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Formation of the high-spin 179m2Hf isomer in reactor irradiationsKARAMIAN, S. A; CARROLL, J. J; ADAM, J et al.Laser physics. 2004, Vol 14, Num 4, pp 438-441, issn 1054-660X, 4 p.Conference Paper

Les noyaux à halo = Nuclei with haloAUSTIN, S; BERTSCH, G.Pour la science. 1995, Num 214, pp 84-89, issn 0153-4092Article

Spectral function at high Em and PmROHE, D.The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei. 2003, Vol 17, Num 3, pp 439-443, 5 p.Article

Electronically induced nuclear transitions: temperature dependence and Rabi oscillationsNIEZ, Jean-Jacques.Comptes rendus. Physique. 2002, Vol 3, Num 9, pp 1255-1261, issn 1631-0705, 7 p.Article

CONTRIBUTION A LA DETERMINATION DES PROPRIETES DE LA SUPERDEFORMATION DANS LA REGION DES TERRES RARES : ETUDE DES ISOTOPES DE 148Gd et 149Gd = Contribution to the determination of the superdeformation properties in the rare earth region : Study of the 148Gd and 149Gd isotopesStezowski, Olivier; Byrski, Tkadée.1997, 140 p.Thesis

Production de faisceaux secondaires de 42Sc dans l'état isomérique et fondamental, et mesure comparative de section efficace totale de réaction sur ces deux états = Production of 42Sc secondary beams in isomeric and ground states ; comparison of the both total reaction cross-sectionsLestrade, Dominique; Fleury, Alain.1997, 145 p.Thesis

Nuclear structureHODGSON, P. E.Contemporary physics. 1994, Vol 35, Num 5, pp 329-346, issn 0010-7514Article

Noyaux à halo: Spectroscopie de niveaux excités liés par excitation coulombienne et développement d'une méthode originale pour la mesure de fonctions d'excitation = Halo nuclei: spectroscopy of bound excited states by Coulomb excitation and development of an original technique for the measurement of excitation functionsCorre, Jean-Marc; Saint-Laurent, Marie-Geneviève.1994, 118 p.Thesis

Energy traps in atomic nucleiWALKER, P; DRACOULIS, G.Nature (London). 1999, Vol 399, Num 6731, pp 35-40, issn 0028-0836Article

Influence of the quadrupole pairing interaction on the mean-square radii of nucleiŁOJEWSKI, Z; NERLO-POMORSKA, B; POMORSKI, K et al.Acta physica Polonica. B. 1994, Vol 25, Num 7, pp 1147-1157, issn 0587-4254Article

On the induced release of the energy of isomeric nuclei in a Bose : Einstein condensateRIVLIN, L. A; SAPOZHNIKOV, M. N.Quantum electronics (Woodbury). 2005, Vol 35, Num 5, pp 474-478, issn 1063-7818, 5 p.Article

Tunneling in high-K isomeric decaysSHIZUMA, Toshiyuki; SHIMIZU, Yoshifumi R; HAYAKAWA, Takehito et al.Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2002, Vol 39, Num 11, pp 1137-1141, issn 0022-3131, 5 p.Article

On radiative nuclear gamma transitions in a Bose-Einstein condensateRIVLIN, L. A.Quantum electronics (Woodbury). 2004, Vol 34, Num 8, pp 736-738, issn 1063-7818, 3 p.Article

Enhanced stability of superheavy nuclei due to high-spin isomerismXU, F. R; ZHAO, E. G; WYSS, R et al.Physical review letters. 2004, Vol 92, Num 25, pp 252501.1-252501.4, issn 0031-9007, 1Article

Direct Mapping of Nuclear Shell Effects in the Heaviest ElementsMINAYA RAMIREZ, E; ACKERMANN, D; HERFURTH, F et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2012, Vol 337, Num 6099, pp 1207-1210, issn 0036-8075, 4 p.Article

Measurement of the spin and magnetic moment of 31Mg: Evidence for a strongly deformed intruder ground stateNEYENS, G; KOWALSKA, M; OTSUKA, T et al.Physical review letters. 2005, Vol 94, Num 2, pp 022501.1-022501.4, issn 0031-9007Article

Probing Cold Dense Nuclear MatterSUBEDI, R; SHNEOR, R; CHEN, J.-P et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2008, Vol 320, Num 5882, pp 1476-1478, issn 0036-8075, 3 p.Article

Delayed crossing in the πh9/2 1/2-[541] band of 173LuVENKOVA, Ts; LIEDER, R. M; ROSSI ALVAREZ, C et al.The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei. 2003, Vol 18, Num 4, pp 577-581, 5 p.Article

Decay-out of the yrast highly-deformed band in 136Nd (towards an experimental extraction of the neutron pairing gap in the second well)Perriès, S; Astier, A; Rossi-Alvarez, C et al.1998, 10 p.Report

Isospin inversion and n-p pairing in self-conjugate nuclei A = 58-98JÄNECKE, J; O'DONNELL, T. W.Physics letters. Section B. 2005, Vol 605, Num 1-2, pp 87-94, issn 0370-2693, 8 p.Article

Driven energy release of nuclear isomersRIVLIN, L. A; CARROLL, J. J; AGEE, F. J et al.Laser physics. 2004, Vol 14, Num 4, pp 435-437, issn 1054-660X, 3 p.Conference Paper

Numerical solution of Q2 evolution equations in a brute-force methodMIYAMA, M; KUMANO, S.Computer physics communications. 1996, Vol 94, Num 2-3, pp 185-215, issn 0010-4655Article

Influence de la rotation sur les effets d'appariement nucléaire: cas de la région de masse A∼190 = Effect of rotation on pairing correlations in nuclei of the A∼190 mass regionGall, Benoît; Flocard, Hubert.1994, 161 p.Thesis

An Uqp (u2) rotor model for rotational bands of superdeformed nucleiBarbier, R; Meyer, J; Kibler, M et al.1994, 42 p.Report

Equilibrium deformations of rotating nuclei in a selfconsistent semiclassical approachChabanat, E; Meyer, J; Bencheikh, K et al.1994, 11 p.Report

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