Results 1 to 25 of 1345
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Access all areas: identity issues and researcher responsibilities in workplace settings = Accédez à tous les domaines: les questions d'identité et les responsabilités des chercheurs dans les lieux de travailDICKINSON, Jules.Text & talk (Print). 2010, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 105-124, issn 1860-7330, 20 p.Article
Plurilinguismo e surdez : uma leitura bakhtiniana da história da educação dos surdos = Plurilingualism and deafness : a Bakhtinian view of the history of education of deaf people = Plurilinguisme et surdité : une vue bakhtinienne de l'histoire de l'éducation des sourdsBALIEIRO LODI, Ana Claudia.Educação e pesquisa (Impresso). 2005, Vol 31, Num 3, pp 409-424, issn 1517-9702, 16 p.Article
Linguistic and extralinguistic communication in deaf childrenDE MARCO, Ivan; COLLE, Livia; BUCCIARELLI, Monica et al.Journal of pragmatics. 2007, Vol 39, Num 1, pp 134-156, issn 0378-2166, 23 p.Article
Constructing Hearing Loss or Deaf Gain? Voice, Agency, and Identity in Television's Representations of d/DeafnessFOSS, Katherine A.Critical studies in media communication. 2014, Vol 31, Num 5, pp 426-447, issn 1529-5036, 22 p.Article
Tips for Working with Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Student Employees in the LibraryHENDERSON, John.Journal of access services. 2009, Vol 6, Num 1-2, pp 98-100, issn 1536-7967, 3 p.Article
Periodical resources on deafness and hearing impairmentDALTON, P. I.The Serials librarian. 1986, Vol 10, Num 3, pp 61-68, issn 0361-526XArticle
Interactions between a deaf child for whom English is an additional language and his specialist teacher in the first year at school: Combining words and gesturesMAHON, Merle.Clinical linguistics & phonetics. 2009, Vol 23, Num 8, pp 611-629, issn 0269-9206, 19 p.Article
E-therapy as a Means for Addressing Barriers to Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Persons who are DeafMOORE, Dennis; GUTHMANN, Debra; ROGERS, Nikki et al.Journal of sociology and social welfare. 2009, Vol 36, Num 4, pp 75-92, issn 0191-5096, 18 p.Article
Oral language acquisition by deafpupils in primary education: impact of musical education = L'acquisition du langage oral chez les élèves du primaire atteints de surdité : l'impact de l'enseignement de la musiqueSILVESTRE, Nuria; VALERO, Jesus.European journal of special needs education. 2005, Vol 20, Num 2, pp 195-213, issn 0885-6257, 19 p.Article
Researching classroom processes of inclusion and exclusion = Recherche sur les processus d'inclusion et d'exclusion en classeOHNA, Stein Erik.European journal of special needs education. 2005, Vol 20, Num 2, pp 167-178, issn 0885-6257, 12 p.Article
La surdité entre culture, identité et altérité = Deafness between culture, identity and differencePOIRIER, Daphnée.Lien social et politiques, RIAC. 2005, Num 53, pp 59-66, issn 1204-3206, 10 p.Article
Deaf perspectives on communicative practices in South Africa: institutional language policies in educational settings = Perspectives sourdes sur les pratiques communicatives en Afrique du Sud: les politiques linguistiques institutionnelles dans les milieux éducatifsVAN HERREWEGHE, Mieke; VERMEERBERGEN, Myriam.Text & talk (Print). 2010, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 125-144, issn 1860-7330, 20 p.Article
Blind faith in the web? Internet use and empowerment among visually and hearing impaired adults: a qualitative study of benefits and barriersVANDEN ABEELE, Mariek; DE COCK, Rozane; ROE, Keith et al.Communications (Sankt Augustin). 2012, Vol 37, Num 2, pp 129-151, issn 0341-2059, 23 p.Article
Sudden hearing loss due to fibromuscular dysplasiaKUNSTMANN, E; EICKELMANN, A; SUDHOFF, H et al.Journal of laryngology and otology. 2009, Vol 123, Num 3, pp 359-362, issn 0022-2151, 4 p.Article
Reading and writing womanist poetic prose : African american mothers with deaf daughters = Lire et écrire de la prose poétique féminisite: mèresafro-américaines et leurs filles sourdesBORUM, Valerie.Qualitative inquiry. 2006, Vol 12, Num 2, pp 340-352, issn 1077-8004, 13 p.Article
... protože já bavím spolu vypravovat (Komunikace v dopisech českých neslyšících) = How do Czech deafs communicate in Czech ?MACUROVA, A.Slovo a slovesnost. 1995, Vol 56, Num 1, pp 23-33, issn 0037-7031Article
Classroom interpreting and visual information processing in mainstream education for deaf students : Live or Memorex®? = Traitement de l'information visuelle en classe dans le cycle normal pour les étudiants atteints de surditéMARSCHARK, Marc; PELZ, Jeffb; CONVERTINO, Carol et al.American educational research journal. 2005, Vol 42, Num 4, pp 727-761, issn 0002-8312, 35 p.Article
Évaluer des élèves sourds en histoire-géographie : une exigence complexe : Evaluation modes d'emploi = Assessing deaf students in history and geography: a complex demandCARCAILLON, Annie; BERTIN, Fabrice.La Nouvelle revue de l'adaptation et de la scolarisation. 2006, Num 32, pp 111-124, issn 1957-0341, 14 p.Article
La langue des signes française (LSF) = French sign language (LSF)SERO-GUILLAUME, P.Meta (Montréal). 1997, Vol 42, Num 3, pp 487-501, issn 0026-0452Article
Pourquoi une formation à l'interprétation de conférence LSF (langue des signes française) en français et de français en LSF ? = Why a training to conference interpretation from LSF (French sign language) to French and from French to LSF ?SERO-GUILLAUME, P.Meta (Montréal). 1997, Vol 42, Num 3, pp 521-532, issn 0026-0452Article
Voiceless aspirates in classical Armenian said to be of Persian originGREPPIN, J. A. C.Annual of Armenian linguistics. 1993, Vol 14, pp 69-89, issn 0271-9800Article
Effect of rhythmic gymnastics on the dynamic balance of children with deafness = L'effet de la gymnastique rythmique sur l'équilibre dynamique des enfants atteints de surditéFOTIADOU, Eleni; GIAGAZOGLOU, Paraskevi; KOKARIDAS, Dimitrios et al.European journal of special needs education. 2002, Vol 17, Num 3, pp 301-309, issn 0885-6257, 9 p.Article
Deaf Learners' Knowledge of English Universal QuantifiersBERENT, Gerald P; KELLY, Ronald R; PORTER, Jeffrey E et al.Language learning. 2008, Vol 58, Num 2, pp 401-437, issn 0023-8333, 37 p.Article
Être et accueillir un adolescent sourd au collège : Apprendre à l'adolescence, apprendre de l'adolescence = Being and welcoming a deaf student in secondary schoolBELFAIS-DUQUESNE, Francoise; BERTIN, Fabrice.La Nouvelle revue de l'adaptation et de la scolarisation. 2005, Num 29, pp 99-113, issn 1957-0341, 15 p.Article