YUFERA, M; DARIAS, M. J.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2007, Vol 267, Num 1-4, pp 94-99, issn 0044-8486, 6 p.Conference Paper

Guar gum in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) feed : The influence of quality and dose on stabilisation of faecal solidsBRINKER, Alexander.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2007, Vol 267, Num 1-4, pp 315-327, issn 0044-8486, 13 p.Conference Paper

Comparison of different soybean phospholipidic fractions as dietary supplements for common carp, Cyprinus carpio, larvaeGEURDEN, I; MARION, D; CHARLON, N et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 225-235, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Influence of supplementation of practical diets with vitamin C on growth and response to hypoxic stress of seabream, Sparus aurataHENRIQUE, M. M. F; GOMES, E. F; GOUILLOU-COUSTANS, M. F et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 415-426, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Interaction between two dietary levels of iron and two forms of ascorbic acid and the effect on growth, antioxidant status and some non-specific immune parameters in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smoltsANDERSEN, F; LYGREN, B; MAAGE, A et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 437-451, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Nutrient regulation of endocrine function in fishMACKENZIE, D. S; VANPUTTE, C. M; LEINER, K. A et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 3-25, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Optimum level of dietary monocalcium phosphate based on growth and phosphorus excretion of mirror carp, Cyprinus carpioKIM, J. D; KIM, K. S; SONG, J. S et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 337-344, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Quantification of exogenous protease derived from zooplankton in the intestine of Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanotictus) larvaeKUROKAWA, T; SHIRAISHI, M; SUZUKI, T et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 491-499, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Regulation of hepatic lipogenesis by dietary protein/energy in juvenile European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)DIAS, J; ALVAREZ, M. J; DIEZ, A et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 169-186, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Nutrition and feeding of fishWILSON, Robert P; CORRAZE, Geneviève; KAUSHIK, Sadasivan et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2007, Vol 267, Num 1-4, issn 0044-8486, 343 p.Conference Proceedings

Optimum dietary protein and lipid specifications for juvenile malabar grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus)LE ANH TUAN; WILLIAMS, Kevin C.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2007, Vol 267, Num 1-4, pp 129-138, issn 0044-8486, 10 p.Conference Paper

Evidence of three growth stanzas in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) across life stages and adaptation of the thermal-unit growth coefficientDUMAS, André; FRANCE, James; BUREAU, Dominique P et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2007, Vol 267, Num 1-4, pp 139-146, issn 0044-8486, 8 p.Conference Paper

A preliminary study on growth and protein synthesis of juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer at different temperaturesKATERSKY, Robin S; CARTER, Chris G.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2007, Vol 267, Num 1-4, pp 157-164, issn 0044-8486, 8 p.Conference Paper

Comparison of intestinal gene expression in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fed standard fish meal or soybean meal by means of suppression subtractive hybridization and real-time PCRLILLEENG, Einar; FRØYSTAD, Marianne K; VEKTERUD, Kristin et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2007, Vol 267, Num 1-4, pp 269-283, issn 0044-8486, 15 p.Conference Paper

Role of nutrients in skeletal metabolism and pathology in fish - : An overviewLALL, Santosh P; LEWIS-MCCREA, Leah M.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2007, Vol 267, Num 1-4, pp 3-19, issn 0044-8486, 17 p.Conference Paper

Availability of protein, phosphorus and other elements in fish meal, soy-protein concentrate and phytase-treated soy-protein-concentrate-based diets to Atlantic salmon, Salmo salarSTOREBAKKEN, T; SHEARER, K. D; ROEM, A. J et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 365-379, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Cholesterol and lecithin requirement of juvenile banana shrimp, Penaeus merguiensisTHONGROD, S; BOONYARATPALIN, M.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 315-321, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Dietary chromic oxide inclusion level required to maximize glucose utilization in hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus x O. aureusSHIAU, S.-Y; SHY, S.-M.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 357-364, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Dietary vitamin C improves the quality of yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) seedlingsSAKAKURA, Y; KOSHIO, S; IIDA, Y et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 427-436, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Studies on the methionine requirement of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)SCHWARZ, F. J; KIRCHGESSNER, M; DEURINGER, U et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 1998, Vol 161, Num 1-4, pp 121-129, issn 0044-8486Conference Paper

Preliminary evidence that cholesterol improves growth and feed intake of soybean meal-based diets in aquaria studies with juvenile channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatusTWIBELL, Ronald G; WILSON, Robert P.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2004, Vol 236, Num 1-4, pp 539-546, issn 0044-8486, 8 p.Article

Effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acids and total dietary lipid concentrations on growth responses of juvenile channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatusTWIBELL, Ronald G; WILSON, Robert P.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2003, Vol 221, Num 1-4, pp 621-628, issn 0044-8486, 8 p.Article

Dietary riboflavin requirement of juvenile sunshine bass (Morone chrysops ♀×Morone saxatilis ♂)DENG, Dong-Fang; WILSON, Robert P.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2003, Vol 218, Num 1-4, pp 695-701, issn 0044-8486, 7 p.Article

Effects of dietary phosphorus and phospholipid level on growth, and phosphorus deficiency signs in juvenile japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceusUYAN, Orhan; KOSHIO, Shunsuke; ISHIKAWA, Manabu et al.Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 2007, Vol 267, Num 1-4, pp 44-54, issn 0044-8486, 11 p.Conference Paper

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