kw.\*:("Enanismo hipofisiario")
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Measurement of plasma free and total growth hormone concentrations in patients with growth hormone antibodies developed in response to therapyDEMURA, R; ISHIWATARI, N; NOMURA, T et al.Acta endocrinologica (Oslo). 1989, Vol 120, Num 2, pp 161-169, issn 0001-5598Article
Treatment of pituitary dwarfism with methionyl human growth hormone in JapanTAKANO, K; SHIZUME, K; KATO, K et al.Endocrinologia japonica. 1986, Vol 33, Num 5, pp 589-596, issn 0013-7219Article
Hereditary pituitary dwarfism in mice affects skeletal and cardiac myosin isozyme transitions differentlyWHALEN, R. G; TOUTANT, M; BUTLER-BROWNE, G. S et al.The Journal of cell biology. 1985, Vol 101, Num 2, pp 603-609, issn 0021-9525Article
Traitement du nanisme hypophysaire par l'hormone de croissance humaine: indications, modalités et résultats, perspectives = Management of pituitary dwarfism by human growth hormone: indications, modalities results and prospectsJOB, J. C.La Semaine des hôpitaux de Paris. 1985, Vol 61, Num 28, pp 2040-2047, issn 0037-1777Article
Pituitary-specific transcription factor Pit-1 in the rdw rat with growth hormone- and prolactin-deficient dwarfismONO, M; HARIGAI, T; FURUDATE, S et al.Journal of endocrinology. 1994, Vol 143, Num 3, pp 479-487, issn 0022-0795Article
A case report of growth attenuation during methionyl human growth hormone treatmentOKADA, Y; TAIRA, K; TAKANO, K et al.Endocrinologia japonica. 1987, Vol 34, Num 4, pp 621-626, issn 0013-7219Article
Single dose and pulsatile treatment with human growth hormone in growth hormone deficiencySMITH, P. J; PRINGLE, P. J; BROOK, C. G. D et al.Archives of disease in childhood. 1987, Vol 62, Num 8, pp 849-851, issn 0003-9888Article
Pituitary dwarfism: CT evaluation of the pituitary glandINOUE, Y; NEMOTO, Y; FUJITA, K et al.Radiology. 1986, Vol 159, Num 1, pp 171-173, issn 0033-8419Article
United Kingdom multicentre clinical trial of somatremMILNER, R. D. G; BARNES, N. D; SAVAGE, D. C. L et al.Archives of disease in childhood. 1987, Vol 62, Num 8, pp 776-779, issn 0003-9888Article
Clinical studies with recombinant-DNA-derived methionyl human growth hormone in growth hormone deficient childrenKAPLAN, S. L; UNDERWOOD, L. E; JOHANSEN, A et al.Lancet (British edition). 1986, Num 8483, pp 697-700, issn 0140-6736Article
Russell-Silver syndrome and hypopituitarism: patient report and literature reviewCASSIDY, S. B; BLONDER, O; COURTNEY, V. W et al.American journal of diseases of children (1960). 1986, Vol 140, Num 2, pp 155-159, issn 0002-922XConference Paper
Anesthesia for cesarean section in a pituitary dwarfRATNER, E. F; HAMILTON, C. L.Anesthesiology (Philadelphia). 1998, Vol 89, Num 1, pp 253-254, issn 0003-3022Article
Short stature caused by a mutant growth hormoneTAKAHASHI, Y; KAJI, H; OKIMURA, Y et al.The New England journal of medicine. 1996, Vol 334, Num 7, pp 432-436, issn 0028-4793Article
Dynamic enhancement MRI of anterior lobe in pituitary dwarfismLIU, H. M; LI, Y. W; TSAI, W. Y et al.Neuroradiology (Berlin. Print). 1995, Vol 37, Num 6, pp 486-490, issn 0028-3940Article
Growth hormone secretion during sleep. II, Interrelationships between growth hormone secretion, insulin-like growth factor I and sex steroidsGARNIER, P; NAHOUL, K; GRENIER, J et al.Hormone research. 1990, Vol 34, Num 1, pp 17-22, issn 0301-0163, 6 p.Article
Spontansekretion des Wachstumshormons im nächtlichen Tiefschlaf. II: Untersuchiungen bei hypophysärem Minderwuchs und bei konstitutioneller Entwicklungsverzögerung = Sécrétion spontanée d'hormone de croissance pendant le sommeil nocturne profond. II: Etude dans le nanisme hypophysaire et le retard constitutionnel de croissance = The spontaneous secretion of growth hormone during nocturnal deep sleep: Investigation in pituitary dwarlism and in constitutional delay of growth and adolescenceBIERICH, J. R; BRÜGMANN, G; KIESSLUNG, E et al.Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde. 1989, Vol 137, Num 2, pp 80-85, issn 0026-9298Article
Hypothalamic-pituitary function in growth hormone-deficient patients with pituitary stalk transectionKIKUCHI, K; FUJISAWA, I; MOMOI, T et al.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 1988, Vol 67, Num 4, pp 817-823, issn 0021-972XArticle
Effect of growth hormone therapy on caloric intake in children with growth hormone deficiencyKAPLOWITZ, P. B; JENNINGS, S. S.Nutrition research (New York, NY). 1987, Vol 7, Num 9, pp 901-906, issn 0271-5317Article
Les malformations dentaires et faciales associées à l'insuffisance hypophysaire en hormone de croissance = Dental and facial abnormalities associated with pituitary growth hormone deficiencyLIAPI, C; GINISTY, D; CHAUSSAIN, J. L et al.Archives françaises de pédiatrie. 1985, Vol 42, Num 10, pp 829-833, issn 0003-9764Article
Allongement chirurgical chez les patients de petite taille : indications, complications et résultats = Extensive limb lengthening in short statureMASTRAGOSTINO, S; BOERO, S; CARBONE, M et al.Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et réparatrice de l'appareil moteur. 1994, Vol 80, Num 7, pp 634-641, issn 0035-1040Article
Experiencia clínica del tratamiento del enanismo por deficiencia de hormona del crecimiento con somatotropina biosintética (Somatonorm) = Traitement du nanisme hypophysaire par somatropine biosynthétique = Clinical experience of treatment of growth hormone deficiency dwarfism with biosynthetic somatropinDORANTES-ALVAREZ, L; PARRA-PAREDES, M. S.Boletín Médico del Hospital Infantil de México (Ed. española). 1989, Vol 46, Num 8, pp 531-536, issn 0539-6115Article
Ectopic posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and intractable nocturnal enuresis in a case with pituitary dwarfismKIKUCHI, K; FUJISAWA, I; OHIE, T et al.Acta paediatrica scandinavica. 1989, Vol 78, Num 3, pp 479-481, issn 0001-656X, 3 p.Article
Posterior pituitary ectopia: an MR feature of pituitary dwarfismKELLY, W. M; KUCHARCZYK, W; KUCHARCZYK, J et al.American journal of neuroradiology. 1988, Vol 9, Num 3, pp 453-460, issn 0195-6108Conference Paper
Insuffisance somatotrope: diagnostic, traitement, résultats = Growth hormone insufficiency : diagnosis, treatment, resultsDESPERT, F.Annales d'endocrinologie. 2000, Vol 61, Num 3, pp 208-213, issn 0003-4266Conference Paper
The safety and effectiveness of human growth hormone using pharmacological dosingSLYPER, A.Medical hypotheses. 1995, Vol 45, Num 6, pp 523-528, issn 0306-9877Article