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Simultaneous quantification of the contributions of dry, washout and rainout deposition to the total deposition of particle-bound 7Be and 210Pb on an urban catchment area on a monthly scaleLAGUIONIE, Philippe; ROUPSARD, Pierre; MARO, Denis et al.Journal of aerosol science. 2014, Vol 77, pp 67-84, issn 0021-8502, 18 p.Article

Evaluation of target photon dose mixed in mono-energetic neutron fields using 7Li(p,n)7Be reactionTANIMURA, Y; TSUTSUMI, M; SAEGUSA, J et al.Radiation measurements. 2010, Vol 45, Num 10, pp 1163-1166, issn 1350-4487, 4 p.Conference Paper


Stratospheric and tropospheric components of 7Be in surface airDUTKIEWICZ, V. A; HUSAIN, L.JGR. Journal of geophysical research. Part D, Atmospheres. 1985, Vol 90, Num 3, pp 5783-5788Article

Use of beryllium-7 to study the effectiveness of woody trash barriers in reducing sediment delivery to streams after forest clearcuttingSCHULLER, Paulina; WALLING, Desmond E; IROUME, Andrés et al.Soil & tillage research. 2010, Vol 110, Num 1, pp 143-153, issn 0167-1987, 11 p.Article

Numerical estimation of the error of the biodiffusion coefficient in coastal sedimentsLECROART, Pascal; SCHMIDT, Sabine; JOUANNEAU, Jean-Marie et al.Estuarine, coastal and shelf science (Print). 2007, Vol 72, Num 3, pp 543-552, issn 0272-7714, 10 p.Article

Atmospheric fluxes and marsh-soil inventories of 7Be and 210PbOLSEN, C. R; LARSEN, I. L; LOWRY, P. D et al.JGR. Journal of geophysical research. Part D, Atmospheres. 1985, Vol 90, Num 6, pp 10487-10495Article

Epiphytic fruticose lichens as biomonitors for retrospective evaluation of the 134CS/137 Cs ratio in Fukushima falloutRAMZAEV, V; BARKOVSKY, A; GROMOV, A et al.Journal of environmental radioactivity. 2014, Vol 138, pp 177-185, issn 0265-931X, 9 p.Article

Atmospheric depositional fluxes of cosmogenic 35S and 7Be: Implications for the turnover rate of sulfur through the biosphereCHO, Hyung-Mi; HONG, Young-Lim; KIM, Guebuem et al.Atmospheric environment (1994). 2011, Vol 45, Num 25, pp 4230-4234, issn 1352-2310, 5 p.Article

Distribution of 7Be, 210Pb and 137Cs in watersheds of different scales in the seine river basin : Inventories and residence timesLE CLOAREC, Marie-Francoise; BONTE, Philippe; LEFEVRE, Irène et al.Science of the total environment. 2007, Vol 375, Num 1-3, pp 125-139, issn 0048-9697, 15 p.Article

Beryllium-7 as a tracer of surface water subduction and mixed-layer historyKADKO, D; OLSON, D.Deep-sea research. Part 1. Oceanographic research papers. 1996, Vol 43, Num 2, pp 89-116, issn 0967-0637Article

Beryllium 7 and lead 210 in the Western hemisphere Arctic atmosphere : observations from three recent aircraft-based sampling programsDIBB, J. E; TALBOT, R. W; GREGORY, G. L et al.Journal of geophysical research. 1992, Vol 97, Num D15, pp 16709-16715, issn 0148-0227Article

Three-dimensional simulation of 7Be in a global climate modelBROST, R. A; FEICHTER, J; HEIMANN, M et al.JGR. Journal of geophysical research. Part D, Atmospheres. 1991, Vol 96, Num 12, pp 22423-22445Article

7Be-recoil radiolabelling of industrially manufactured silica nanoparticlesHOLZWARTH, Uwe; BELLIDO, Elena; DALMIGLIO, Matteo et al.Journal of nanoparticle research. 2014, Vol 16, Num 9, issn 1388-0764, 2574.1-2574.15Article

Evaluating physical and biological influences on sedimentation in a tidal freshwater marsh with 7BePALINKAS, Cindy M; ENGELHARDT, Katharina A. M; CADOL, Dan et al.Estuarine, coastal and shelf science (Print). 2013, Vol 129, pp 152-161, issn 0272-7714, 10 p.Article

Beryllium-7 atmospheric deposition and soil inventory on the northern Loess Plateau of ChinaFENGBAO ZHANG; BO ZHANG; MINGYI YANG et al.Atmospheric environment (1994). 2013, Vol 77, pp 178-184, issn 1352-2310, 7 p.Article

Gross alpha, gross beta activities and gamma emitting radionuclides composition of rainwater samples and deposition to groundDUENAS, C; FERNANDEZ, M. C; GORDO, E et al.Atmospheric environment (1994). 2011, Vol 45, Num 4, pp 1015-1024, issn 1352-2310, 10 p.Article

Wet depositional fluxes of 210Pb- and 7Be-bearing aerosols at two different altitude cities of North PakistanALI, N; KHAN, E. U; AKHTER, P et al.Atmospheric environment (1994). 2011, Vol 45, Num 32, pp 5699-5709, issn 1352-2310, 11 p.Article

Seasonal and inter-annual variation of Beryllium-7 deposition in birch-tree leaves and grass in the northeast upland area of the Czech RepublicPÖSCHL, Michael; BRUNCLIK, Tomáš; HANAK, Jaromír et al.Journal of environmental radioactivity. 2010, Vol 101, Num 9, pp 744-750, issn 0265-931X, 7 p.Article

7Be neutron production cross section on 12C targetsGIAMMARCHI, M. G; LAUBENSTEIN, M; MEULDERS, J. P et al.Radiation measurements. 2008, Vol 43, Num 8, pp 1390-1395, issn 1350-4487, 6 p.Article

Deposition patterns of atmospheric 7Be and 210Pb in coast of East China Sea, Shanghai, ChinaJINZHOU DU; JING ZHANG; JING ZHANG et al.JING ZHANG; JING ZHANG et al.Atmospheric environment (1994). 2008, Vol 42, Num 20, pp 5101-5109, issn 1352-2310, 9 p.Article

The temporal variations of 7Be, 210Pb and 210Po in air in EnglandDAISH, S. R; DALE, A. A; DALE, C. J et al.Journal of environmental radioactivity. 2005, Vol 84, Num 3, pp 457-467, issn 0265-931X, 11 p.Article

Distribution of fallout radionuclides (7Be, 137Cs, 210Pb and 239,240Pu) in soils of TaiwanHUH, C.-A; SU, C.-C.Journal of environmental radioactivity. 2004, Vol 77, Num 1, pp 87-100, issn 0265-931X, 14 p.Article

Analyses of airborne 7Be concentrations in Hong Kong using back-trajectoriesLEE, L. Y. L; KWOK, R. C. W; CHEUNG, Y. P et al.Atmospheric environment (1994). 2004, Vol 38, Num 40, pp 7033-7040, issn 1352-2310, 8 p.Conference Paper

7Be, 210Pb and 137Cs concentrations in cloud waterBOURCIER, L; MASSON, O; LAJ, P et al.Journal of environmental radioactivity. 2014, Vol 128, pp 15-19, issn 0265-931X, 5 p.Article

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