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Expliquer la vie (de l'âme à la molécule)Pichot, André.2011, isbn 978-2-7592-1662-8, 1Vol, 1213 p., isbn 978-2-7592-1662-8Book

L'ospedale, dall'antichità all'azienda modernaCOSMACINI, Giorgio.KOS (Milano). 2005, Num 243, pp 36-43, issn 0393-2095, 8 p.Article

HISTOIRE SOCIALE DES MATHEMATIQUESEHRHARDT, Caroline.Revue de synthèse (Paris). 2010, Vol 131, Num 4, issn 0035-1776, 118 p.Serial Issue

FUNZIONI E FINZIONI DELL'IPERBOLE TRA SCIENZE E LETTERE = Fonctions et dissimulations de l'hyperbole : entre science et lettre = Functions and dissimulations of the hyperbola: between science and letterBARSI, Monica; BOCCALI, Giuliano.Quaderni di acme. 2010, Num 121, issn 0393-3288, 377 p.Conference Proceedings

Brève histoire de l'anatomie humaineVANNEUVILLE, Guy.Bulletin historique et scientifique de l'Auvergne (1933). 2010, Vol 111, Num 786-87, pp 5-13, issn 1153-2599, 9 p.Article

La mesure du temps = Time measurementGODAT, Jean.Bulletin historique et scientifique de l'Auvergne (1933). 2007, Vol 108, Num 772-773, pp 7-45, issn 1153-2599, 39 p.Article

Médecine et poésie = Medicine and poetryLABEILLE, Maria.Histoire des sciences médicales (Colombes). 2008, Vol 42, Num 3, pp 259-262, issn 0440-8888, 4 p.Article

What have we been since 'we have never been modern'? A macro-historical periodization based on historiographical considerations on the history of technology in ancient and modern GreeceTYMPAS, Aristotle.ICON (London). 2002, Num 8, pp 76-106, issn 1361-8113, 31 p.Article

The Social History of the Bulbous BowFERREIRO, Larrie D.Technology and culture. 2011, Vol 52, Num 2, pp 335-359, issn 0040-165X, 25 p.Article

On happinessDaedalus (Cambridge). 2004, Vol 133, Num 2, issn 0011-5266, 87 p.Serial Issue

Ancient scientific basis of the great serpent from historical evidenceSTOTHERS, Richard B.Isis. 2004, Vol 95, Num 2, pp 220-238, issn 0021-1753, 19 p.Article

Vorrei essere tutto naso = Perfume's historyTEDESCO, V.Prometeo (Milano). 1996, Vol 14, Num 53, pp 143-148, issn 0394-1639Article

Teeth and dentists in literatureCOHEN, E. M.Bulletin of the history of dentistry. 1996, Vol 44, Num 1, pp 19-24, issn 0007-5132Article

AURORES BORÉALES: Quelques éléments d'histoire = Aurora borealis : some historical elementsCOUDRY, Sabrina.Découverte (Paris. 1999). 2010, Vol 366, pp 38-45, issn 1621-0085, 8 p.Article

Druckfarbe zwischen Alchemie und Hightech (Jahrestagung des Internationalen Arbeitskreises Druckgeschichte (IAD), Stuttgart, 9 november 2001)Benad-Wagenhoff, Volker; Werfel, Sylvia.Beiträge zur Druckgesschichte. 2003, Vol Bd.2, issn 1618-7709, isbn 3-928186-69-8, 1Vol, 144 p., isbn 3-928186-69-8Conference Proceedings

Assassinio del padre = The Murder of the FatherGODELIER, M; GASBARRO, N.Prometeo (Milano). 1996, Vol 14, Num 53, pp 14-29, issn 0394-1639Article

DIABÈTE ET PHILATÉLIE I -Historique = Diabetes and philately I - HistoryJOUZIER, Etienne.Bulletin de la Société de pharmacie de Bordeaux. 2007, Vol 146, Num 1-2, pp 159-178, issn 0037-9093, 20 p.Article

Non solo magia = Not only magicSTERPELLONE, L.KOS (Milano). 2000, Num 177, pp 56-60, issn 0393-2095Article

Wykorzystanie ołowiu w farmakoterapii dawniej i dziŚ = The application of lead in pharmacotherapy in time past and todayKOWALSKA, M; KEMPA, M. E.Archiwum historii i filozofii medycyny. 1998, Vol 61, Num 2-3, pp 211-215, issn 0860-1844Article

Addio al corpo : Ciò che trascorre e diviene come organismo vivente va cancellato dalla coscienza per raggiungere la verità secondo Platone, Dio secondo la mistica cristiana = Goodbye to the Body: What Passes and Becomes Alive is Erased of Consciousness to Rejoin the Truth According to Plato, God According to the Christian MysticIENGO, F.Prometeo (Milano). 1996, Vol 14, Num 55, pp 34-41, issn 0394-1639Article

El pertinaz agárico = The persistent agaric = L'agaric persistentGARCIA-ROLLAN, M.Ars Pharmaceutica. 2006, Vol 47, Num 4, pp 353-362, issn 0004-2927, 10 p.Article

Blob cervello = Blob cervelloBORRELLI, Fausto.Energia, ambiente e innovazione. 2003, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 68-77, issn 1124-0016, 10 p.Article

La misura del tempo = The Measure of TimeLESCHIUTTA, S.KOS (Milano). 1997, Num 141, pp 18-23, issn 0393-2095Article

Du florin à l'euro = From Florin to EuroBROCARD, Michèle.Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Savoie. 2004, Vol 5, pp 93-119, issn 1157-075X, 27 p.Article

CADRANS SOLAIRES DE BRETAGNE = Sundials of BritannyCORNEC, Jean-Paul; LABAT-SEGALEN, Pierre; ROUXEL, Bernard et al.Bulletin - Société d'archéologie et d'histoire du Pays de Lorient. 2010, Num 39, pp 169-177, issn 1763-1203, 9 p.Article

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