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Des métiers et des hommes: le cas de l'insertion des apprentis = Occupations and men: the case of apprentices integrationMINGAT, A; RAPIAU, M.-T.L' Orientation scolaire et professionnelle. 1986, Vol 15, Num 4, pp 295-310, issn 0249-6739Article

La perception de l'entrée en apprentissage = Perception of «going into apprenticeship»CLEMENCE, A; DESCHAMPS, J.-C; ROUX, P et al.L' Orientation scolaire et professionnelle. 1986, Vol 15, Num 4, pp 311-330, issn 0249-6739Article

Overestimation of Drinking Norms and its Association with Alcohol Consumption in ApprenticesHAUG, Severin; ULBRICHT, Sabina; HANKE, Monika et al.Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford). 2011, Vol 46, Num 2, pp 204-209, issn 0735-0414, 6 p.Article

Some design principles for a mathematical knowledge representation system: a new approach to scientific calculationCALMET, Jacques; BERGMAN, Marc.Rapport de recherche - IMAG. 1984, Num 508, issn 0750-7380, 15 p.Report

Embaucher un(e) apprenti(e) = Hiring an apprenticeLe Moniteur des travaux publics et du bâtiment. 2013, Num 5708, issn 0026-9700, 18 p., CAH2Serial Issue

N-learners problem : fusion of conceptsRAO, N. S. V; OBLOW, E. M; GLOVER, C. W et al.IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. 1994, Vol 24, Num 2, pp 319-327, issn 0018-9472Article

Employment and training opportunities for young school beavers through the apprenticeship system in NigeriaOYENEYE, O. Y.Children and youth services review. 1986, Vol 8, Num 1, pp 71-82, issn 0190-7409Article

Nutrition et sport: application à l'élève jockey = Nutrition of the lads and jockey adolescentPERES, G.Science & sports. 1993, Vol 8, Num 2, pp 89-92, issn 0765-1597Conference Paper

[Formation professionnelle en alternance]COHEN-SCALI, Valérie; CAPDEVIEILLE-MOUGNIBAS, Valérie.Psychologie du travail et des organisations. 2011, Vol 17, Num 3, issn 1420-2530, 96 p.Serial Issue

Friseurberuf―Erkennbare Risikofaktoren bei BerufsanfängernSZLISKA, C; RAKOSKI, J.Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt. 1991, Vol 39, Num 6, pp 194-196, issn 0343-2432Article

Books for a reformed republic : The apprentices' library of New York City, 1820-1865GLYNN, T.Libraries & culture. 1999, Vol 34, Num 4, pp 347-372, issn 0894-8631Article

Les apprenti-e-s face aux contraintes en formation professionnelle en alternance: entre souffrance et plaisir = Apprentices coping with vocational training constraints: between suffering and pleasureLAMAMRA, Nadia; MASDONATI, Jonas.Psychologie du travail et des organisations. 2011, Vol 17, Num 3, pp 291-306, issn 1420-2530, 16 p.Article

Une analyse des conditions de travail dans une population d'apprentis de moins de 18 ans = Analysis of working conditions in a population of apprentices under the age of 18MONFRIN, F; ACHER, D; AUTRAN, L et al.Documents pour le médecin du travail. 2002, Num 91, issn 0339-6517, 229, 247-258 [13 p.]Article

Force de traction sur les rênes d'élèves lads-jockeys de galop = Traction force exerted on racehorse reins by apprentice jockeysDELGADO, A; ALLEMANDOU, A; PERES, G et al.Science & sports. 1993, Vol 8, Num 2, pp 81-82, issn 0765-1597Article

Prevention of hand eczema among Danish hairdressing apprentices: an intervention studyBREGNHØJ, Anne; MENNE, Torkil; DUUS JOHANSEN, Jeanne et al.Occupational and environmental medicine (London). 2012, Vol 69, Num 5, pp 310-316, issn 1351-0711, 7 p.Article

Exposures and reactions to allergens among hairdressing apprentices and matched controlsBREGNHØJ, Anne; SØSTED, Heidi; MENNE, Torkil et al.Contact dermatitis. 2011, Vol 64, Num 2, pp 85-89, issn 0105-1873, 5 p.Article

Validation of self-reporting of hand eczema among Danish hairdressing apprenticesBREGNHØJ, Anne; SØSTED, Heidi; MENNE, Torkil et al.Contact dermatitis. 2011, Vol 65, Num 3, pp 146-150, issn 0105-1873, 5 p.Article

Situated trajectories of learning in vocational training interactionsDE SAINT-GEORGES, Ingrid; FILLIETTAZ, Laurent.European journal of psychology of education. 2008, Vol 23, Num 2, pp 213-233, issn 0256-2928, 21 p.Article

Accompagnement en entreprise et intentions liées à la carrière chez des apprentis du bâtiment : L'accompagnement psychologique = Social support in enterprise and intentions related to career among apprentices of the building industryCOHEN-SCALI, V.Pratiques psychologiques (Le Bouscat). 2008, Num 2, pp 147-160, issn 1269-1763, 14 p.Article

Évaluation des conditions de travail et de l'état de santé des enfants dans le secteur informel au Bénin : cas des apprentis ferblantiers de Cotonou = Assessment of working conditions and children's health in the informal sector in Benin : apprentice tinsmiths in CotonouTOSSOU, F.Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail. 2001, Vol 62, Num 5, pp 385-387, issn 1250-3274Conference Paper

Incidence and determinants of IgE-mediated sensitization in apprentices : A prospective studyGAUTRIN, Denyse; GHEZZO, Heberto; INFANTE-RIVARD, Claire et al.American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2000, Vol 162, Num 4, pp 1222-1228, issn 1073-449X, 1Article

Change in airway responsiveness among apprentices exposed to metalworking fluidsKENNEDY, S. M; CHAN-YEUNG, M; TESCHKE, K et al.American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 1999, Vol 159, Num 1, pp 87-93, issn 1073-449XArticle

Atopiemerkmale, Hautschutz und Hautbelastung bei Friseurauszubildenden = Atopy characteristics, skin protection and skin damage in hairdresser's apprenticesKELLER, K; KÖHN, R; SCHWANITZ, H. J et al.Aktuelle Dermatologie. 1993, Vol 19, Num 4, pp 100-102, issn 0340-2541Article

DU CAP AU BAC PROGuide des formations aux énergies renouvelables. 2014, Num MAR, pp 6-10, 5 p.Article

Dermatological screening and results of patch testing among Polish apprentice hairdressersKRECISZ, Beata; KIEC-SWIERCZYNSKA, Marta; CHOMICZEWSKA, Dorota et al.Contact dermatitis. 2011, Vol 64, Num 2, pp 90-95, issn 0105-1873, 6 p.Article

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