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Results 1 to 25 of 1070

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Neglected slavesBRAUND, D.Vestnik drevnej istorii. 2005, Num 4, pp 24-45, issn 0321-0391, 22 p.Article

Reconstructing the parable of the master and slaveFORSEY, Jane.Kinesis (Carbondale). 2003, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 4-13, issn 0023-1568, 10 p.Article

Living the legacy of slavery : Between discourse and reality = Les ayants droit de l'esclavage. Entre discours et réalitéMCDOUGALL, E. Ann.Cahiers d'études africaines. 2005, Vol 45, Num 3-4, pp 957-986, issn 0008-0055, 30 p.Article

The extraordinary voyage of Elie Neau (1662c.-1722), naturalized Englishman and French Protestant galley slaveWHELAN, Ruth.Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 2011, Vol 29, Num 4, pp 499-527, issn 0957-0756, 29 p.Article

The effected object in contractual legal language : The semantics of if you purchase a hebrew slave (Exod. XXI 2)LEVINSON, Bernard M.Vetus Testamentum. 2006, Vol 56, Num 4, pp 485-504, issn 0042-4935, 20 p.Article

Three Approaches to Locke and the Slave TradeGLAUSSER, W.Journal of the history of ideas (Print). 1990, Vol 51, Num 2, pp 199-216, issn 0022-5037Article

Immagini di « servi » nell'epistolario di s. GerolamoCATELLANI, C.Studia Patavina. 1992, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 557-568, issn 0039-3304Article

Emancipation of slaves in the first century of IslamYAHYA OYEWOLE IMAM.The Islamic quarterly. 1996, Vol 40, Num 2, pp 118-126, issn 0021-1842Article

Aristotle on slavery: recent reactionsPREUS, A.Philosophical inquiry. 1993, Vol 15, Num 3-4, pp 33-47, issn 1105-235XArticle

Studies on the Islamic Law of InheritanceCILARDO, A.Annali. Istituto Orientale di Napoli. 1990, Vol 50, Num 2, VI + 63 p, suppl. 63Serial Issue

Das Problem des Sklaven von Natur' bei Aristoteles = The problem of natural slaves by Aristote = Le problème des esclaves par nature chez AristotePAPADIS, Dimitris.Gymnasium (Heidelberg). 2001, Vol 108, Num 4, pp 345-365, issn 0342-5231Article

SLOVENSKI POSKUSI SINTETICNIH PREDSTAVITEV SLOVENSKE OZIROMA SLOVANSKE MITOLOGIJE OB KNJIGI MITOLOSKO IZROCILO SLOVENCEV = Slovenian Attempts at a Synthetic Presentation of Slovenian and Slavic Mythologies. A Critical Look at Zmago Šmitek's Mitolosko izrocilo Slovencev / Slovenian Mythological TraditionSTANONIK, Marija.Traditiones - Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje, Ljubljana. 2007, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 183-190, issn 0352-0447, 8 p.Article

Nota sobre servus dei en los papiros = Short note on Servus Dei in the papyriO'CALLAGHAN, J.Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 1995, Vol 106, pp 201-202, issn 0084-5388Article

A consuming oppression : Sugar, cannibalism and John Woolman's 1770 slave dreamWHITE, Andrew.Quaker history. 2007, Vol 96, Num 2, pp 1-27, issn 0033-5053, 27 p.Article

Unconditional manumission of slaves in early Islamic law: a hadith analysisMITTER, Ulrike.Der Islam (Berlin). 2001, Vol 78, Num 1, pp 35-72, issn 0021-1818Article

Evidence in the septuagint of a tradition in which the Israelites left Egypt without Pharaoh's consent ?COLLINS, N. L.The Catholic Biblical quarterly. 1994, Vol 56, Num 3, pp 442-448, issn 0008-7912Article

« Des choses et des hommes: la notion de propriété dans l'esclavage. » = Things and people : the notion of property in the slaveryBEAUVOIS, Frédérique.Outre-mers (Saint-Denis). 2012, Vol 100, Num 374-375, pp 207-216, issn 1631-0438, 10 p.Article

Slaves, money lenders, and prisoner guards : The jews and the trade in slaves and captives in the Crimean KhanateKIZILOV, Mikhail.Journal of Jewish studies. 2007, Vol 58, Num 2, pp 189-210, issn 0022-2097, 22 p.Article

The incredible profundity of the truly superficial Nietzsche's 'master' and 'slave' as mental configurationsBORNEDAL, Peter.Nietzsche-Studien. 2004, Vol 33, pp 129-155, issn 0342-1422, 27 p.Article

DID SÎN-UBALLIT RETURN HIS LOANS OR NOT? METHODS OF ARCHIVING AND PLEDGING SLAVE WOMEN BY REASON OF A NEO-BABYLONIAN ARCHIVE = Est-ce que Sîn-uballit a remboursé ses emprunts ou non? Méthodes archivistiques et la mise en gage des esclaves femmes en raison d'archive néo-babylonienneCSEKE, Henrietta.Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale. 2010, Vol 104, pp 163-168, issn 0373-6032, 6 p.Article

Entre la esclavitud y la libertad : Consecuencias legales de la manumisión según el derecho mālikí = Entre l'esclavage et la liberté : Conséquences légales de la manumission du droit mālikí = Between slavery and freedom : Legal consequences of manumission according to the Mālikí lawDE LA PUENTE, Cristina.Al-Qantara (Madrid). 2000, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 339-360, issn 0211-3589Article

Pagine di storia caraibica : Il fenomeno del cimarronaje cubano = Pages of caribbean history : the phenomenon of the Cuban cimarronajeNOBILI, Carlo.Lares. 2000, Vol 66, Num 3, pp 393-398, issn 0023-8503Article

Slave ransoming in German East Africa: 1885-1922SUNSERI, T.The International journal of African historical studies. 1993, Vol 26, Num 3, pp 481-511, issn 0361-7882Article

Sur la date de quelques contrats de vente d'esclave d'époque romaine conservés sur papyrusSTRAUS, J. A.Chronique d'Egypte. 1991, Vol 66, Num 131-132, pp 297-302, issn 0009-6067Article

Nietzschean Perspectivism and the Logic of Practical ReasonREDDING, P.Philosophical forum. 1990, Vol 22, Num 1, pp 72-88, issn 0031-806XArticle

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