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Flow Curve Analysis of 17-4 PH Stainless Steel under Hot Compression TestMIRZADEH, Hamed; NAJAFIZADEH, Abbas; MOAZENY, Mohammad et al.Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science. 2009, Vol 40, Num 12, pp 2950-2958, issn 1073-5623, 9 p.Article

Wpływ gniotu, temperatury i predkości odkształcania na opór plastyc˘zny stali = Influence de la pression, de la température et de la vitesse de déformation sur la résistance à la déformation = The influence of draft, of temperature and of the deformation rate on the deformation resistanceWOSIEK, E.Hutnik (Katowice). 1984, Vol 51, Num 10, pp 364-369, issn 0018-8077Article

Installation for studying the mechanical properties of materials at pressures up to 1500 MPaERMOLAEV, G.N.Zavodskaâ laboratoriâ. 1984, Vol 50, Num 11, pp 81-83, issn 0321-4265Article

A device for control of high speed compression testing at constant true strain rates = Eine Einrichtung zur Steuerung einer konstanten Dehnungsgeschwindigkeit bei der Pruefung sehr schneller DruckablaeufeFITZSIMONS, G; KUHN, A.H.Journal of physics. E. Scientific instruments. 1982, Vol 15, Num 5, pp 508-510, issn 0022-3735Article

Characterization and modeling of strain localization in aluminum foam using multiple face analysisWERTHER, D. J; HOWARD, A. J; INGRAHAM, J. P et al.Scripta materialia. 2006, Vol 54, Num 5, pp 783-787, issn 1359-6462, 5 p.Article

Incipient and regular kink bands in fully dense and 10 vol.% porous Ti2AlCZHOU, A. G; BARSOUM, M. W; BASU, S et al.Acta materialia. 2006, Vol 54, Num 6, pp 1631-1639, issn 1359-6454, 9 p.Article

Study of yield behaviour of metals during incremental compression tests, under hot working conditions, using a wedge plastometerMORDRIDGE, A. R.Materials forum (Rushcutters Bay). 1990, Vol 14, Num 1, pp 20-26, issn 0883-2900Article

Study of the mechanical properties of the agglomeration chargePODLUBNYJ, V.F.Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Metally. 1984, Vol 1984, Num 1, pp 8-14, issn 0568-5303Article

Multi-layer compression tests under hot forming conditionsBERNRATH, Gottfried; VOILES, Ralf; KOPP, Reiner et al.Steel research international. 2006, Vol 77, Num 4, pp 265-270, issn 1611-3683, 6 p.Article

Determination of the origin for the dissymmetry observed between tensile and compression tests on shape memory alloysPATOOR, E; EL AMRANI, M; EBERHARDT, A et al.Journal de physique. IV. 1995, Vol 5, Num 2, pp C2.495-C2.500, issn 1155-4339Conference Paper

Toughness evaluation of epoxy resins by compact tension testsNOGUCHI, T; SATO, S; AKAGI, K.-I et al.Zairyo. 1991, Vol 40, Num 455, pp 1118-1124, issn 0514-5163Article

A tri-modal aluminum based composite with super-high strengthJICHUN YE; HAN, Bing Q; LEE, Zonghoon et al.Scripta materialia. 2005, Vol 53, Num 5, pp 481-486, issn 1359-6462, 6 p.Article

Identification of rheological parameters on the basis of various types of compression and tension testsGAWAD, Jerzy; KUZIAK, Roman; MADEJ, Lukasz et al.Steel research international. 2005, Vol 76, Num 2-3, pp 131-137, issn 1611-3683, 7 p.Article

Internal instability of laminated composites with a metal matrixGUZ', I. A.Mechanics of composite materials. 1990, Vol 26, Num 6, pp 762-767, issn 0191-5665Article

Compression behaviour of woven carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy composites with moulded-in and drilled holesGHASEMI NEJHAD, M. N; CHOU, T.-W.Composites. 1990, Vol 21, Num 1, pp 33-40, issn 0010-4361Article

High temperature deformation of a Sn-5 wt.% Cd eutectoid alloy = Déformation à haute température d'un alliage eutectoïde Sn-5% en poids CdSODHI, M. M; MURTY, G. S; VAIDYA, M. L et al.Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals. 1984, Vol 37, Num 6, pp 757-760, issn 0019-493XArticle

On the strength testing of moulding materialsGOMEL'SKIJ, Yu.S; ANTYUKHOV, Yu.N; BOROVITSKIJ, V.N et al.Litejnoe proizvodstvo. 1984, Vol 7, issn 0024-449X, 15Article

Investigation of the Rod Compression Test and Simulation Study of 6061 Aluminum Alloy in the Semisolid StateGHOLAM HOSSEIN ABOUTALEBIAN; MOSADDEGH, Peiman; MORADI, Mehran et al.Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science. 2014, Vol 45, Num 7, pp 3103-3109, issn 1073-5623, 7 p.Article

Instrumental modifications for compressive testing under hydrostatic confining conditions = Modification de l'appareillage pour essais de compression dans des conditions de confinement hydrostatiqueVEYSSIERE, P; RABIER, J; JAULIN, M et al.Revue de physique appliquée. 1985, Vol 20, Num 11, pp 805-811, issn 0035-1687Article

Pruefen, Ueberwachen und Warten von Rohrleitungen = Testing, monitoring and maintenance of pipelinesIndustrie-Anzeiger. 1984, Vol 106, Num 25, pp 24-25, issn 0019-9036Article

Two new methods for testing lubricants for cold forging = Deux nouvelles méthodes pour tester les lubrifiants pour le forgeage à froidHANSEN, B. G; BAY, N.Journal of mechanical working technology. 1986, Vol 13, Num 2, pp 189-204, issn 0378-3804Article

Untersuchungen zur Funktionsfaehigkeit grossformatiger Stahlbetonfertigteile im Kanalbau = An experimental investigation of the performance of large precast reinforced concrete units in sewer constructionROUVÉ, G; PASCHE, E.Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technik. 1984, Vol 50, Num 5, pp 292-298, issn 0373-4331Article

Kinking nonlinear elasticity, damping and microyielding of hexagonal close-packed metalsZHOU, A. G; BASU, S; BARSOUM, M. W et al.Acta materialia. 2008, Vol 56, Num 1, pp 60-67, issn 1359-6454, 8 p.Article

Reduction of porosity in aluminum alloy die castings by compression loadHANGAI, Yoshihiko; KITAHARA, Soichiro; AMADA, Shigeyasu et al.Keikinzoku. 2006, Vol 56, Num 2, pp 112-116, issn 0451-5994, 5 p.Article

The multiaxial yield behaviour of an aluminium alloy foamSRIDHAR, I; FLECK, N. A.Journal of materials science. 2005, Vol 40, Num 15, pp 4005-4008, issn 0022-2461, 4 p.Article

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