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In vitro activity of anidulafungin against selected clinically important mold isolatesODABASI, Zekaver; PAETZNICK, Victor L; RODRIGUEZ, Jose R et al.Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2004, Vol 48, Num 5, pp 1912-1915, issn 0066-4804, 4 p.Article

A Phase 2, Open-Label Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Anidulafungin as a Treatment for Azole-Refractory Mucosal CandidiasisVAZQUEZ, José A; SCHRANZ, Jennifer A; CLARK, Kay et al.Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999). 2008, Vol 48, Num 3, pp 304-309, issn 1525-4135, 6 p.Article

Homophily and co-occurrence patterns shape randomized trials agendas: illustration in antifungal agentsRIZOS, Evangelos C; SALANTI, Georgia; KONTOYIANNIS, Dimitrios P et al.Journal of clinical epidemiology. 2011, Vol 64, Num 8, pp 830-842, issn 0895-4356, 13 p.Article

Anidulafungin. CommentariesMURDOCH, David; PLOSKER, Greg L; STEINBACH, J et al.Drugs (Basel). 2004, Vol 64, Num 19, pp 2249-2260, issn 0012-6667, 12 p.Article

Anidulafungin : A new echinocandin with a novel profileVAZQUEZ, José A.Clinical therapeutics. 2005, Vol 27, Num 6, pp 657-673, issn 0149-2918, 17 p.Article

Les échinocandines : une nouvelle classe d'antifongiques = Echinocandins: a new class of antifungal agentsLACROIX, C; DUBACH, M; FEUILHADE, M et al.Médecine et maladies infectieuses. 2003, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 183-191, issn 0399-077X, 9 p.Article

Early Clinical Experience with Anidulafungin at a Large Tertiary Care Medical CenterBRIELMAIER, Benjamin D; CASABAR, Ed; KURTZEBORN, Christine M et al.Pharmacotherapy. 2008, Vol 28, Num 1, pp 64-73, issn 0277-0008, 10 p.Article

Anidulafungin : A novel echinocandinVAZQUEZ, Jose A; SOBEL, Jack D.Clinical infectious diseases. 2006, Vol 43, Num 2, pp 215-222, issn 1058-4838, 8 p.Article

Propriétés pharmacocinétiques et pharmacodynamiques de l'anidulafungineDUPONT, Hervé.Réanimation (Paris. 2001). 2007, Vol 16, issn 1624-0693, S267-S272, SUP3Article

Phase 2, randomized, dose-ranging study evaluating the safety and efficacy of anidulafungin in invasive candidiasis and candidemiaKRAUSE, David S; REINHARDT, John; VAZQUEZ, Jose A et al.Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2004, Vol 48, Num 6, pp 2021-2024, issn 0066-4804, 4 p.Article

Echinocandins: Are They All The Same?MUKHERJEE, P. K; SHEEHAN, D; PUZNIAK, L et al.Journal of chemotherapy (Testo stampato). 2011, Vol 23, Num 6, pp 319-325, issn 1120-009X, 7 p.Article

Pharmacology and Antifungal Properties of Anidulafungin, a New EchinocandinESTES, Kristina E; PENZAK, Scott R; CALIS, Karim Anton et al.Pharmacotherapy. 2009, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 17-30, issn 0277-0008, 14 p.Article

Elaboration of antibiofilm surfaces functionalized with antifungal-cyclodextrin inclusion complexesGHARBI, Aïcha; HUMBLOT, Vincent; TURPIN, Frederic et al.FEMS immunology and medical microbiology (Print). 2012, Vol 65, Num 2, pp 255-267, issn 0928-8244, 13 p.Article

Anidulafungine: une nouvelle option thérapeutique dans les candidoses systémiques = Anidulafungin: A new therapeutic option in systemic candidiasisLANTERNIER, F; LORTHOLARY, O.Médecine et maladies infectieuses. 2010, Vol 40, Num 8, pp 440-448, issn 0399-077X, 9 p.Article

Anidulafungine : activité in vitro sur les levures et les champignons filamenteux d'intérêt cliniqueGRILLOT, Renée.Réanimation (Paris. 2001). 2007, Vol 16, issn 1624-0693, S261-S266, SUP3Article

A Clinical Review of Echinocandins in Pediatric PatientsVANDENBUSSCHE, Heather L; VAN LOO, Dean A.The Annals of pharmacotherapy. 2010, Vol 44, Num 1, pp 166-177, issn 1060-0280, 12 p.Article

Anidulafungin for the treatment of invasive candidiasisMAYR, A; AIGNER, M; LASS-FLÖRL, C et al.Clinical microbiology and infection. Supplement. 2011, Vol 17, Num 1, pp 1-12, issn 1470-9465, 12 p.Article

Echinocandins: The Newest Class of AntifungalsSUCHER, Allana J; CHAHINE, Elias B; BALCER, Holly E et al.The Annals of pharmacotherapy. 2009, Vol 43, Num 10, pp 1647-1657, issn 1060-0280, 11 p.Article

Development of anidulafungin for disk diffusion susceptibility testing against Candida sppJONES, Ronald N; KIRBY, Jeffrey T; MESSER, Shawn A et al.Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease. 2007, Vol 58, Num 3, pp 371-374, issn 0732-8893, 4 p.Article

Recent advances in antifungal chemotherapyPETRIKKOS, George; SKIADA, Anna.International journal of antimicrobial agents. 2007, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 108-117, issn 0924-8579, 10 p.Article

Anidulafungin-Induced AlopeciaRUIZ-RAMOS, J; SALAVERT-LLETI, M; MONTE-BOQUET, E et al.The Annals of pharmacotherapy. 2014, Vol 48, Num 5, pp 660-662, issn 1060-0280, 3 p.Article

Flash pulmonary oedema during anidulafungin administrationHINDAHL, C. B; WILSON, J. W.Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics (Print). 2012, Vol 37, Num 4, pp 491-493, issn 0269-4727, 3 p.Article

Echinocandin pharmacodynamics: review and clinical implicationsPOUND, Melanie W; TOWNSEND, Mary L; DREW, Richard H et al.Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy (Print). 2010, Vol 65, Num 6, pp 1108-1118, issn 0305-7453, 11 p.Article

Anidulafungine : perspectives cliniques en 2007LORTHOLARY, Olivier.Réanimation (Paris. 2001). 2007, Vol 16, issn 1624-0693, S273-S279, SUP3Article

Disk diffusion-based methods for determining Candida parapsilosis susceptibility to anidulafunginODABASI, Zekaver; PAETZNICK, Victor; GOLDSTEIN, Beth P et al.Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2003, Vol 47, Num 9, pp 3018-3020, issn 0066-4804, 3 p.Article

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