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A NOTE ON THE POINCARÉ INEQUALITY FOR LIPSCHITZ VECTOR FIELDS OF STEP TWOMANFREDINI, Maria; GURSKY, Matthew J.Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2010, Vol 138, Num 2, pp 567-575, issn 0002-9939, 9 p.Article

Retractions onto the Space of Continuous Divergence-free Vector FieldsBOUAFIA, Philippe.Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse. 2011, Vol 20, Num 4, pp 767-779, issn 0240-2963, 13 p.Article

Characterizations of the Existence and Removable Singularities of Divergence-measure Vector FieldsNGUYEN CONG PHUC; TORRES, Monica.Indiana University mathematics journal. 2008, Vol 57, Num 4, pp 1573-1597, issn 0022-2518, 25 p.Article

Second harmonic generation in para-nitroaniline through recrystallization in a strong continuous electric fieldDE MATOS GOMES, Etelvina; BELSLEY, Michael.Crystal growth & design. 2003, Vol 3, Num 4, pp 445-447, issn 1528-7483, 3 p.Article

THE NONEXISTENCE OF CERTAIN REPRESENTATIONS OF THE ABSOLUTE GALOIS GROUP OF QUADRATIC FIELDSHALUK SENGUN, Mehmet; ONO, Ken.Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2009, Vol 137, Num 1, pp 27-35, issn 0002-9939, 9 p.Article

On the motion of a viscous compressible radiative-reacting gasDONATELLI, Donatella; TRIVISA, Konstantina.Communications in mathematical physics. 2006, Vol 265, Num 2, pp 463-491, issn 0010-3616, 29 p.Article

Dynamics of nanoscale self-assembly of ternary epilayersWEI LU; KIM, Dongchoul.Microelectronic engineering. 2004, Vol 75, Num 1, pp 78-84, issn 0167-9317, 7 p.Conference Paper

Contactless processing of materials combining continuous and alternating magnetic fieldsGILLON, P.EPJ. Applied physics (Print). 2003, Vol 21, Num 1, pp 3-7, issn 1286-0042, 5 p.Article

Electroviscous effect of nematic liquid crystals in the slit-viscometerWU, Ming-Hung; KOSEKI, Ken'Ichi; AMARI, Takeshi et al.Thin solid films. 2003, Vol 438-39, pp 396-402, issn 0040-6090, 7 p.Conference Paper

S.I.M.A.G. Un mesureur de champ magnétique polyvalent = S.I.M.A.G. Polyvalent magnetic fields measurementWACHE, G.Revue pratique de contrôle industriel (1984). 1996, Vol 35, Num 198, pp 43-45, issn 0766-5210, SUPArticle

A test for admissibility for two-dimensional, continuous fields on planar surfacesHEIL, W. H.Mathematical and computer modelling. 1995, Vol 21, Num 10, pp 31-33, issn 0895-7177Article

The proper EM field spectra of an open integrated microstrip waveguideLEE, J.-S; NYQUIST, D. P.Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications. 2004, Vol 18, Num 12, pp 1605-1620, issn 0920-5071, 16 p.Article

Deformation quantization and the Baum-Connes conjectureLANDSMAN, N. P.Communications in mathematical physics. 2003, Vol 237, Num 1-2, pp 87-103, issn 0010-3616, 17 p.Article

Discrete-expansions for linear interpolation functionsBROCK, Jerry S; WISEMAN, J. Renae.Computer physics communications. 2001, Vol 142, Num 1-3, pp 206-213, issn 0010-4655Conference Paper

Analysis of a pressure-stabilized finite element approximation of the stationary Navier-Stokes equationsCODINA, Ramon; BLASCO, Jordi.Numerische Mathematik. 2000, Vol 87, Num 1, pp 59-81, issn 0029-599XArticle

Résonance cyclotron : Susceptibilité dynamique le long du champ magnétique continu = Cyclotron resonance:Dynamic susceptibility along the continuous magnetic fieldGIRE, A; JOUFFROY, M; LOMAGLIO, G et al.Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Franche-Comté. Physique. 1997, Num 12, pp 3-7, issn 1162-9592Article

Size effect and statistical characteristics of dc and pulsed breakdown of liquid heliumSUEHIRO, J; OHNO, K; TAKAHASHI, T et al.IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation. 1996, Vol 3, Num 4, pp 507-514, issn 1070-9878Article

Photorefractive diffraction dynamic during writing in paraelecric KTN crystalsCHANGXI YANG; DADI WANG; PEIXIAN YE et al.Optics letters. 1992, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 106-108, issn 0146-9592Article

A HILBERT BUNDLE CHARACTERIZATION OF HILBERT C*-MODULESELLIOTT, George A; KAWAMURA, Katsunori.Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2008, Vol 360, Num 9, pp 4841-4862, issn 0002-9947, 22 p.Article

Computation of dilute two-phase flow in a pumpHAZRA, S. B; STEINER, K.Journal of computational and applied mathematics. 2007, Vol 203, Num 2, pp 444-460, issn 0377-0427, 17 p.Conference Paper

Electro-optical characteristics of a twisted nematic liquid-crystal cell doped with carbon nanotubes in a DC electric fieldCHEN, Hui-Yu; LEE, Wei.Optical review. 2005, Vol 12, Num 3, pp 223-225, issn 1340-6000, 3 p.Article

Spatial poisson regression for health and exposure data measured at disparate resolutionsBEST, Nicola G; ICKSTADT, Katja; WOLPERT, Robert L et al.Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2000, Vol 95, Num 452, pp 1076-1088, issn 0162-1459Article

The fundamentals of MHD related to crystal growthMOREAU, R.Progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials. 1999, Vol 38, Num 1-4, pp 161-194, issn 0960-8974Article

Liens entre équations différentielles stochastiques et ordinaires en dimension infinie = Connections between stochastic and ordinary differential equations in infinite dimensionsBOGACHËV, V; KOBANENKO, K.Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique. 1995, Vol 321, Num 7, pp 913-917, issn 0764-4442Article

Etude in vitro des paramètres acoustiques des calculs de la vésicule biliaire dans un champ de courant continu = Acoustic parameters of in vitro gall bladder stones under DC fieldSINGH, J; BHATTI, S. S; SING, V. R et al.Innovation et technologie en biologie et médecine. 1995, Vol 16, Num 5, pp 597-601, issn 0243-7228Conference Paper

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