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Wheat genotype-specific induction of soil microbial communities suppressive to disease incited by Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group (AG)-5 and AG-8MAZZOLA, Mark; GU, Yu-Huan.Phytopathology. 2002, Vol 92, Num 12, pp 1300-1307, issn 0031-949X, 8 p.Article

Einsatz von nicht toxischen organischen Nährstoffen zur Bekämpfung des Weizensteinbrandes (Tilletia caries)-Versuchsergebnisse des Jahres 1988/89 = Application de nutriments organiques non toxiques contre la carie du blé. Résultats d'essais en champs en 1988/89 = Application of non-toxic organic nutrients for control of common bunt of wheat-results of field trials in 1988/89BECKER, J; WELTZIEN, H. C; TRÄNKNER, A et al.Gesunde Pflanzen. 1990, Vol 42, Num 7, pp 239-240, issn 0367-4223Article

Prüfung alternativer Mittel auf deren Wirkung gegenüber Plasmopara viticola und deren Einfluss auf das Ertragsgeschehen unter österreichischen Weinbaubedingungen = Examen des effets de produits alternatifs sur la Plasmopara viticola et leur influence sur la rentabilité dans des plantations viticoles autrichiennes = Investigation of alternative agents with respect to their effectiveness against Plasmopara viticola and their influence on yields under Austrian viticultural conditionsREDL, H; BAUER, K.Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg Rebe und Wein, Obstbau und Früchteverwertung. 1990, Vol 40, Num 3, pp 134-138, issn 0007-5922Article

Untersuchungen zur Dicarboximid-Resistenz von Botrytis cinerea Pers. I: Verbreitung und Qualität Vinclozolin-resistenter Isolate im Rheingau = Recherches sur la résistance de Botrytis cinerea Pers. aux dicarboximides. I: La distribution et la qualité des souches résistantes à la vinclozoline dans le Rheingau = Investigations on the dicarboximide resistance of Botrytis cinerea Pers. I: Distribution and quality of vinclozolin-resistant isolates in the RheingauBORGE, J. F. R; SCHLÖSSER, E.Wein-Wissenschaft. 1990, Vol 45, Num 2, pp 36-39, issn 0375-8818Article

Control of eyespot (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (Fron.) Delghton) using prochloraz. -Dose and timingJØRGENSEN, L. N; NIELSEN, B. J.Tidsskrift for planteavl. 1990, Vol 94, Num 2, pp 233-239, issn 0040-7135Article

Edifenphos resistance in Pyricularia oryzae and Drechslera oryzae : in vitro techniques for detection and biochemical studiesLALITHAKUMARI, D; ANNAMALAI, P.A.C.S. symposium series. 1990, Vol 421, pp 249-263, issn 0097-6156Article

Evaluation of fungicides against stem and collar rot of lawson cypress seedlingsCLANCY, K. J.Annals of applied biology. 1990, Vol 116, pp 42-43, issn 0003-4746, SUPArticle

Evaluation of fungicides, applied at seeding, against rhizoctonia root rot of wheatCOTTERILL, P. J.Annals of applied biology. 1990, Vol 116, pp 48-49, issn 0003-4746, SUPArticle

Incidence of Fusarium species in different cropping systems of annual Medicago species and wheatLAMPRECHT, S. C; MARASAS, W. F. O; KNOX-DAVIES, P. S et al.Phytophylactica. 1990, Vol 22, Num 1, pp 69-76, issn 0370-1263Article

Resistance to sterol biosynthesis-inhibiting fungicides : current status and biochemical basisHOLLOMON, D. W; BUTTERS, J. A; HARGREAVES, J. A et al.A.C.S. symposium series. 1990, Vol 421, pp 199-214, issn 0097-6156Article

Assessment of benomyl resistance and mating type in field isolates of Pyrenopeziza brassicae, cause of light leaf spot of brassicasBALL, A. M; SIDDIQ, A. A; GILTRAP, N. J et al.Plant pathology. 1990, Vol 39, Num 1, pp 33-37, issn 0032-0862Article

