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The lower bound for the variance of unbiased estimators for one-directional family of distributionsAKAHIRA, M; TAKEUCHI, K.Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 1987, Vol 39, Num 3, pp 593-610, issn 0020-3157Article

Bias reduction by Taylor seriesWITHERS, C. S.Communications in statistics. Theory and methods. 1987, Vol 16, Num 8, pp 2369-2383, issn 0361-0926Article

Two stage conditionally unbiased estimators of the selected meanCOHEN, A; SACKROWITZ, H. B.Statistics & probability letters. 1989, Vol 8, Num 3, pp 273-278, issn 0167-7152, 6 p.Article

Almost unbiased estimation in multiplicative modelsCHAUBEY, Y. P; SINGH, B.Metrika (Heidelberg). 1988, Vol 35, Num 1, pp 13-28, issn 0026-1335Article

On estimating regression coefficient unbiasedlyPRANESH KUMAR; AHUJA, D. L.Cahiers du Centre d'études de recherche opérationnelle. 1988, Vol 30, Num 1, pp 69-72, issn 0008-9737Article

Unbiased set-valued estimators with minimal riskMEISTER, H; MOESCHLIN, O.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1988, Vol 130, Num 2, pp 426-438, issn 0022-247XArticle

A TWO-PARAMETER FAMILY OF COMPLEX HADAMARD MATRICES OF ORDER 6 INDUCED BY HYPOCYCLOIDSSZÖLLÖSI, Ferenc.Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2010, Vol 138, Num 3, pp 921-928, issn 0002-9939, 8 p.Article

A note on unbiased Bayes estimatesBICKEL, P. J; MALLOWS, C. L.The American statistician. 1988, Vol 42, Num 2, pp 132-134, issn 0003-1305Article

Optimal martingale estimating equation in a stochastic processLLOYD, C. J.Statistics & probability letters. 1987, Vol 5, Num 6, pp 381-387, issn 0167-7152Article

On the asymptotic bias of estimators under parameter driftSHAPIRO, A; BROWNE, M. W.Statistics & probability letters. 1988, Vol 7, Num 3, pp 221-224, issn 0167-7152Article

A superiority problem in misspecified restricted linear modelsMEHDI RAZZAGHI.Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation. 1987, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 899-902, issn 0361-0918Article

A unique unbiased estimator with an interesting propertyMALLOWS, C. L; NAIR, V. N.The American statistician. 1987, Vol 41, Num 3, pp 205-206, issn 0003-1305Article

An unbiased test for the bioequivalence problemBROWN, L. D; HWANG, J. T. G; MUNK, A et al.Annals of statistics. 1997, Vol 25, Num 6, pp 2345-2367, issn 0090-5364Article

Estimating the probability of approximate matchesKURTZ, S; MYERS, G.Lecture notes in computer science. 1997, pp 52-64, issn 0302-9743, isbn 3-540-63220-4Conference Paper

Complete and symmetrically complete families of distributionsMANDELBAUM, A; RUSCHENDORF, L.Annals of statistics. 1987, Vol 15, Num 3, pp 1229-1244, issn 0090-5364Article

Essential uniqueness of optimal estimating functionsKALE, B. K.Journal of statistical planning and inference. 1987, Vol 17, Num 3, pp 405-407, issn 0378-3758Article

Estimation when using a statistic that is not sufficientMEEDEN, G.The American statistician. 1987, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 135-136, issn 0003-1305Article

A B-SHADE based best linear unbiased estimation tool for biased samplesHU, Mao-Gui; WANG, Jin-Feng; YU ZHAO et al.Environmental modelling & software. 2013, Vol 48, pp 93-97, issn 1364-8152, 5 p.Article

Some estimation problems in multistage linear modelsVOLAUFOVA, Julia.Linear algebra and its applications. 2004, Vol 388, pp 389-397, issn 0024-3795, 9 p.Article

Estimateur de variance minimum et familles exponentielles naturelles = Minimum variance unbiased estimator and natural exponential familiesPOMMERET, D.Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique. 1998, Vol 326, Num 5, pp 619-623, issn 0764-4442Article

Unbiased asymptotically optimal estimates for the problem of the NileWITHERS, C. S.Communications in statistics. Theory and methods. 1987, Vol 16, Num 8, pp 2361-2367, issn 0361-0926Article

Locally minimum variance unbiased estimator in a discontinuous density functionAKAHIRA, M; TAKEUCHI, K.Metrika (Heidelberg). 1987, Vol 34, Num 1, pp 1-15, issn 0026-1335Article

Ranked set sampling with non-random selection of sets and errors in rankingRIDOUT, M. S; COBBY, J. M.Applied statistics. 1987, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 145-152, issn 0035-9254Article

A unified approach to minimum variance unbiased estimation of a probability function belonging to an exponential familySAMANTA, M.Communications in statistics. Theory and methods. 1988, Vol 17, Num 10, pp 3413-3426, issn 0361-0926Article

On the equivalence of Pavlov-Ushakov and Kaplan-Meier estimators of survival probability in multiply censored sampleGERTSBAKH, I.Communications in statistics. Theory and methods. 1988, Vol 17, Num 9, pp 2881-2886, issn 0361-0926Article

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