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Protestations territoriales et identités religieusesVASSORT-ROUSSET, Brigitte.Istina (Boulogne-sur-Seine). 2010, Vol 55, Num 2, pp 207-215, issn 0021-2423, 9 p.Article

Historiographie luthérienne et identité confessionnelle au XVIe siècle : le problème des genres historiographiques = Lutheran historiography and confessional identity in the sixteenth century : the problem of historiographical genresPOHLIG, Matthias.Bulletin - Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français. 2006, Vol 152, Num AVRJUN, pp 159-177, issn 0037-9050, 19 p.Article

Rediscovering baptist distinction : The value of Jacques Ellul's theology of the church for baptist identityBEERS, Thomas A.American Baptist quarterly. 2005, Vol 24, Num 4, pp 311-328, issn 0745-3698, 18 p.Article

Baring Their Souls in Online Profiles or Not? Religious Self-Disclosure in Social MediaBOBKOWSKI, Piotr S; PEARCE, Lisa D.Journal for the scientific study of religion. 2011, Vol 50, Num 4, pp 744-762, issn 0021-8294, 19 p.Article

The symbolic significance of women's ordinationCHAVES, M.The Journal of religion. 1997, Vol 77, Num 1, pp 87-114, issn 0022-4189Article

John Wesley : Founder of a missionary church ?ROSE, E. A.Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society. 1996, Vol 50, Num 5, pp 159-170, issn 0043-2873Article

Identite confessionnelle et ŒcumenismeLIENHARD GRENEP, Marc.Etudes théologiques et religieuses. 2007, Vol 82, Num 3, issn 0014-2239, 417-437, 472 [22 p.]Article

Gender, coeducation, and the transformation of Catholic identity in American Catholic higher educationPOULSON, Susan L; HIGGINS, Loretta P.The Catholic historical review. 2003, Vol 89, Num 3, pp 489-510, issn 0008-8080, 22 p.Article

Basel - ein Liebling Gottes : Die Stadt am Rhein als Ort der Erweckungsbewegung = Basel - a beloved by God. The city on the Rhein as place of the revival movementKUHN, T. K.Theologische Zeitschrift. 2000, Vol 56, Num 2, pp 165-185, issn 0040-5701Article

Les protestants de souche vaudoise en Luberon : Une intégration réussie = Protestants of Vaudois stock in Luberon : a successful integrationBORELLO, C.Annales du Midi. 1999, Vol 111, Num 228, pp 421-434, issn 0003-4398, 521 [15 p.]Article

Community, theology and mennonite poetics in the work of Jeff Gundy = Communauté, théologie et poétique mennonite dans le travail de Jell GundyWRIGHT, D.The Mennonite quarterly review. 1998, Vol 72, Num 4, pp 625-638, issn 0025-9373Article

De l'affrontement à la reconnaissance. Petite «phénoménologie» du dialogue œcuménique = From the confrontation to the Recognition. Little Phenomenology of the ecumenical DialogueFAMEREE, J.Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses. 1998, Vol 74, Num 4, pp 344-363, issn 0013-9513Article

Scriptural adaptation in the Adi granthSINGH, P.Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 1996, Vol 64, Num 2, pp 337-357, issn 0002-7189Article

Apologetik als Aufrag der Kirche in öffentlicher Verantwortung = Apologetics and Public Responsability of the ChurchSLENCZKA, R.Kerygma und Dogma. 1995, Vol 41, Num 1, pp 13-33, issn 0023-0707Article

SPIRITUAL, BUT NOT RELIGIOUS: : THE IMPACT OF PARENTAL DIVORCE ON THE RELIGIOUS AND SPIRITUAL IDENTITIES OF YOUNG ADULTS IN THE UNITED STATESZHAI, Jiexia Elisa; ELLISON, Christopher G; STOKES, Charles E et al.Review of religious research. 2008, Vol 49, Num 4, pp 379-394, issn 0034-673X, 16 p.Article

Was ist ,,lutherisch? : Zum Selbstverständnis der Lutheraner des sog. Lutherrats (1936-1948) = What's the specific lutheran identity?HAUSCHILD, Wolf-Dieter.Kerygma und Dogma. 2007, Vol 53, Num 2, pp 124-144, issn 0023-0707, 21 p.Article

Présentation et représentation de soi : confession, identité sociale, stratégies familiales = Presentation and representation of self: confession, social identity, family strategiesCHRISTIN, Olivier.Etudes germaniques. 2002, Vol 57, Num 3, pp 459-471, issn 0014-2115, 13 p.Conference Paper

Who invented Hinduism ?LORENZEN, D. N.Comparative studies in society and history. 1999, Vol 41, Num 4, pp 630-659, issn 0010-4175Article

Beyond the binary : Re-inscribing cultural identity in the literature of mennonitesTIESSEN, H. F.The Mennonite quarterly review. 1998, Vol 72, Num 4, pp 491-501, issn 0025-9373Article

« ECCE PANIS HAERETICORUM » DIVERSITÀ ALIMENTARI ED IDENTITÀ RELIGIOSE NEL ' DE HAERESIBUS ' DI AGOSTINOTASCA, Francesca.Augustinianum. 2010, Vol 50, Num 1, pp 233-253, issn 0004-8011, 21 p.Article

Giving to Organizations that Help People in Need: Differences Across Denominational IdentitiesOTTONI-WILHELM, Mark.Journal for the scientific study of religion. 2010, Vol 49, Num 3, pp 389-412, issn 0021-8294, 24 p.Article

Challenging definitions : Human agency, diverse religious practices and the problems of boundariesRAMEY, Steven W.Numen (Leiden). 2007, Vol 54, Num 1, pp 1-27, issn 0029-5973, 27 p.Article

Identités juives et chrétiennes : France méridionale XIVe-XIXe siècle (études offertes à René Moulinas)Moulinas, René; Audisio, G; Bertrand, R et al.Collection Le temps de l'histoire. 2003, issn 1631-946X, isbn 2-85399-534-8, 306 p., isbn 2-85399-534-8Book

Catholic Greenwich village: Ethnic geography and religious identity in New York City, 1880-1930SHELLEY, Thomas J.The Catholic historical review. 2003, Vol 89, Num 1, pp 60-84, issn 0008-8080, 25 p.Article

Linked lives, faith, and behavior: Intergenerational religious influence on adolescent delinquency = Vies liées, foi et comportement : influence religieuse inter-générations sur la délinquance des adolescentsREGNERUS, Mark D.Journal for the scientific study of religion. 2003, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 189-203, issn 0021-8294, 15 p.Article

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