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Centrale électrique de Tiwi et éruption phréatique dans les régions thermales de NaglagbongKURASAWA, T.Chinetsu. 1984, Vol 21, Num 3, pp 44-45, issn 0385-7034Article

Conversão da energia térmica dos oceanos = Conversion de l'énergie thermique des océansPENAFORTE E COSTA.Boletim da Sociedade de geografia de Lisboa. 1983, Vol 101, Num 7-12, pp 131-136, issn 0037-8690Article

Zum Temperaturgang des Bodens bis 15 m Tiefe unter mitteleuropäischen Verhältnissen = Variations des températures du sol jusqu'à 15 m de profondeur dans les conditions d'Europe Centrale = Some aspects concerning the successive temperature variations in soil down to 15 m depth under Central European conditionsTREMMEL, J.Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften. 1984, Vol 9, pp 117-130, issn 0138-3647Article

Thermal field and geothermal regime in BulgariaPETROV, P; BOJADGIEVA, K; GASHAROV, S. T et al.Spisanie na B″lgarskoto geologičesko družestvo. 1991, Vol 52, Num 1, pp 60-64, issn 0007-3938Article

On the theory of geothermal circulation systemsMAGOMEDOV, K. M.Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1990, Vol 311, Num 6, pp 1333-1339, issn 0002-3264, 7 p.Article

The flow of energy, natural learning systems and the creation of life on Earth = Les flux d'énergie, les systèmes d'apprentissage naturel et la création de la vie sur la TerreCOELISS, J. B.Acta astronautica. 1989, Vol 19, Num 11, pp 869-873, issn 0094-5765Conference Paper

Detection of free vertical convection and double-diffusion in groundwater monitoring wells with geophysical borehole measurementsBERTHOLD, Susann; BÖRNER, Frank.Environmental geology (Berlin). 2008, Vol 54, Num 7, pp 1547-1566, issn 0943-0105, 20 p.Article

Modelling flow and heat transfer in fractured rocks: conceptual model of a 3-D deterministic fracture networkKOLDITZ, O.Geothermics. 1995, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 451-470, issn 0375-6505Article

How to predict rock temperatures for deep Alpine tunnelsRYBACH, L; PFISTER, M.Journal of applied geophysics. 1994, Vol 31, Num 1-4, pp 261-270, issn 0926-9851Conference Paper

Dynamical consequences of depth-dependent thermal expansivity and viscosity on mantle circulations and thermal structureHANSEN, U; YUEN, D. A; KROENING, S. E et al.Physics of the earth and planetary interiors. 1993, Vol 77, Num 3-4, pp 205-223, issn 0031-9201Article

Seasonal alternation of lentic/lotic conditions in the Mapire system, a tropical floodplain lake in VenezuelaVEGAS-VILARRUBIA, T; HERRERA, R.Hydrobiologia (The Hague). 1993, Vol 262, Num 1, pp 43-55, issn 0018-8158Article

Fluid flow in sedimentary basinsBJØRLYKKE, K.Sedimentary geology. 1993, Vol 86, Num 1-2, pp 137-158, issn 0037-0738Article

Report on DELP 1989 cruise in the TTT junction areas. IV: Heat flow measurements in the western Sagami BayKINOSHITA, M; YAMANO, M; MAKITA, S et al.Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo. 1992, Vol 67, Num 4, pp 527-533, issn 0040-8972Article

The impact of crop areas in northeast Colorado on midsummer mesoscale thermal circulationsSEGAL, M; SCHREIBER, W. E; KALLOS, G et al.Monthly weather review. 1989, Vol 117, Num 4, pp 809-825, issn 0027-0644Article

An inverse approach to heat flow study in hydrologically active areas = Approche inverse de l'étude du flux de chaleur dans les régions hydrologiquement activesWANG, K; BECK, A. E.Geophysical journal (Oxford). 1989, Vol 98, Num 1, pp 69-84, issn 0952-4592Article

Modélisation hydrodynamique et du transport de traceurs naturels dans l'aquifère géothermal du Dogger = Hydrodynamic modelling and movement of natural tracers in the Dogger geothermal aquiferWei, H. F; Ledoux, E; De Marsilly, G et al.1989, 45 p.Report

Cenozoic magmatism, deep tectonics, and crustal deformation in the Aegean sea = Magmatisme cénozoïque, tectonique profonde, et déformation crustale de la mer EgéePAPADOPOULOS, G. A.NATO ASI series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences. 1989, Vol 254, pp 95-113Conference Paper

Magma flows blamed for El Niño events = Coulées magmatiques responsables des événements d'El NiñoNew scientist (1971). 1988, Vol 120, Num 1642, issn 0262-4079, 17Article

Interprétation de plusieurs essais de traçage réalisés en 1987 au Mayet-de-Montagne en vue de déterminer la géométrie d'un échangeur thermique de type roches chaudes et sèches = An interpretation of several trace attempts carried out in 1987 at Mayet-de-Montagne in an attempt to determine the geometry of a hot and dry rock-type heat exchangerCordier, E; Goblet, P.1988, 60 p.Report

Modélisation hydrodynamique de l'aquifère géothermal du Dogger = Hydrodynamic modelling of the Dogger geothermal aquiferWei, H. F; Ledoux, E; De Marsilly, G et al.1988, 65 p.Report

Stratification, currents, and upwelling in Lake Ontario, Summer 1982 = Stratification, courants et remontées dans le Lac Ontario, été 1982SIMONS, T. J; SCHERTZER, W. M.Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences (Print). 1987, Vol 44, Num 12, pp 2047-2058, issn 0706-652XArticle

On the geodynamic setting of kimberlite genesis = Etude d'un modèle géodynamique pour la genèse des kimberlitesENGLAND, P; HOUSEMAN, G.Earth and planetary science letters. 1984, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 109-122, issn 0012-821XArticle

Évolution thermique des séries sédimentaires de la Marge ardéchoise: étude pétrographique de la matière organique et des argiles = Thermal evolution of the sedimentary series of the Ardèche Margin: petrological studies of organic matter and claysMARTINEZ, Luis; DUPLAY, Joëlle; SUAREZ-RUIZ, Isabel et al.Comptes rendus. Géoscience. 2002, Vol 334, Num 14, pp 1021-1028, issn 1631-0713, 8 p.Article

Estimation of wind-forced internal seiche amplitudes in lakes and reservoirs, with data from British Columbia, CanadaSTEVENS, C. L; LAWRENCE, G. A.Aquatic sciences. 1997, Vol 59, Num 2, pp 115-134, issn 1015-1621Article

Thermal convection in a cylindrical annulus with a non-Newtonian outer surfaceWEINSTEIN, S. A.Pure and Applied Geophysics. 1996, Vol 146, Num 3-4, pp 551-572, issn 0033-4553Conference Paper

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