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Conduction velocity along human muscle fibers in situTRONI, W; CANTELLO, R; RAINERO, I et al.Neurology. 1983, Vol 33, Num 11, pp 1453-1459, issn 0028-3878Article

Effects of halothane and enflurane on conduction velocity and maximum rate of rise of action potential upstroke in guinea pig papillary musclesOZAKI, S; NAKAYA, H; GOTOH, Y et al.Anesthesia and analgesia. 1989, Vol 68, Num 3, pp 219-225, issn 0003-2999Article

Measurement of the conduction velocity of the dorsal nerve of the penisBRADLEY, W. E; LIN, J. T. Y; JOHNSON, B et al.The Journal of urology. 1984, Vol 131, Num 6, pp 1127-1129, issn 0022-5347Article

A novel approach for estimating muscle fiber conduction velocity by spatial and temporal filtering of surface EMG signalsFARINA, Dario; MERLETTI, Roberto.IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering. 2003, Vol 50, Num 12, pp 1340-1351, issn 0018-9294, 12 p.Article

Noninvasive measurement of central sensory and motor conductionEISEN, A; HOIRCH, M; FINK, M et al.Neurology. 1985, Vol 35, Num 4, pp 503-509, issn 0028-3878Article

Two-segment sural nerve conduction measurements in polyneuropathyKAYED, K; ROSJO, O.Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry. 1983, Vol 46, Num 9, pp 867-870, issn 0022-3050Article

Maturation des vitesses de conduction nerveuse chez les prématurés = Maturation of peripheral nerve conduction velocity in premature infantsTRANIER, S; CHEVALLIER, B; LIOT, F et al.La Presse médicale (1983). 1989, Vol 18, Num 34, issn 0755-4982, 1710Article

Relative contributions of central and peripheral factors to fatigue during a maximal sustained effortSCHILLINGS, Maartje L; HOEFSLOOT, Wouter; STEGEMAN, Dick F et al.European journal of applied physiology. 2003, Vol 90, Num 5-6, pp 562-568, 7 p.Article

Micro-multi-probe electrode array to measure neural signalsCHEN, Chang-Hsiao; YAO, Da-Jeng; TSENG, Sin-Hua et al.Biosensors & bioelectronics. 2009, Vol 24, Num 7, pp 1911-1917, issn 0956-5663, 7 p.Article

Response of Electromyographic Variables during Incremental and Fatiguing CyclingHUGO MACDONALD, Jamie; FARINA, Dario; MARCORA, Samuele M et al.Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 2008, Vol 40, Num 2, pp 335-344, issn 0195-9131, 10 p.Article

Accelerated diabetic neuropathy in axons without neurofilamentsZOCHODNE, Douglas W; SUN, Hong-Shuo; CHU CHENG et al.Brain. 2004, Vol 127, pp 2193-2200, issn 0006-8950, 8 p., 10Article

H-Reflexlatenz, -Index und-Leitgeschwindugkeit bei gesunden Probanden = Le réflexe H, sa latence (HL), son index (Hi) et sa vitesse de conduction (Hv) chez des sujets sains = H-reflexlatency (HL), -index (Hi) and conduction velocity (Hv) in healthy personsMATTHES, R.Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie. 1988, Vol 40, Num 4, pp 223-227, issn 0033-2739Article

Differential effect of nerve fiber structure on block by local anestheticFINK, B. R; CAIRNS, A. M.Anesthesiology (Philadelphia). 1985, Vol 63, Num 2, pp 157-160, issn 0003-3022Article

SNAPs, CMAPs and F-waves: nerve conduction studies for the uninitiatedWHITTAKER, Roger Graham.Practical neurology (Print). 2012, Vol 12, Num 2, pp 108-115, issn 1474-7758, 8 p.Article

A new technique for measuring muscle fiber conduction velocities in full interference patternsYAAR, I; SHAPIRO, M. B; MITZ, A. R et al.Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. 1984, Vol 57, Num 5, pp 427-434, issn 0013-4694Article

Subchronic mercury treatment of rats in different phases of ontogenesis: functional effects on the central and peripheral nervous systemPAPP, Andras; NAGYMAJTENYI, Laszlo; VEZER, Tünde et al.Food and chemical toxicology. 2005, Vol 43, Num 1, pp 77-85, issn 0278-6915, 9 p.Article

A new floating sensor array to detect electric near fields of beating heart preparationsHOFER, E; KEPLINGER, F; THURNER, T et al.Biosensors & bioelectronics. 2006, Vol 21, Num 12, pp 2232-2239, issn 0956-5663, 8 p.Article

Spinothalamic tract conduction velocity estimated using contact heat evoked potentials : What needs to be consideredWYDENKELLER, Susanne; WIRZ, Regula; HALDER, Pascal et al.Clinical neurophysiology. 2008, Vol 119, Num 4, pp 812-821, issn 1388-2457, 10 p.Article

Sensitivity of conventional motor nerve conduction examination in detecting patchy demyelination : A simulated modelCALIANDRO, Pietro; STALBERG, Erik; LA TORRE, Giuseppe et al.Clinical neurophysiology. 2007, Vol 118, Num 7, pp 1577-1585, issn 1388-2457, 9 p.Article

Compound action potential of sensory tail nerves in the ratLEANDRI, Massimo; SATURNO, Moreno; CILLI, Michele et al.Experimental neurology (Print). 2007, Vol 203, Num 1, pp 148-157, issn 0014-4886, 10 p.Article

Electrophysiological abnormalities in upper extremities after brachiocephalic A-V fistulas construction in predialysis patientsHASSAN, Kamal; AMIR, Saab; MICHAEL, Sulla et al.Renal failure. 2004, Vol 26, Num 2, pp 111-117, issn 0886-022X, 7 p.Article

Neuromuscular control adaptations in elite athletes: the case of top level karatekaSBRICCOLI, Paola; CAMOMILLA, Valentina; DI MARIO, Alberto et al.European journal of applied physiology (Print). 2010, Vol 108, Num 6, pp 1269-1280, issn 1439-6319, 12 p.Article

Analysis and simulation of changes in EMG amplitude during high-level fatiguing contractionsLOWERY, Madeleine M; O'MALLEY, Mark J.IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering. 2003, Vol 50, Num 9, pp 1052-1062, issn 0018-9294, 11 p.Article


The dynamics of collinear facilitation : Fast but sustainedHUANG, Pi-Chun; HESS, Robert F.Vision research (Oxford). 2008, Vol 48, Num 27, pp 2715-2722, issn 0042-6989, 8 p.Article

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