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Diversity and activity of sulphur-oxidizing bacteria and sulphate-reducing bacteria in landfill cover soilsXIA, F. F; SU, Y; WEI, X. M et al.Letters in applied microbiology. 2014, Vol 59, Num 1, pp 26-34, issn 0266-8254, 9 p.Article

Engineering the biosynthesis of novel rhamnolipids in Escherichia coli for enhanced oil recoveryHAN, L; LIU, P; PENG, Y et al.Journal of applied microbiology (Print). 2014, Vol 117, Num 1, pp 139-150, issn 1364-5072, 12 p.Article

Biotransformations of monoterpenes by photoautotrophic micro-organismsBALCERZAK, L; LIPOK, J; STRUB, D et al.Journal of applied microbiology (Print). 2014, Vol 117, Num 6, pp 1523-1536, issn 1364-5072, 14 p.Article

Integrating Terminal Truncation and Oligopeptide Fusion for a Novel Protein Engineering Strategy To Improve Specific Activity and Catalytic Efficiency: Alkaline α-Amylase as a Case StudyHAIQUAN YANG; LONG LIU; SHIN, Hyun-Dong et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2013, Vol 79, Num 20, pp 6429-6438, issn 0099-2240, 10 p.Article

Key Residues for Controlling Enantioselectivity of Halohydrin Dehalogenase from Arthrobacter sp. Strain AD2, Revealed by Structure-Guided Directed EvolutionLIXIA TANG; XUECHEN ZHU; HUAYU ZHENG et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2012, Vol 78, Num 8, pp 2631-2637, issn 0099-2240, 7 p.Article

Reaction of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Bivalvia) to Eugymnanthea inquilina (Cnidaria) and Urastoma cyprinae (Turbellaria) concurrent infestationMLADINEO, Ivona; PETRIC, Mirela; HRABAR, Jerko et al.Journal of invertebrate pathology (Print). 2012, Vol 110, Num 1, pp 118-125, issn 0022-2011, 8 p.Article

Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of N-Acetyl-D-Neuraminic Acid from N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine by Using the Spore Surface-Displayed N-Acetyl-D-Neuraminic Acid AldolaseCHAO GAO; XIAOMAN XU; XIFENG ZHANG et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2011, Vol 77, Num 19, pp 7080-7083, issn 0099-2240, 4 p.Article

Novel Tandem Biotransformation Process for the Biosynthesis of a Novel Compound, 4-(2,3,5,6-Tetramethylpyrazine-1)-4'-DemethylepipodophyllotoxinTANG, Ya-Jie; WEI ZHAO; LI, Hong-Mei et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2011, Vol 77, Num 9, pp 3023-3034, issn 0099-2240, 12 p.Article

Bioreduction with Efficient Recycling of NADPH by Coupled Permeabilized MicroorganismsWEI ZHANG; O'CONNOR, Kevin; WANG, Daniel I. C et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2009, Vol 75, Num 3, pp 687-694, issn 0099-2240, 8 p.Article

Cloning, Expression, Characterization, and Biocatalytic Investigation of the 4-Hydroxyacetophenone Monooxygenase from Pseudomonas putida JD1REHDORF, Jessica; ZIMMER, Christian L; BORNSCHEUER, Uwe T et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2009, Vol 75, Num 10, pp 3106-3114, issn 0099-2240, 9 p.Article

Microbial biotransformation of some monoterpene hydrocarbonsJAVIDNIA, Katayoun; ARAM, Farzaneh; SOLOUKI, Mahmood et al.Annals of microbiology. 2009, Vol 59, Num 2, pp 349-351, issn 1590-4261, 3 p.Article

Quantification of the Influence of Extracellular Laccase and Intracellular Reactions on the Isomer-Specific Biotransformation of the Xenoestrogen Technical Nonylphenol by the Aquatic Hyphomycete Clavariopsis aquaticaMARTIN, Claudia; CORVINI, Philippe F. X; VINKEN, Ralph et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2009, Vol 75, Num 13, pp 4398-4409, issn 0099-2240, 12 p.Article

