ct.\*:("Occupational psychology")
Results 1 to 25 of 17390
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Perception towards chemical labeling for college students in Taiwan using Globally Harmonized SystemSU, Teh-Sheng; HSU, I-Yuang.Safety science. 2008, Vol 46, Num 9, pp 1385-1392, issn 0925-7535, 8 p.Article
Comparing exposure metrics for classifying 'dangerous heat' in heat wave and health warning systemsKAI ZHANG; ROOD, Richard B; MICHAILIDIS, George et al.Environment international. 2012, Vol 46, pp 23-29, issn 0160-4120, 7 p.Article
Pressurés, exténués, stressés... Les salariés craquent !ROZ-MAURETTE, Jacqueline; BOULET, Anne-Marie; BRAUN, Martin et al.VIVA. 2010, Num 252, pp 22-32, issn 0984-4376, 11 p.Article
Explicative models of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) : From biomechanical and psychosocial factors to clinical analysis of ergonomicsLANFRANCHI, J.-B; DUVEAU, A.European review of applied psychology. 2008, Vol 58, Num 4, pp 201-213, issn 1162-9088, 13 p.Article
Exploring gender, work and living conditions, and health -suggestions for contextual and comprehensive approaches : Gender and occupational healthHÄRENSTAM, Annika.Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health. 2009, Vol 35, Num 2, pp 127-133, issn 0355-3140, 7 p.Article
Cold and heat waves in the United StatesBARNETT, A. G; HAJAT, S; GASPARRINI, A et al.Environmental research (New York, N.Y. : Print). 2012, Vol 112, pp 218-224, issn 0013-9351, 7 p.Article
The effect of various temperature indicators on different mortality categories in a subtropical city of Brisbane, AustraliaWEIWEI YU; YUMING GUO; XIAOFANG YE et al.Science of the total environment. 2011, Vol 409, Num 18, pp 3431-3437, issn 0048-9697, 7 p.Article
Trace element concentrations in hair of healthy Chinese centenariansYONGHUA LI; LINSHENG YANG; WUYI WANG et al.Science of the total environment. 2011, Vol 409, Num 8, pp 1385-1390, issn 0048-9697, 6 p.Article
Approches psychologiques des problématiques de santé au travail = Psychological approaches to the problematics of occupational healthTARQUINIO, Cyril.European review of applied psychology. 2008, Vol 58, Num 4, issn 1162-9088, 103 p.Serial Issue
Le harcèlement moral au travail = Workplace bullyingFERREY, Gilbert.Concours médical (Paris). 2004, Vol 126, Num 18, pp 1025-1028, issn 0010-5309, 4 p.Article
The way we build nowHUTTON, Geoffrey H.Archives of environmental health. 2003, Vol 58, Num 8, pp 505-511, issn 0003-9896, 7 p.Article
A national survey of psychosocial job stressors and their implications for health among working people in TaiwanYAWEN CHENG; GUO, Yue-Liang; YEH, Wen-Yu et al.International archives of occupational and environmental health. 2001, Vol 74, Num 7, pp 495-504, issn 0340-0131Article
Accident de personne et conduite de trains. Enquête épidémiologique : méthodologie et résultats préliminaires = Preliminary results of an epidemiological survey about human accidents in train drivingCOTHEREAU, C; DE BEAUREPAIRE, C; PAYAN, C et al.Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail. 2000, Vol 61, Num 7, issn 1250-3274, p. 524Conference Paper
Effect of change in the psychosocial work environment on sickness absence : a seven year follow up of initially healthy employeesVAHTERA, J; KIVIMÄKI, M; PENTTI, J et al.Journal of epidemiology and community health (1979). 2000, Vol 54, Num 7, pp 484-493, issn 0143-005XArticle
Stress et état dépressif chez les professionnels de la vente : Relations santé-travail : Enquête transversale (1998) : Pathologie = Stress and depression in occupational sellers : health-work relationship.Cross-sectional studyROYFE, M. H; TICHADOU, P.Revue de médecine du travail. 2000, Vol 27, Num 2, pp 89-91, issn 0300-0559Article
Émettre un avis d'aptitude dans le cadre d'une souffrance mentale au travail = To express a view in working ability in case of men tal suffering at workGREARD, N; LARCHE-MOCHEL, M; VERDUN-ESQUER, C et al.Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail. 2000, Vol 61, Num 1, issn 1250-3274, p. 117Article
Une situation de décompensation psychopathologique collective aiguë dans un service de 75 personnes = Acute collective psychopathologic decompensation in a 75 people sized serviceHUEZ, D.Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail. 1999, Vol 60, Num 6, pp 595-597, issn 1250-3274Conference Paper
Occupational stress management programmes : a practical overview of published effect studiesVAN DER HEK, H; PLOMP, H. N.Occupational medicine (Oxford). 1997, Vol 47, Num 3, pp 133-141, issn 0962-7480Article
Improving mental well-being in the workplaceMILLER, D. M.Occupational medicine (Oxford). 1997, Vol 47, Num 8, pp 463-467, issn 0962-7480Article
Une inaptitude iatrogène ? = Iatrogenic inaptitude?BOSCHER, A.Revue de médecine du travail. 1997, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 150-154, issn 0300-0559Conference Paper
Travail et santé mentale : les groupes à risque = Work and mental health : risk groupsVEZINA, M; GINGRAS, S.Canadian journal of public health. 1996, Vol 87, Num 2, pp 135-140, issn 0008-4263Article
Le chômage, mécanismes économiques, conséquences sociales et humainesHOLCMAN, Robert.Notes et études documentaires (Paris). 1996, Num 5045, issn 0029-4004, 169 p.Serial Issue
Pathologie psychiatrique latente et décompensations psychiatriques. Critères d'appréciation et risques aéronautiques = Latent psychiatric pathology and psychiatric decompensations. Criterious of assessment and aeronautical risksMASSON, J.-M.Médecine aéronautique et spatiale. 1996, Vol 35, Num 137, pp 21-24, issn 0294-0817Conference Paper
Burnout : a challenge to healthcare in the 90sCOX, T; LEITER, M.HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT. 1994, Vol 90, Num 6, pp 24-25, issn 0953-8534Article
Vécu du travail des agents des services hospitaliersMOREL, O.Santé publique (Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy). 1993, Num 6, pp 3-15, issn 0995-3914Article