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Modulation of the primary and the secondary antibody response by tobacco smoke condensatesNGUYEN VAN BINH, Pascale; DONG ZHOU; BAUDOUIN, Francoise et al.Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy. 2004, Vol 58, Num 9, pp 527-530, issn 0753-3322, 4 p.Article

Safety assessment of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as an ingredient added to cigarette tobaccoSTAVANJA, Mari S; AYRES, Paul H; MECKLEY, Daniel R et al.Experimental and toxicologic pathology (Print). 2006, Vol 57, Num 4, pp 267-281, issn 0940-2993, 15 p.Article

Safety assessment of diammonium phosphate and urea used in the manufacture of cigarettesSTAVANJA, Mari S; CURTIN, Geoffrey M; AYRES, Paul H et al.Experimental and toxicologic pathology (Print). 2008, Vol 59, Num 6, pp 339-353, issn 0940-2993, 15 p.Article

Adsorption of nicotine and tar from the mainstream smoke of cigarettes by oxidized carbon nanotubesZHIGANG CHEN; LISHA ZHANG; YIWEN TANG et al.Applied surface science. 2006, Vol 252, Num 8, pp 2933-2937, issn 0169-4332, 5 p.Article

Analysis of hydrogen peroxide in cigarette smoke from selected Chinese cigarette brands under conventional and intense machine smoking conditionsHAILIN LIU; SHIHAO SUN; YONGLI ZONG et al.European food research & technology (Print). 2012, Vol 235, Num 6, pp 1107-1115, issn 1438-2377, 9 p.Article

Cigarette smoking, alcohol use and adverse pregnancy outcomes: Implications for micronutrient supplementationCOGSWELL, Mary E; WEISBERG, Pamela; SPONG, Catherine et al.The Journal of nutrition. 2003, Vol 133, Num 5, pp 1722S-1731S, issn 0022-3166, SUP2Conference Paper

Diallyl-disulphide is the effective ingredient of garlic oil that protects primary human osteoblasts from damage due to cigarette smokeEHNERT, S; BRAUN, K. F; NUSSLER, A. K et al.Food chemistry. 2012, Vol 132, Num 2, pp 724-729, issn 0308-8146, 6 p.Article

A summary of toxicological and chemical data relevant to the evaluation of cast sheet tobaccoPOTTS, Ryan J; BOMBICK, Betsy R; MECKLEY, Daniel R et al.Experimental and toxicologic pathology (Print). 2010, Vol 62, Num 2, pp 117-126, issn 0940-2993, 10 p.Article

Genotoxicity of tobacco smoke and tobacco smoke condensateDEMARINI, David M.Mutation research. Reviews in mutation research. 2004, Vol 567, Num 2-3, pp 447-474, issn 1383-5742, 28 p.Article

Early postnatal exposure to cigarette smoke impairs the antigen-specific T-cell responses in the spleenSINGH, Shashi P; RAZANI-BOROUJERDI, Seddigheh; PENA-PHILIPPIDES, Juan C et al.Toxicology letters. 2006, Vol 167, Num 3, pp 231-237, issn 0378-4274, 7 p.Article

High susceptibility of neonatal mice to molecular, biochemical and cytogenetic alterations induced by environmental cigarette smoke and lightDE FLORA, Silvio; D'AGOSTINI, Francesco; BALANSKY, Roumen et al.Mutation research. Reviews in mutation research. 2008, Vol 659, Num 1-2, pp 137-146, issn 1383-5742, 10 p.Article

Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide in an Aqueous Extract of Cigarette Smoke and Effect of pH on the YieldTAKANAMI, Yuichiro; MORIYAMA, Takako; KOSAKA, Yasutaka et al.Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2009, Vol 73, Num 10, pp 2222-2225, issn 0916-8451, 4 p.Article

Valued Life Activities and Readiness to Quit Smoking Among Mobility-Impaired SmokersBUSCH, Andrew M; BORRELLI, Belinda.Health psychology (Hillsdale, N.J.). 2012, Vol 31, Num 1, pp 122-125, issn 0278-6133, 4 p.Article

Toll-like Receptor 2 Is Essential for the Sensing of Oxidants during InflammationPAUL-CLARK, Mark J; MCMASTER, Shaun K; SORRENTINO, Rosalinda et al.American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2009, Vol 179, Num 4, pp 299-306, issn 1073-449X, 8 p.Article

FTIR analysis of gaseous compounds in the mainstream smoke of regular and light cigarettesBACSIK, Z; MCGREGOR, J; MINK, J et al.Food and chemical toxicology. 2007, Vol 45, Num 2, pp 266-271, issn 0278-6915, 6 p.Article

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract action in scavenging free radicals and reducing mutagenicity and toxicity of cigarette smoke in vivoWANG, Chang G; YA DAI; LI, Dong L et al.Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering. 2010, Vol 45, Num 4, pp 498-505, issn 1093-4529, 8 p.Article

Cigarette smoking across the schizotypy spectrumSTEWART, Diana W; COHEN, Alex S; COPELAND, Amy L et al.Psychiatry research (Print). 2010, Vol 179, Num 1, pp 113-115, issn 0165-1781, 3 p.Article

Determinants of maximally attained level of pulmonary functionXIAOBIN WANG; MENSINGA, Tjeert T; SCHOUTEN, Jan P et al.American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2004, Vol 169, Num 8, pp 941-949, issn 1073-449X, 9 p.Article

Effect of chewing gum containing nicotine and caffeine on energy expenditure and substrate utilization in menJESSEN, Anna B; TOUBRO, Søren; ASTRUP, Arne et al.The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2003, Vol 77, Num 6, pp 1442-1447, issn 0002-9165, 6 p.Article

Effects of tobacco smoke on immunity, inflammation and autoimmunityARNSON, Yoav; SHOENFELD, Yehuda; AMITAL, Howard et al.Journal of autoimmunity (Print). 2010, Vol 34, Num 3, issn 0896-8411, J258-J265Article

Utility of the mouse dermal promotion assay in comparing the tumorigenic potential of cigarette mainstream smokeSMITH, Carr J; PERFETTI, Thomas A; GARG, Rajni et al.Food and chemical toxicology. 2006, Vol 44, Num 10, pp 1699-1706, issn 0278-6915, 8 p.Article

Toxicological evaluation of glycerin as a cigarette ingredientCARMINES, E. L; GAWORSKI, C. L.Food and chemical toxicology. 2005, Vol 43, Num 10, pp 1521-1539, issn 0278-6915, 19 p.Article

Antinociception induced by chronic exposure of rats to cigarette smokeANDERSON, Kenton L; PINKERTON, Kent E; UYEMINAMI, Dale et al.Neuroscience letters. 2004, Vol 366, Num 1, pp 86-91, issn 0304-3940, 6 p.Article

Percutaneous penetration enhancers in cigarette mainstream smokeSMITH, Carr J; PERFETTI, Thomas A; GARG, Rajni et al.Food and chemical toxicology. 2004, Vol 42, Num 1, pp 9-15, issn 0278-6915, 7 p.Article

Lagrangian/Eulerian model of coagulation and deposition of inhaled particles in the human lungPICHELSTORFER, Lukas; WINKLER-HEIL, Renate; HOFMANN, Werner et al.Journal of aerosol science. 2013, Vol 64, pp 125-142, issn 0021-8502, 18 p.Article

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