Effects of row spacing and within-row plant population on Rhizoctonia aerial blight of soybean and soybean yieldJOYE, G. F; BERGGREN, G. T; BERNER, D. K et al.Plant disease. 1990, Vol 74, Num 2, pp 158-160, issn 0191-2917Article

Effects of tractor traffic and chlorothalonil applied via ground sprays of center pivot irrigation systems on peanut diseases and pod yieldsBRENNEMAN, T. B; SUMNER, D. R.Plant disease. 1990, Vol 74, Num 4, pp 277-279, issn 0191-2917Article

Improved chestnut tree condition maintained in two Connecticut plots after treatments with hypovirulent strains of the chestnut blight fungusANAGNOSTAKIS, S. L.Forest science. 1990, Vol 36, Num 1, pp 113-124, issn 0015-749XArticle

Movement of chloropicrin or methylisothiocyanate through the boles of Douglas-fire treesMORRELL, J. J; NEWBILL, M. A.Forest science. 1990, Vol 36, Num 1, pp 192-195, issn 0015-749XArticle

The effectiveness of eleven sterol biosynthesis-inhibiting fungicides against the take-all fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, in relation to their physical propertiesBATEMAN, G. L; NICHOLLS, P. H; CHAMBERLAIN, K et al.Pesticide science. 1990, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 109-122, issn 0031-613XArticle

Acremomium typhinum identified as an endophyte in blue fescueNEWTON, P. J; HALISKY, P. M.Plant disease. 1989, Vol 73, Num 1, issn 0191-2917, 81Article

Ampelomyces quisqualis for biological and integrated control of powdery mildews in IsraelSZTEJNBERG, A; GALPER, S; MAZAR, S et al.Journal of phytopathology (1986). 1989, Vol 124, pp 285-295, issn 0931-1785Article

Blight of prostrate spurge and cultivated poinsettia caused by Amphobotrys riciniHOLCOMB, G. E; JONES, J. P; WELLS, D. W et al.Plant disease. 1989, Vol 73, Num 1, pp 74-75, issn 0191-2917Article

Biological control of basal stem rot of chrysanthemum by antagonistsSCHENG-MING TSCHEN, J; YIH-YUN LEE; WEN-SHI WU et al.Journal of phytopathology (1986). 1989, Vol 126, Num 4, pp 313-322, issn 0931-1785Article

Cloned DNA probes for identification of Phytophthora parasiticaGOODWIN, P. H; KIRKPATRICK, B. C; DUNIWAY, J. M et al.Phytopathology. 1989, Vol 79, Num 6, pp 716-721, issn 0031-949XArticle

Etiology and control of Phytophthora leaf blight of golden-fruited palmNAGATA, N. M; ARAGAKI, M.Plant disease. 1989, Vol 73, Num 8, pp 661-663, issn 0191-2917Article

Synthesis of some 1'-(substituted phenyl)spiro[indole-3,4'-azetidine]-2(3H),2'-diones as potential fungicidesRAKESH KUMAR; GIRI, S; NIZAMUDDIN et al.Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (Print). 1989, Vol 37, Num 4, pp 1094-1096, issn 0021-8561Article

Maladies des plantes dues à Rhizoctonia solani (Kühn): stratégie et techniques d'études. Résultats = Plant diseases induced by Rhizoctonia solani (Kühn): strategy and methods of study. ResultsCAMPOROTA, P.Agronomie (Print). 1989, Vol 9, Num 4, pp 327-334, issn 0249-5627Article

Deep cultivation of a sandy soil, near Esperance, reduced the incidence of rhizoctonia bare patch and increased grain yield of lupinsBRENNAN, R. F; CRABTREE, W. L.Australian journal of experimental agriculture. 1989, Vol 29, Num 6, pp 803-806, issn 0816-1089Article

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