Conversion Shift of D-Fructose to D-Psicose for Enzyme-Catalyzed Epimerization by Addition of BorateKIM, Nam-Hee; KIM, Hye-Jung; KANG, Dong-Il et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2008, Vol 74, Num 10, pp 3008-3013, issn 0099-2240, 6 p.Article

Relevant Double Mutations in Bioengineered Streptomyces clavuligerus Deacetoxycephalosporin C Synthase Result in Higher Binding Specificities Which Improve Penicillin BioconversionKIAN SIM GOO; CHUN SONG CHUA; SIM, Tiow-Suan et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2008, Vol 74, Num 4, pp 1167-1175, issn 0099-2240, 9 p.Article

CD14 gene promoter polymorphism in different clinical forms of tuberculosisPACHECO, Eugenia; FONSECA, Carolina; MONTES, Carlos et al.FEMS immunology and medical microbiology. 2004, Vol 40, Num 3, pp 207-213, issn 0928-8244, 7 p.Article

Prevalence of, and antigenic variation in, serotype G10 rotaviruses and detection of serotype G3 strains in diarrheic calves: Implications for the origin of G10P11 or P11 type reassortant asymptomatic strains in newborn children in IndiaVARSHNEY, B; JAGANNATH, M. R; VETHANAYAGAM, R. Robert et al.Archives of virology. 2002, Vol 147, Num 1, pp 143-165, issn 0304-8608Article

Agreia bicolorata gen. nov., sp. nov., to accommodate actinobacteria isolated from narrow reed grass infected by the nematode Heteroanguina graminophilaEVTUSHENKO, Lyudmila I; DOROFEEVA, Lubov V; DOBROVOLSKAYA, Tatyana G et al.International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology (Print). 2001, Vol 51, Num 6, pp 2073-2079, issn 1466-5026Article

Asaia siamensis sp. nov., an acetic acid bacterium in the α-ProteobacteriaKATSURA, Kazushige; KAWASAKI, Hiroko; POTACHAROEN, Wanchern et al.International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology (Print). 2001, Vol 51, Num 2, pp 559-563, issn 1466-5026Article

Assimilatory nitrate reductase from the haloarchaeon Haloferax mediterranei: purification and characterisationMARTINEZ-ESPINOSA, Rosa M; MARHUENDA-EGEA, Frutos C; BONETE, Maria José et al.FEMS microbiology letters. 2001, Vol 204, Num 2, pp 381-385, issn 0378-1097Article

Characterization and analysis of a stable serotype-associated membrane protein (P30) of Mycoplasma agalactiaeFLEURY, Bénédicte; BERGONIER, Dominique; BERTHELOT, Xavier et al.Journal of clinical microbiology (Print). 2001, Vol 39, Num 8, pp 2814-2822, issn 0095-1137Article

Characterization of three bioenergetically active respiratory terminal oxidases in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803PILS, Dietmar; SCHMETTERER, Georg.FEMS microbiology letters. 2001, Vol 203, Num 2, pp 217-222, issn 0378-1097Article

Pandemic threat posed by avian influenza A virusesHORIMOTO, Taisuke; KAWAOKA, Yoshihiro.Clinical microbiology reviews (Print). 2001, Vol 14, Num 1, pp 129-149, issn 0893-8512Article

Description of two novel species of the genus Kitasatospora omura et al. 1982, Kitasatospora cineracea sp. nov. and Kitasatospora niigatensis sp. novTAJIMA, Koichi; TAKAHASHI, Yoko; SEINO, Akio et al.International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology (Print). 2001, Vol 51, Num 5, pp 1765-1771, issn 1466-5026Article

Determining confidence intervals when measuring genetic diversity and the discriminatory abilities of typing methods for microorganismsGRUNDMANN, Hajo; HORI, Satoshi; TANNER, Gregor et al.Journal of clinical microbiology (Print). 2001, Vol 39, Num 11, pp 4190-4192, issn 0095-1137Article

Emended descriptions of Clostridium acetobutylicum and Clostridium beijerinckii, and descriptions of Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum sp. nov. and Clostridium saccharobutylicum sp. novKEIS, Stefanie; SHAHEEN, Ranad; JONES, David T et al.International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology (Print). 2001, Vol 51, Num 6, pp 2095-2103, issn 1466-5026Article

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