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Cascade : C assertion checker and deductive engineSETHI, Nikhil; BARRETT, Clark.Lecture notes in computer science. 2006, pp 166-169, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-37406-X, 1Vol, 4 p.Conference Paper

Types and effects for non-interfering program monitorsBAUER, Lujo; LIGATTI, Jarred; WALKER, David et al.Lecture notes in computer science. 2003, pp 154-171, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-00708-3, 18 p.Conference Paper

«Interprétation abstraite en programmation logique avec contraintes» = «Abstract interpretation in constraint logic programming»Lecoutre, Christophe; Delahaye, Jean Paul.1994, 257 p.Thesis

Notes on nondeterminism in message passing programsKRANZLMÜLLER, Dieter; SCHULZ, Martin.Lecture notes in computer science. 2002, pp 357-367, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-44296-0, 11 p.Conference Paper

Full abstraction for a shared-variable parallel languageBROOKES, S.Information and computation (Print). 1996, Vol 127, Num 2, pp 145-163, issn 0890-5401Conference Paper

Réexécution et analyse de la dynamique des programmes répartis = Tools for reproducing and analyzing dynamical aspects of distributed programsHurfin, Michel; Raynal, Michel.1993, 161 p.Thesis

Dynamic dictionary-based data compression for level-1 cachesKERAMIDAS, Georgios; AISOPOS, Konstantinos; KAXIRAS, Stefanos et al.Lecture notes in computer science. 2006, pp 114-129, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-32765-7, 1Vol, 16 p.Conference Paper

Etude et optimisation du comportement des programmes numériques sur les caches = Study and optimization of numerical codes cache behaviorTemam, Olivier; Jalby, William.1993, 183 p.Thesis

Automated verification of behavioural properties of prolog programsLE CHARLIER, B; LECLERE, C; ROSSI, S et al.Lecture notes in computer science. 1997, pp 225-238, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-63875-XConference Paper

Propriétés des programmes parallèles = Parallel programs propertiesBouabdallah, Ahmed; Trehel, Michel.1993, 183 p.Thesis

Video editing based on behaviors-for-attention - - : An approach to professional editing using a simple schemeOZEKI, Motoyuki; NAKAMURA, Yuichi; OHTA, Yuichi et al.IEEE International Conference on multimedia. 2004, isbn 0-7803-8603-5, 3Vol, vol3, 2215-2218Conference Paper

Where is time spent in message-passing and shared-memory programs?SATISH CHANDRA; LARUS, J. R; ROGERS, A et al.Operating systems review. 1994, Vol 28, Num 5, pp 61-73, issn 0163-5980Conference Paper

S-semantics for logic programming: A retrospective lookBOSSI, Annalisa.Theoretical computer science. 2009, Vol 410, Num 46, pp 4692-4703, issn 0304-3975, 12 p.Article

A bypass of Cohen's impossibility resultBERGSTRA, Jan A; PONSE, Alban.Lecture notes in computer science. 2005, pp 1097-1106, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-26918-5, 10 p.Conference Paper

Strong and NV-sequentiality of constructor systemsLUCAS, Salvador.Information processing letters. 2004, Vol 89, Num 4, pp 191-201, issn 0020-0190, 11 p.Article

Predicting program behavior using real or estimated profilesWALL, David W.ACM SIGPLAN notices. 2004, Vol 39, Num 4, pp 430-441, issn 1523-2867, 12 p.Article

Improving locality in the parallelization of doacross loopsMARTIN, Maria J; SINGH, David E; TOURINO, Juan et al.Lecture notes in computer science. 2002, pp 275-279, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-44049-6, 5 p.Conference Paper

Managing multi-configuration hardware via dynamic working set analysisDHODAPKAR, Ashutosh S; SMITH, James E.Proceedings - International Symposium on Computer Architecture. 2002, pp 233-244, issn 1063-6897, isbn 0-7695-1605-X, 12 p.Conference Paper

Retargetable program profiling using high level processor modelsRAVINDRAN, Rajiv; MOONA, Rajat.Lecture notes in computer science. 2001, pp 224-233, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-43009-1Conference Paper

Expressing component-relating aspects with graph transformationsAMSEL, Alon; JANSSENS, Dirk.Lecture notes in computer science. 2004, pp 149-162, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-22120-4, 14 p.Conference Paper

Privacy, abstract encryption and protocols: An ASM model. Part IROSENZWEIG, Dean; RUNJE, Davor; SLANI, Neva et al.Lecture notes in computer science. 2003, pp 372-390, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-00624-9, 19 p.Conference Paper

A reexamination of 'optimization of array subscript range checks'WEI-NGAN CHIN; EAK-KHOON GOH.ACM transactions on programming languages and systems. 1995, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 217-227, issn 0164-0925Article

Predictor VirtualizationBURCEA, Ioana; SOMOGYI, Stephen; MOSHOVOS, Andreas et al.Operating systems review. 2008, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 157-167, issn 0163-5980, 11 p.Conference Paper

Model based diagnosis and contexts in self adaptive softwareROBERTSON, Paul; LADDAGA, Robert.Lecture notes in computer science. 2005, pp 112-127, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-26009-9, 16 p.Conference Paper

Using simulated execution in verifying distributed algorithmsTOH NE WIN; ERNST, Michael D; GARLAND, Stephen J et al.International journal on software tools for technology transfer (Print). 2004, Vol 6, Num 1, pp 67-76, issn 1433-2779, 10 p.Conference Paper

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